Saint of the Day for March 24 2025

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Today is Wednesday, March 12, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 24 2025.

👉 Saint Catherine of Sweden

Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez

Blessed Bertha de’Alberti of Cavriglia

Blessed John del Bastone

Blessed Diégo Josef of Cádiz

Saint Aldemar the Wise

Saint Caimin of Lough Derg

Saint Hildelith of Barking

Blessed Maria Serafina of the Sacred Heart

Blessed Bertrada of Laon

Saint Macartan of Clogher

Saint Latinus of Brescia

Blessed Brian O’Carolan

Blessed Brian O’Carolan was an Irish priest in the diocese of Meath, Ireland.

He was killed and died as a martyr on March 24 1606 near Trim, Meath, Ireland. He was beatified on September 27 1992 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy.

We celebrate him with an additional memorial on June 20 as one of the Irish Martyrs.

Saint Cairlon of Cashel

St Cairlon of Cashel, also known as Caorlan, was an Irish born and died of natural causes in the 6th century.

He was an abbot and also an Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland. He died and was raised to life through the prayers of St Dageus.

Saint Pigmenius of Rome

St Pigmenius of Rome was also known as Pigmentius, Pigmène, or Pimenius. He was a priest in Rome, Italy, and Tutor to the young Julian the Apostate.

Unfortunately, he was martyred by the order of Julian and drowned to death in the Tiber River in 362 AD.

Saint Domangard of Maghera

St Domangard of Maghera, also known as Donard, died in 500 AD. He was a hermit on the mountain now Slieve-Donard, Ireland after his memory. Additionally, he was the patronage of Maghera, County Down, Ireland.

Saint Secundus of North Africa

St Secundus of North Africa, also known as Secondino or Secundulus, was a brother of St Romulus and died as a martyr in Mauritania.

Saint Epigmenius of Rome

St Epigmenius of Rome, also known as Epigmène, died in 300 AD in Rome, Italy. He was a priest in Rome, Italy, and was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Timothy of Rome

St Timothy of Rome died as a martyr in 148 AD in Rome, Italy. Pope Pius I mentioned him in a letter to the bishop of Vienne, Gaul.

Saint Agapitus of Synnada

St Agapitus of Synnada was a third-century bishop of Synnada, Phrygia. Art often represents him as a man standing between a mitre and a suit of armour.

Saint Mark of Rome

St Mark of Rome died as a martyr in 148 AD in Rome, Italy. Pope Pius I mentioned him in a letter to the bishop of Vienne, Gaul.

Saint Bernulf of Mondovì

St Bernulf of Mondovì, also known as Bernulf of Asti or Bernolfo of Mondovì, was a bishop of Mondovi, Italy.

Saint Romulus of North Africa

St Romulus of North Africa died as a martyr in Northern Africa. He was a brother of St Secundus.

Saint Epicharis of Rome

St Epicharis of Rome was a priest in Rome, Italy. He died in 300 AD as a martyr.

Saint Seleucus of Syria

St Seleucus of Syria was a Syrian-born martyr.

Saint Severo of Catania

St Severo of Catania was a bishop of Catania, Italy.

Martyrs of Africa

Martyrs of Africa was a group of Christians murdered for their faith in Africa but the date is still unknown.

Their names are;

  • Victorinus
  • Saturninus
  • Salitor
  • Rogatus
  • Joseph
  • Coliondola
  • Catula
  • Autus
  • Aprilis

Martyrs of Caesarea

Martyrs of Caesarea was a group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. They were beheaded in 303 AD at Caesarea, Palestine.

Their names are;

  • Timolaus
  • Romulus
  • Pausis
  • Dionysius
  • Alexander
  • Agapius
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 24 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 24 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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