Saint of the Day for September 13 2024

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Today is Sunday, March 9, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 13 2024.

👉 Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor

Blessed Gertrude Prosperi

Blessed María López de Rivas Martínez

Saint Amatus

Saint Aigulf

Blessed Claude Dumonet

Saint Venerius of Tino

Blessed Elizabeth Kearney

Blessed Theobald Stapleton

Blessed Thomas Morrissey

Blessed Margaret of Cashel

Blessed Edward Stapleton

Blessed Richard Butler

Blessed William Boyton

Blessed Richard Barry

Saint Litorius of Tours

Blessed James Saul

Saint Maurilius of Angers

St Maurilius of Angers was born in Milan, Italy and was a spiritual student of Saint Martin of Tours in France. He was a missionary and later became the Bishop of Angers, France in 407 AD. He died in 430 AD.

Saint Amatus of Sion

St Amatus of Sion was a monk and an Abbot at Agaunum, Switzerland. He later became the Bishop of Sion, Switzerland.

A false accusation was made against him and consequently, he was exiled from his see. First, he was sent to Péronne, France, and thereafter to Breuil, France where he lived as a prayerful monk and a role model. In 690 AD, he died of natural causes

Blessed Hedwig of Herford

Blessed Hedwig was also known as Hadwigis of Herford. She was the niece of Blessed Warinus of Corvey. She was a Benedictine nun and Abbess of Herford in Westphalia, Germany. She died in 887 AD.

Saint Julian of Ankyra

St Julian of Ankyra was also known as Julian of Galatia He was a priest who, in 321 AD, was martyred in Ankyra, Galatia Turkey during the persecution of emperor Licinius.

Saint Barsenorius

St Barsenorius was a monk and a spiritual student of Saint Leutfridus. He became the Abbot of La-Croix-Saint-Leuffroi Abbey in France.

He died in the 7th century and his relics are found in Fécamp, France.

Saint Macrobius

St Macrobius was born in Cappadocia, Turkey. In 321 AD, he was martyred in Tomis near the Black Sea, Turkey during the persecution of emperor Licinius.

Saint Philip of Rome

St Philip of Rome was the father of Saint Eugenia of Rome. He was the boss of Saint Protus of Rome and Saint Hyacinth of Rome. He died in the 3rd century.

Saint Evantius of Autun

St Evantius of Autun was also known as Evancius or Evance. He was a French Bishop of Autun, France in 400 AD.

Saint Columbinus of Lure

St Columbinus of Lure was a spiritual student of Saint Deicola. He became a monk and then the Abbot of Lure in France. He died in 680 AD.

Saint Emiliano of Valence

St Emiliano of Valence was the first bishop of Valence, Gallia Lugdunensis, France in the 4th century.

Saint Nectarius of Autun

St Nectarius of Autun was a friend of Saint Germanus of Paris and the Bishop of Autun, France. He died in 550 AD.

Saint Ligorius

St Ligorius was a Christian living in the desert who was killed by a pagan mob and died as a martyr. His relics are venerated in Venice, Italy.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Teófilo Montes Calvo
  • Blessed Sabino Ayastuy Errasti
  • Blessed Ramiro Argüelles Hevia
  • Blessed Pío Navarro Moreno
  • Blessed Manuel Martínez Giménez
  • Blessed Manuel Alvarez y Alvarez
  • Blessed Luis Eduardo López Gascón
  • Blessed Juan Ibáñez Martín
  • Blessed Juan Capel Segura
  • Blessed José Román García González
  • Blessed José Cano García
  • Blessed José Álvarez-Benavides de La Torre
  • Blessed Joaquín Gisbert Aguilera
  • Blessed Francisco Rodríguez Martínez
  • Blessed Florencio Arnáiz Cejudo
  • Blessed Emilio Antequera Lupiáñez
  • Blessed Bienvenido Villalón Acebrón

Other Saints of the Day for September 13 2024

  • Marcellino of Carthage
  • Bernard the Pilgrim
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 13 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 13 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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