Saint of the Day for September 12 2024

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Today is Saturday, July 13, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 12 2024.

👉 Feast of the Holy Name of Mary

Saint Guy of Anderlecht

Saint Franciscus Ch’oe Kyong-Hwan

Blessed Apolinar Franco

Blessed Pierre-Sulpice-Christophe Faverge

Saint Eanswith

Blessed Ebontius of Babastro

Saint Autonomus

Saint Juventius of Pavia

St Juventius was the first bishop of Pavia, Italy, and an evangelist in the first century AD. He worked with Saint Hermagoras of Aquileia and Saint Syrus of Pavia.

Saint Curonotus

St Curonotus was also known as Curomotus. He was the Bishop of Iconium, Asia Minor. In 258 AD, he was martyred in Asia Minor during the persecutions of Valerian.

Saint Silvinus of Verona

St Silvinus of Verona was also known as Silvino. He was the Bishop of Verona, Italy. He died in 550 AD.

Martyrs of Alexandria

The Martyrs of Alexandria are a group of Christians who, in 300 AD, were drowned and martyred at Alexandria, Egypt during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are;

  • Hieronides
  • Leontius
  • Sarapion
  • Seleusius
  • Straton
  • Valerian

Martyrs of Phrygia

The Martyrs of Phrygia were three Christians who, in 362 AD, were burned to death and martyred in Phrygia, Turkey for destroying pagan idols.

Their names are;

  • Macedonius
  • Tatian
  • Theodolus

205 Martyrs of Japan

These 205 Martyrs of Japan are part of the thousands of people who were killed during the anti-Catholic persecutions of Japan. 

Some of their names are;

  • Blessed Tomás de Zumárraga Lazcano
  • Blessed Paul of Saint Clare
  • Blessed Mancius of Saint Thomas
  • Blessed Francis of Saint Bonaventure
  • Blessed Dominic Magoshichi

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Julián Delgado Díez
  • Blessed Josep Plana Rebugent
  • Blessed Jaume Puigferrer Mora
  • Blessed Francisco Maqueda López
  • Blessed Fortunato Arias Sánchez

Other Saints of the Day for September 12 2024

  • Tesaurus Beccheria
  • Our Lady of Lipa
  • Molaise of Devenish
  • Gold Ring Mass
  • Degenhard of Bischofsmais
  • Daniel of Thasos
  • Christopher Outers
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 12 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 12 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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