Saint of the Day for November 28 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 28 2024.

👉 Saint James of the Marches

Saint Catherine Laboure

Blessed Luis Campos Górriz

Saint Anrê Tran Van Trông

Saint Sosthenes of Colophon

Blessed James Thompson

Saint Simeon the Logothete

Saint Irenarcus

St Irenarcus also known as Irenarco or Irénarque was a martyr who was beheaded in the 4th-century Sebaste, Armenia.

An official torturer and executioner who murdered Christians in the persecutions of Diocletian.

He was so impressed by the courage and faith of his victims, the women in particular, that he converted.

Blessed Calimerius of Montechiaro

Blessed Calimerius of Montechiaro was born in 1430 AD in Italy and later died of natural causes in 1521 AD.

He was a Dominican who spent a long life preaching throughout Italy. When he was 90 years old and unable to climb into the pulpit, parishioners would lift him into it so he could preach.

Blessed Theodora of Rossano

Blessed Theodora of Rossano also known as Teodora died in 980 AD near Rossano, Calabria, Italy of natural causes she was a nun and also a spiritual student of Saint Nilus the Younger.

In addition, she was an abbess.

Saint Honestus of Nimes

St Honestus of Nimes was born in Nimes, France, and died in 207 AD at Pamplona, Spain at Convert.

He was a priest and evangelized in Spain with St Saturninus, who converted him to the faith. He died as a martyr.

Saint Hippolytus of Saint-Claude

St Hippolytus of Saint-Claude was a Benedictine monk. He died of natural causes in 775 AD.

He was also an abbot and bishop of St-Claude, France.

Saint Hilary of Dijon

St Hilary of Dijon was a fifth-century senator who died in 5th century in Dijon, France.

He was the husband of St Quieta with whom he was martyred.

Saint Quieta of Dijon

St Quieta of Dijon died in the 5th century Dijon, France. She was the wife of St Hilary and they were martyred together.

Saint Rufus

St Rufus was born an imperial Roman citizen and died in 304 AD. He was martyred with his entire household in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Fionnchu of Bangor

St Fionnchu of Bangor was a sixth-century abbot at Bangor, Ireland.

Saint Papius

St Papius died as a martyr in 303 AD, probably in Sicily.

Martyrs of Constantinople

Martyrs of Constantinople were a group of over 300 Christians martyred during the persecutions of the Iconoclast emperors.

More information on Saint Stephen the Younger is known, but for the others, we have nothing but seven of their names

Their names are;

Martyrs of North Africa

Martyrs of North Africa were a group of thirteen clerics killed or exiled in the persecutions of Arian Vandals in North Africa.

Their names are;

Martyrs of Tiberiopolis

Martyrs of Tiberiopolis died in 361 AD at Tiberiopolis, Phyrgia (in modern Turkey).

They were a group of fourteen Christian laymen, deacons, priests, and bishops who were martyred together in the persecutions of Julian the Apostate.

Their names are;

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War were thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  1. Blessed Vicente Blanco Guadilla
  2. Blessed Vicente Andrés Llop Gaya
  3. Blessed Serviliano Riaño Herrero
  4. Blessed Senén García González
  5. Blessed Samuel Pajares García
  6. Blessed Sabino Rodrigo Fierro
  7. Blessed Ramiro Frías García
  8. Blessed Publio Rodríguez Moslares
  9. Blessed Pedro María Alcalde Negredo
  10. Blessed Pedro de Alcántara Bernalte Calzado
  11. Blessed Pascual Aláez Medina
  12. Blessed Marcos Pérez Andrés
  13. Blessed Marcelino Sánchez Fernández
  14. Blessed Manuel Gutiérrez Martín
  15. Blessed Manuel álvarez Rego
  16. Blessed Luis Campos Górriz
  17. Blessed Lucinio Ruiz Valtierra
  18. Blessed Justo González Lorente
  19. Blessed Justo Gil Pardo
  20. Blessed Justo Fernández González
  21. Blessed Julián Plazaola Artola
  22. Blessed Juan Pedro del Cotillo Fernández
  23. Blessed Juan María Múgica Goiburu
  24. Blessed Juan José Caballero Rodríguez
  25. Blessed Juan Jesús Adradas Gonzalo
  26. Blessed Juan Herrero Arroyo
  27. Blessed Juan Baldajos Pérez
  28. Blessed Juan Antonio Pérez Mayo
  29. Blessed Juan Alcalde y Alcalde
  30. Blessed José Vega Riaño
  31. Blessed José Ruiz Cuesta
  32. Blessed José Prieto Fuentes
  33. Blessed José Peque Iglesias
  34. Blessed José Mora Velasco
  35. Blessed José Guerra Andrés
  36. Blessed Isidoro Martínez Izquierdo
  37. Blessed Gregorio Escobar García
  38. Blessed Francisco Polvorinos Gómez
  39. Blessed Francisco Esteban Lacal
  40. Blessed Eleuterio Prado Villaroel
  41. Blessed Eduardo Bautista Jiménez
  42. Blessed Daniel Gómez Lucas
  43. Blessed Clemente Rodríguez Tejerina
  44. Blessed Clemente Díez Sahagún
  45. Blessed Cecilio Vega Domínguez
  46. Blessed Cándido Castán San José
  47. Blessed Bernardino Álvarez Melcón
  48. Blessed Benito Alcalde González
  49. Blessed Balbino Villaroel y Villaroel
  50. Blessed Avelino Rodríguez Alonso
  51. Blessed Antonio Meléndez Sánchez
  52. Blessed Antonio Hilario Delgado Vílchez
  53. Blessed Ángel Sastre Corporales
  54. Blessed Ángel Francisco Bocos Hernández

Other Saints of the Day for November 28 2024

  • Our Lady of Kibeho
  • Theodore of Rostov
  • Callen of Rogart

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 28 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 28 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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