Saint of the Day for March 26 2025

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Today is Wednesday, February 26, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 26 2025.

👉Saint Ludger of Utrecht

Blessed Maddalena Caterina Morano

Saint Castulus of Rome

Saint Bercharius

Saint Peter of Sebaste

Saint Basil the Younger

Saint Eutychius of Alexandria

Saint Barontius of Pistoia

Saint Maxima the Martyr

Saint Govan

Saint Emmanuel

Saint Quadratus of Anatolia

Saint Mochelloc of Kilmallock

St Mochelloc of Kilmallock also known as Celloch, Cellog, Motalogus, or Mottelog. He was an abbot at Kilmallock, Ireland and died in 639 AD. He is the patron saint of Kilmallock, Limerick, Ireland.

Saint Montanus the Martyr

St Montanus the Martyr, also known as Montano, drowned to death in 304 AD. He was a priest and also married to and martyred with St Maxima the martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Sincheall of Killeigh

St Sincheall of Killeigh was a spiritual student of St Patrick and a founder of the Killeigh monastery in Offaly, Ireland. He died in the 5th century.

Saint Felicitas of Padua

St Felicitas of Padua was a nun in Padua, Italy, and died in the 9th century. Her relics are in the church of St Justina, Padua, Italy.

Saint Desiderius of Pistoia

St Desiderius of Pistoia, also known as Dizier or Desiderio, was a hermit at Pistoia, Italy, and a friend of St Barontius of Pistoia.

Saint Theodosius

St Theodosius, also known as Teodosio, died in 304 AD in Anatolia, Asia Minor. He was martyred with 42 companions in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Sabino of Anatolia

St Sabino of Anatolia died in 304 AD in Anatolia, Asia Minor. He was martyred with 42 companions in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Bathus

St Bathus was burned to death in their church in 370 AD somewhere in the Balkans. He was martyred along with his wife, two sons, and two daughters for their faith.

Saint Felix of Trier

St Felix of Trier died in 400 AD. He was a bishop of Trier, Germany in 386 AD, consecrated by St Martin of Tours.

Saint Wereka

St Wereka was burned to death in their church in 370 AD somewhere in the Balkans. He died as a martyr.

Saint Garbhan

St Garbhan was a seventh-century Irish-born abbot at Dungarvan, Ireland.

Martyrs of Rome

Martyrs of Rome was a group of Christians martyred together. They died in Rome, Italy but the dates are still unknown.

Their names are;

  • Cassian
  • Jovinus
  • Marcian
  • Peter
  • Thecla
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 26 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 26 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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