This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 26 2024.
Saint JosĂ© MarĂa Robles Hurtado
Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin
Blessed Giuseppina Catanea
Saint Vigilius of Trent
Saint Anthelm of Belley
Blessed Khalil Al-Haddad
Blessed Andrii Ischak
Saint Pelagius of Oviedo
Blessed Mykola Konrad
Blessed Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
Blessed Volodymyr Ivanovych Pryima
Saint David of Thessalonica
Saint Iosephus Ma Taishun
Saint John of Rome
Saint Paul of Rome
Saint Babolenus of Stavelot-Malmédy
Saint Hermogius of Tuy
Saint Maxentius of Poitou
Blessed Bartholomew de Vir
Saint Edburga of Gloucester
Blessed Sebastian de Burgherre
Saint Pezenne
Saint Terence of Rome
Saint Albinus of Rome
Saint Perseveranda of Poitiers
Saint Perseveranda of Poitiers also known as Pecinna or Pezaine was a holy virgin who, with her sisters Macrina and Columba, founded a convent in Poitiers, France. She died in 726 AD at Sainte-Pezaine, France while fleeing a thief.
Saint Salvius
Saint Salvius also known as Salvio was a bishop near Angouleme, France. He became a missionary at the Flemish in Valenciennes in modern France with Saint Superius.
He was murdered by a greedy local noble who opposed his work in 768 AD at Valenciennes now modern-day France and died as a martyr.
Saint Barbolenus of Fosses
Saint Barbolenus of Fosses also known as Babolen was a monk at Luxeuil Abbey, Burgundy now modern France.
He became abbot of Saint Peter’s Abbey later known as Saint Maur-des-Fossés in northern France. He died in 677 AD.
Saint Deodatus of Nola
Saint Deodatus of Nola was a deacon to Saint Paulinus of Nola. He became archpriest of Nola, Italy and later bishop of Nola.
He died on June 26 473 AD of natural causes and was buried in Nola, Italy. His relics were translated at Benevento, Italy in 839 AD.
Saint John of the Goths
Saint John of the Goths became the bishop of the Goths in South Russia. He was a noted defender of religious images and opposed the iconoclasts. He was driven out by invading Khazars and was never able to return. He died in 800 AD of natural causes.
Saint Superius
Saint Superius became a missionary to the Flemish in Valenciennes in modern France with Saint Salvius. He was murdered by a greedy local noble who opposed the work in 768 AD at Valenciennes in modern France and died as a martyr.
Saint Dionysius of Bulgaria
Saint Dionysius of Bulgaria was an archbishop from Bulgaria. He went on a mission to Russia and built a monastery in Novgorod. He died in 1180 in Kiev, Ukraine of natural causes.
Saint Corbican
Saint Corbican born in Ireland was an eighth-century hermit in the Netherlands where he was known for his charity and endless help to the local people.
Saint Medico of Otricoli
Saint Medico of Otricoli also known as Medicus was a martyr.
Saint Acteie of Rome
Saint Acteie of Rome was a martyr who died in Rome, Italy at an unknown date.
Saint Soadbair
Saint Soadbair also known as Soadbar was a bishop in Ireland.
Martyrs of Africa
Martyrs of Africa is a group of four Christians who were martyred together at an unknown date and location in Africa. Their names are Agapitus, Emerita, Felix and Gaudentius.
Martyrs of Alexandria
Martyrs of Alexandria is a group of three Christians who were martyred together in Alexandria, Egypt. Their names are Agatho, Diogenes and Luceja.
Martyrs of Cambrai
Martyrs of Cambrai are four Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul nuns at Arras, France who were imprisoned together in 1792 and executed together two years later in the anti-Catholic excesses of the French Revolution.
They were guillotined on June 26 1794 at Cambrai, Nord, France. They were beatified in June 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.
Their names are Thérèse-Madeleine Fantou, Marie-Madeleine Fontaine, Marie-Françoise Lanel and Jeanne Gerard.
Other Saints of the Day for June 26 2024
- Rodolfo of Gubbio
- Our Lady of Trompone
- Our Lady of Longing
- Mary Josephine of Jesus Crucified

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