This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 17 2024.
Saint Silaus of Lucca
Saint Silaus of Lucca, also known as Silave, Silan or Father of the Poor was born in Ireland, lived as a monk and also as an Abbot of Saint Bredan’s Abbey.
He also lived as a bishop and later in his life, he moved to Italy where he was recognized for his charity to the poor.
He died in the year 1100 AD in Lucca, Italy and was canonized by Pope Lucius III in the year 1183 AD.
Saint Cathan of Bute
Saint Cathan of Bute, also known as Cadan, Catan or Chattan was born in Ireland and was the Uncle of Saint Blane.
He lived as a bishop on the Isle of Bute, Scotland, an area an area now known as Kil-Cathan in the 6th century in his honor.
His time and place of passing is unknown but his tomb is located at Tamlacht, Ireland and relics at Tamlacht and on the Isle of Bute, Scotland.
Saint Fionnchan of Druim-Eanaigh
Saint Fionnchan of Druim-Eanaigh, also known as Fionnchan of Droma Enaigh, Fionnchan of Druim Fes, Fionnchan of Druim Fesi, Fionnchan of Druim Fess or Finnchan, Findchanus was believed to have lived as a Bishop of Druim-Eanaigh, Ireland in the 6th century.
Saint Maw
Saint Maw was born in Ireland and immigrated to Cornwall, England to live as a hermit by the sea near Falmouth.
He brought about the spreading of Christianity in the area he lived in and he built himself a reputation for piety that led to him having future students.
In his honor, the area of his hermitage and a holy well are named after him, Saint Mawes.
Saint Mailduf of Malmesbury
Saint Mailduf of Malmesbury, also known as Maeldulph, Maildubh or Maildulf was born in Ireland and lived as a monk, an Abbot and brought about the founding of the monastery at Malmesbury, England.
He was also a spiritual teacher of Saint Aldhelm of Sherborne. He died in the year 673 AD.
Saint Victor Roma
Saint Victor Roma, also known as, Victor of Basilla or Vittore was believed to have died as a martyr in the cemetery of Basilla on the Via Salaria Antica in Rome, Italy, in the 4th century.
Saint Adrione of Alexandria
Saint Adrione of Alexandria, also known as Adrian or Adriano was born in Adria, Italy and was believed to have died as a martyr in Alexandria, Egypt in the 4th century.
Saint Heraclius of Noviodunum
Saint Heraclius of Noviodunum, also known as Eraclio was believed to have died as a martyr at Noviodunum, Mesia (in modern Romania) in the 4th century.
Saint Solochanus of Chalcedon
Saint Solochanus of Chalcedon lived as a soldier and was said to have been martyred in Chalcedon along with many of his Christian companions in the persecutions of emperor Maximian.
Saint Thethmar
Saint Thethmar, also known as Theodemar, lived as a Premonstratensian canon and was also a missionary to the Wends in Germany, working with Saint Vicelin of Oldenburg. He died in the year 1152 AD.
Saint Paul of Noviodunum
Saint Paul of Noviodunum, also known as Paolo, was believed to have died as a martyr at Noviodunum, Mesia (in modern Romania) in the 4th century.
Martyrs of Alexandria
Adrio, Basilla and Victor are the names of those commonly known as the Martyrs of Alexandria was said to be a group of three Christians martyred together in Alexandria, Egypt, in the 4th century.
Martyrs of Nyon
Aquilinus, Heradius and Paul are the names of those known as the Martyrs of Nyon who was said to be a group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian in Noyon, Switzerland in the year 303 AD.
Other Saint of the Day for May 17 2024
- Emiliano I of Vercelli
- Restituta of Vercelli

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