Saint of the Day for November 30 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 30 2024.

👉 Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle

Blessed John of Vercelli

Saint Castulus of Rome

Blessed Everard of Stahleck

Saint Cuthbert Mayne

Blessed Frederick of Regensburg

Saint Galganus

Saint Joseph Marchand

Blessed Ludwik Roch Gietyngier

Saint Tudwal of Tréguier

Saint Thaddeus Liu Ruiting

Saint Anders of Slagelse

Blessed Joscius Roseus

Blessed Alexander Crow

Saint Isaac of Beth-Seleucia

Saint Sapor

Saint Simeon of Persia

Saint Mahanes the Persian

Saint Abraham of Persia

Blessed Andrew of Antioch

Saint Crider of Cornwall

Saint Maura of Constantinople

St Maura of Constantinople died at Constantinople (modern Istanbul, Turkey) as a Virgin and martyr. No details of her life have survived.

An island in the Ionian Sea is named in her honour. Her devotion was widespread in the East.

Julian the Apostate unsuccessfully tried to suppress devotion to her.

Saint Mirocles of Milan

St Mirocles of Milan, also known as Merocles or Mirocleto, died of natural causes in 318 AD. He was an archbishop of Milan, Italy, a writer, and also attended the Council of Rome in 313 AD.

He was one of the originators of the Ambrosian liturgy and chant. His life and works were praised by Saint Ambrose of Milan.

Saint Trojan

St Trojan, also known as Troyen, died in 533 AD. His father was Jewish, his mother was Arabic, and Trojan was an adult convert to Christianity.

He was also a priest and a student of Saint Vivien. He was considered a beloved bishop of Saintes, France.

Blessed William de Paulo

Blessed William de Paulo was born in Catania, Sicily, and died of natural causes in 1423 AD.

He was a Benedictine monk at San Niccolo dell’ Arena and also an abbot at Maniaco, assigned to restore discipline.

Saint Zosimus the Wonder Worker

St Zosimus the Wonder Worker, also known as Zosimus of Palestine, died in the 6th century of natural causes.

He was a hermit in Palestine and also a miracle worker.

Blessed Arnold of Gemblours

Blessed Arnold of Gemblours died of natural causes in 1155 AD.

He was a Benedictine monk at Saint-Nicaise Abbey, Rheims, France, and also an abbot of Gemblours Abbey in Belgium.

Saint Constantius of Rome

St Constantius of Rome was a priest in Rome, Italy. Opposed Pelagianism, and was murdered in 418 AD in Rome, Italy by its adherents.

Saint Justina of Constantinople

St Justina of Constantinople died at Constantinople as a martyred maiden.

Saint Merola of Antioch

St Merola of Antioch, also known as Merula, died in 400 AD in Antioch, Syria as a martyr.

Saint Domninus of Antioch

St Domninus of Antioch died as a martyr in 400 AD at Antioch, Syria.

Saint Euprepis of Rome

St Euprepis of Rome was martyred in Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Saxony

Martyrs of Saxony were missionaries who worked with Saint Willehad of Bremen. They were

  • Attroban
  • Benjamin
  • Emmingen
  • Folkard
  • Gerwald
  • Grisold

They later died as martyrs on November 30 782 AD at River Weser, Lawer Saxony, Germany.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  1. Blessed Victor Cuesta Villalba
  2. Blessed Vicente Angulo García
  3. Blessed Tomás Sánchez López
  4. Blessed Saturnino Sanz y Sanz
  5. Blessed Santiago García Molina
  6. Blessed Román Martín Mata
  7. Blessed Ricardo Marcos Reguero
  8. Blessed Ramón Juan Costa
  9. Blessed Ramiro Alonso López
  10. Blessed Rafael Touceda Fernández
  11. Blessed Pedro Simón Ferrero
  12. Blessed Pedro Martínez Ramos
  13. Blessed Pedro de la Varga Delgado
  14. Blessed Pedro Carvajal Pereda
  15. Blessed Nicéforo Salvador del Río
  16. Blessed Nemesio García Rubio
  17. Blessed Nemesio Díez Fernández
  18. Blessed Miguel Iturrarán Laucirica
  19. Blessed Miguel Francisco Rueda Mejías
  20. Blessed Miguel Cerezal Calvo
  21. Blessed Melchor Martínez Antuña
  22. Blessed Máximo Valle García
  23. Blessed Matías Espeso Cuevas
  24. Blessed Martín Arbé Barrón
  25. Blessed Mariano Revilla Rico
  26. Blessed María del Olvido Noguera Albelda
  27. Blessed Marcos Guerrero Prieto
  28. Blessed Manuel Miguel Sánchez
  29. Blessed Macario Sánchez López
  30. Blessed Luis Suárez-Valdés Díaz de Miranda
  31. Blessed Luis Palacios Lozano
  32. Blessed Luis Abia Melendro
  33. Blessed León Alesanco Maestro
  34. Blessed Julio María Fincias
  35. Blessed Julio Marcos Rodríguez
  36. Blessed Julián Zarco Cuevas
  37. Blessed Juan Sánchez y Sánchez
  38. Blessed Juan Peña Ruiz
  39. Blessed Juan Monedero Fernández
  40. Blessed Josep Maria Dalmau Regás
  41. Blessed José Otín Aquilué
  42. Blessed José Noriega González
  43. Blessed José López Piteira
  44. Blessed José Gando Uña
  45. Blessed José Antonio Pérez García
  46. Blessed José Agustín Fariña Castro
  47. Blessed Joaquín García Ferrero
  48. Blessed Jesús Largo Manrique
  49. Blessed Jesús Gesta Piquer
  50. Blessed Isidro Mediavilla Campos
  51. Blessed Heliodoro Merino y Merino
  52. Blessed Gregorio Álvarez Fernández
  53. Blessed Gerardo Pascual Mata
  54. Blessed Gerardo Gil Leal
  55. Blessed Francisco Marcos Del Río
  56. Blessed Francisco Fuente Puebla
  57. Blessed Esteban García Suárez
  58. Blessed Emiliano Santamaría Angulo
  59. Blessed Dionisio Terceño Vicente
  60. Blessed Dámaso Arconada Merino
  61. Blessed Constantino Malumbres Francés
  62. Blessed Conrado Rodríguez Gutiérrez
  63. Blessed Bernardino Calle Franco
  64. Blessed Benito Velasco y Velasco
  65. Blessed Benito Rodríguez González
  66. Blessed Benito Garnelo Álvarez
  67. Blessed Arturo García de la Fuente
  68. Blessed Arturo Donoso Murillo
  69. Blessed Antonio Martínez Gil-Leonis
  70. Blessed Amado Cubeñas Díaz-Madrazo
  71. Blessed Agustín Renedo Martín

Other Saints of the Day for November 30 2024

  • Pompea of Langoat
  • Berenguer de Ostales

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 30 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 30 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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