Saint of the Day for May 8 2024

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 8 2024.

Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel

Blessed Ulrika Fransiska Nisch

Blessed Clara Fey

Blessed Teresa Demjanovich

Blessed Henri Vergès

Pope Saint Boniface IV

Blessed Paul-Hélène Saint Raymond

Our Lady of Luján

Saint Acacius of Byzantium

Saint Victor Maurus

Saint Amatus Ronconi

Blessed Aloysius Luis Rabata

Saint Ida of Metz

Pope Saint Benedict II

Blessed Angelo of Massaccio

Saint Desideratus of Bourges

Saint Metrone of Verona

Saint Otger of Utrecht

Saint Wiro of Utrecht

Saint Wiro of Utrecht also known as Wirone, was born in the British Isles though location varies from source to source, and lived as a bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands.

He was said to be one of the Apostles of Frisia and also brought about the founding of a monastery at Odiliënberg, Netherlands.

He died in the year 753 AD of natural causes, laid to rest in Roermond, Netherlands. His tomb was later discovered in the 19th century, in the year 1881, in the month of August.

Blessed Raymond of Toulouse

Blessed Raymond of Toulouse was the son of the Count de Montfort and a cousin of Blessed George of Lauria.

Raymond decided to join the Mercedarians during his pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Montserrat and took the habit at the convent of Santa Eulalia in Barcelona, Spain. He was a Zealous evangeliser and was made cardinal-priest in the year 1335 by Pope Benedict XII.

Saint Gibrian

Saint Gibrian, also known as, Abran, Gybrian, Gobrian or Gibriano born in Ireland and was brother of Saint Tressan, Saint Helan, Saint Germanus, Saint Abran, Saint Petran, Saint Franca, Saint Promptia, and Saint Possenna.

He lived as a hermit in Brittany in northern France, was a priest and worked with Saint Remigius.

He died in the year 515 AD.

Blessed Domenico di San Pietro

Blessed Domenico di San Pietro was remembered to have lived as a Mercedarian and helped ransom 187 Christians held in slavery by the North African Moors.

Blessed Pietro de Alos

Blessed Pietro de Alos also lived as a Mercedarian and helped ransom 187 Christians held in slavery by the North African Moors.

Saint Helladius of Auxerre

Saint Helladius of Auxerre was said to have lived as a bishop of Auxerre, France for three decades. He is remembered for having converted Saint Amator, his successor as bishop to the faith of Christianity.

He died in the year 387 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Arsenio of Scetis

Saint Arsenio of Scetis was born in the 4th century and lived as a deacon and a hermit at Mount Scetis, Egypt.

He died in the 5th century.

Saint Martin of Saujon

Saint Martin of Saujon lived as a monk, and an Abbott and was also a priest in the 6th century in Saujon, Saintes, France.

Saint Peter of Besançon

Saint Peter of Besançon is remembered to have lived as a bishop of Besançon, France.

Other Saint of the Day for May 8 2024

  • Peter Petroni
  • Our Lady of Sterpeto
  • Our Lady of Grace
  • Our Lady of Divine Providence
  • Mary Catherine Simon of Saint Augustine
  • Giovanni Vici of Stroncone
  • Bernardino of Bustis
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 8 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 8 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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