Saint of the Day for February 11 2025

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Today is Thursday, September 26, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 11 2025.

👉 Our Lady of Lourdes

World Day of the Sick

Saint Caedmon

Blessed Tobias Francisco Borrás Román

Pope Saint Gregory II

Pope Saint Paschal I

Blessed Henry of Vitskøl

Blessed Anselm of Rot an der Rot

Saint Pedro de Jesús Maldonado-Lucero

Saint Etchen of Clonfad

Saint Lucius of Adrianople

Saint Gobnata

Blessed Helwisa

Saint Theodora the Empress

Saint Castrensis of Capua

Blessed Gaudencia Benavides Herrero

Blessed Bartholomew of Olmedo

Blessed Bartholomew of Olmedo was a Mercedarian priest. He was the first missionary priest in Mexico, arriving in 1516, travelling with Cortés and working with the Aztecs. In November 1524, he died in Mexico and was buried in Santiago de Tlaltelolco.

Saint Severinus of Agaunum

St. Severinus of Agaunum was born in Burgundy, France to the nobility, and taught orthodox Christianity during the period of the Arian heresy.

He was a monk and an abbot in Agaunum (modern Saint-Maurice-en-Valais, Switzerland). He died in 507 AD.

Blessed Pietro of Cuneo

Blessed Pietro of Cuneo was born in Cuneo, Italy and was also known as Pietro de ‘Pasquali.

He was a Franciscan friar and a travelling preacher in the regions of Piedmont in modern Italy, Provence in modern France, and then into Spain where he met with resistance from heretics. He died as a martyr on February 11 1322 in Valencia, Spain.

Saint Calocerus of Ravenna

St. Calocerus of Ravenna was born in Greece and was also known as Calogero, Caio or Calocero. He was a spiritual student of St. Apollinaris of Ravenna and a bishop of Ravenna, Italy. In 130 AD, he died.

Saint Ardanus of Tournus

St. Ardanus of Tournus was also known as Ardagne, Ardagno, Ardagnus, Ardaing or Ardan. He was a benedictine monk and an abbot at Tournus, diocese of Autun, France.

While serving there, he restored monastic buildings and cared for the local people during the famine of 1030 to 1033. He died in 1058 due to natural causes.

Saint Simplicius I of Vienne

St. Simplicius I of Vienne was also known as Silplicius, Simplice, Simplicidius, Simplicio, Simplides or Simplidis.

He was a bishop of Vienne in the Dauphiné in southeast France in 398 AD, serving for the remaining 19 years of his life. He was martyred by pagan Germans and died in 417 AD.

Saint Soter of Rome

St. Soter of Rome was born in Rome, Italy. She was also known as Sotere, Soteris or Sotra. As a young woman, she was martyred for refusing to sacrifice to idols.

She was related to St. Ambrose of Milan who wrote about her. On February 11 305 on the Via Appia in Rome, Italy she was beheaded.

Saint Victoria of Carthage

During the persecutions of Diocletian, Victoria refused marriage in order to devote herself to religious life.

St. Victoria of Carthage was exposed as a Christian and was executed. She died as a martyr in 304 AD in Carthage, North Africa (modern Tunis, Tunisia).

Saint Davitus the Senator

St. Davitus the Senator was an Imperial Roman Senator. He was among a group of 46 Christians arrested in Albitina, North Africa during Mass, shipped to Carthage for judgment and tortured to death in prison. He died as a martyr in 304 AD.

Saint Felix the Senator

St. Felix the Senator was an Imperial Roman Senator. He was among a group of 46 Christians arrested in Albitina, North Africa during Mass, shipped to Carthage for judgment and tortured to death in prison. He died as a martyr in 304 AD.

Saint Eutropius of Adrianopolis

St. Eutropius of Adrianopolis was a bishop of Adrianopolis, Paphlagonia, Asia Minor (modern Edirne, Turkey).

Stories about him are confused, but all agree that he opposed Arianism and was persecuted by Arians.

Saint Jonas of Muchon

St. Jonas of Muchon was a fourth-century monk at Demeskenyanos, Egypt. He was a spiritual student of St. Pachomius of Tabenna. A gardener by day, a rope plaiter by night and worked for his monastic community for 84 years.

Saint Desideratus of Clermont

St. Desideratus of Clermont was also known as Desiderato, Désirat, Desiratus or Désiré. He was a sixth-century bishop of Clermont, Auvergne, France.

Blessed Elizabeth Salviati

Blessed Elizabeth Salviati was born in Italy. She was a Camaldolese nun and an abbess at the convent of San Giovanni Evangelista di Boldrone in Florence, Italy. She died in 1519.

Saint Saturninus of Africa

St. Saturninus of Africa was a priest. He died as a martyr in 303 AD in the persecutions of Diocletian in Carthage in North Africa.

Saint Secundus of Puglia

St. Secundus of Puglia was also known as Secundus of Apulia or Secundino. He was a fifth and sixth-century bishop in the region of Puglia, Italy.

Saint Ampelius of Africa

St. Ampelius of Africa died as a martyr in 303 AD in the persecutions of Diocletian in Carthage in North Africa.

Guardians of the Holy Scriptures

The Guardians of the Holy Scriptures were also known as Anonymous Martyrs in Africa, Martyrs of Africa, Martyrs of Numidia or Martyrs of the Holy Books.

They were a large number of Christians tortured and murdered in Numidia (part of modern Algeria) during the persecutions of Diocletian, but whose names and individual stories have not survived.

They were ordered to surrender their sacred books to be burned but refused. They died as martyrs in 303 AD in Numidia.

Martyrs of Africa

The Martyrs of Africa was a group of five Christians who were martyred together.

Their names are;

  • Cyriacus
  • Oecominius
  • Peleonicus
  • Zoticus
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 11 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 11 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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