The Memorial of Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor
Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor is the Patron Saint of Catholic press, Germany
Saint Peter Canisius Feast Day, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, Profession, Place of Work, Date of Death, Place of Death, Beatification Date, Canonization Date, Matrimony/Holy Orders, Priests who became Saints
Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor brief life History |
Date of Birth | 8 May 1521 |
Country of Birth | Netherlands in Asia |
Profession | Priest, Religious and Doctor of the Church |
Place of Work | Germany and Fribourg, Switzerland |
Date of Death | 21 December 1597 (aged 76) |
Place of Death | Fribourg, Switzerland |
Feast Day | December 21 |
Beatification | By Pope Pius IX in 1864 in Rome |
Canonization | By Pope Pius XI on 21 May 1925 in Rome |
Patron Saint of | Catholic press, Germany |
Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor Short life History
Peter Canisius, was a renowned Dutch Jesuit Catholic priest. He was born in 1521 in Nijmegen in the Duchy of Guelders. He became known for his strong support for the Catholic faith during the Protestant Reformation in Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, and Switzerland.
He was sent to study at the University of Cologne, where he earned a Master’s degree in 1540, at the age of 19 and while there, he met Peter Faber, one of the founders of the Society of Jesus. Through him, Canisius became the first Dutchman to join the newly founded Society of Jesus in 1543.
The restoration of the Catholic Church in Germany after the Protestant Reformation is largely attributed to the work there of the Society of Jesus, which he led. He is venerated in the Catholic Church as a saint and as a Doctor of the Church.
In Germany he was one of the main Catholic theologians at the Colloquy of Worms in 1557, and later served as the main preacher in the Cathedral of Augsburg from 1559 to 1568, where he strongly witnessed to his faith on three or four occasions each week. Canisius was renowned as a popular preacher. In 1562 he founded what was to become the University of Innsbruck.
In 1591, at the age of 70, Canisius suffered a stroke which left him partially paralyzed, but he continued to preach and write with the aid of a secretary until his death in Fribourg.
He was initially buried at the Church of St Nicholas. His remains were later transferred to the church of the Jesuit College, which he had founded and where he had spent the last year of his life, and interred in front of the main altar of the church; the room he occupied during those last months is now a chapel open for the veneration of the faithful.
Today’s Saint Peter Canisius Feast Day Quote:
Canisius published an applied Mariology for preachers, in which Mary is described in tender and warm words. He actively promoted the sodalities of our Lady and the rosary associations. Theologically, Canisius defended Catholic Mariology
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