Saint of the Day for November 27 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 27 2024.

👉 Saint Laverius

Blessed Bernardine of Fossa

Saint Virgilius of Salzburg

Saint Secundinus of Ireland

Saint Maximus of Riez

Saint Fergus the Pict

Blessed Bronislao Kostkowski

Saint Gulstan

Saint James Intercisus

Saint Eusician

Saint Barlaam

Blessed Juan Antonio de Bengoa Larriñaga

Saint Acharius of Tournai

Blessed José Pérez González

Saint Severinus the Hermit

St Severinus the Hermit, also known as Severin, died in 540 AD in the Latin Quarter of Paris, France of natural causes.

He was a hermit in Paris, France, living in a walled-up cell. He is acknowledged as a spiritual teacher of Saint Cloud.

His relics are enshrined in the Cathedral of Notre Dame.

Saint Bilhild

St Bilhild also known as Bilhildis was born to the nobility in 630 AD near Würzburg, Germany. She was a wife to the Duke of Thuringia.

She later became a widow. She founded the convent of Altenmünster in Mainz, Germany. She died in 710 AD.

Saint Hirenarchus of Sebaste

St Hirenarchus of Sebaste was also known as Hirenarkus, Hiernarkus, or Hiernarchus. He died in 305 AD at Sebaste, Armenia.

Additionally, he was a pagan but got converted while witnessing the faith of the Martyrs of Sebaste during their persecution, and later he was martyred with them.

Saint Acacius of Sebaste

St Acacius of Sebaste was a priest at Sebaste, Armenia. He was martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian with Saint Hirenachus and seven female companions whose names are yet to be known.

He died in 305 AD at Sebaste, Armenia.

Saint Valerian of Aquileia

St Valerian of Aquileia was a bishop of Aquileia, Italy. He fought for years to eradicate Arianism however he died in 389 AD.

Saint Facundus

St Facundus, also known as Facundo, was a martyr born in Léon, Spain. The monastery of Sahagun, Spain, and the town that grew up around it, was named in his honour.

He was beheaded in 300 AD in Sahagun, Spain.

Saint Siffred of Carpentras

St Siffred of Carpentras, also known as Siffrein, Suffredus, or Syffroy, was born in Albano, Italy.

He was a monk at Lérins Abbey and bishop of Carpentras, France. He died in 540 AD.

Saint John Angeloptes

St John Angeloptes was a bishop of Ravenna, Italy in 430 AD. He was the metropolitan of Aemilia and Flaminia.

In addition, he once received a vision of an angel who helped him celebrate the Eucharist. He later died of natural causes in 433 AD.

Saint John of Pavia

St John of Pavia was a ninth-century bishop of Pavia, Italy for 12 years.

He was noted for his care for the poor, his insistence on clerical discipline, and his work against vice in the general population of his diocese.

Saint Primitivus of Sahagun

St Primitivus of Sahagun, also known as Primitivo of Sahagun, was a Martyr born in Léon, Spain.

He was later beheaded in 300 AD at Sahagun, Spain.

Saint Apollinaris of Monte Cassino

St Apollinaris of Monte Cassino died in 828 AD. He was an abbot of Monte Cassino Abbey for eleven years.

Saint Gallgo

Saint Gallgo was born in Welsh and was a sixth-century founder of the Llanallgo monastery in Anglesey, Wales.

Martyrs of Antioch

Martyrs of Antioch is a group of Christians martyred together for their faith.

Their names are;

Martyrs of Nagasaki

Martyrs of Nagasaki were Christians in a group of eleven who were martyred together for their faith during a period of official persecution in Japan.

They were beatified on May 7 1867 by Pope Pius IX. They died on November 27 1619 in Nagasaki, Japan.

Their names are;

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.

These are the names of some of them.

Other Saints of the Day for November 27 2024

  • Vindician
  • Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
  • James of Rostov
  • Gregory of Sinai
  • Fabiola
  • Edwold of Cerne
  • Congar of Congresbury
  • Angelus Sinesius

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 27 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 27 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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