St Peter Chrysologus – Feast Day – July 30 2024

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St Peter Chrysologus was also called “Peter the Golden-worded” because of his exceptional oratorical eloquence.

He was born in 380 AD in Imola, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, North-Central Italy, and died on July 31 450 in the same place.

He was the Bishop of Ravenna and was known for his theologically rich Homilies and reflections he delivered as a bishop.

His feast day is celebrated on July 30 every year in the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XIII declared him a Doctor of the Church in 1729.

Saint Peter Chrysologus Biography
St Peter Chrysologus - Feast Day - July 30
St Peter Chrysologus – Feast Day – July 30 2024
Date of Birth 380 AD
Place of Birth Imola, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Profession Bishop of Ravenna
Place of Work Ravenna, Italy
Date of Death July 31 450
Place of Death Imola, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Feast Day July 30
Canonization Pre-Congregation

St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor Life History

St Peter Chrysologus was baptized by Bishop Cornelius of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Imola. It is Bishop Cornelius who educated Peter and thereafter ordained him a deacon.

In 433 AD, Pope Sixtus III rejected the candidate whom the people of the city of Ravenna had elected and instead appointed Saint Peter Chrysologus as the Bishop of Ravenna.

There is a story that says that Pope Sixtus III had received a vision from Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna that the next bishop of Ravenna was to be a certain particular young man.

When the delegation from Ravenna, including Bishop Cornelius and Peter Chrysologus, arrived in Rome, the Pope immediately recognized Peter from the vision and immediately consecrated him as the bishop.

Peter used to give very short, simple but powerful and inspirational sermons to his congregations which most of the time caught and retained the attention of those who listened to him.

This is what made him earn the name Chrysologus, meaning “golden-worded” from the Roman Empress Galla Placidia. This also made him be referred to as the Doctor of Homilies.

Using his exceptional oratorical eloquence, Bishop Peter Chrysologus condemned Arianism and Monophysitism as heresies.

He had opposed the Monophysitism teachings by Eutyches that Jesus Christ had a mixed nature that was intertwined with both human and divine elements.

Bishop Peter supported the teachings of Pope Saint Leo the Great that Jesus Christ was one person who was fully true God and fully true man.

Saint Peter Chrysologus encouraged the heretics to follow and submit to the leadership, authority, truth and faith as embraced by the Pope in Rome.

He viciously fought the elements of paganism and other abuses that had started to take root among the Christians in his Diocese, especially against indecent dancing.

He had at one time remarked that anyone who wished to make merry with the devil, cannot rejoice with Christ.”

Saint Peter Chrysologus Birth

He was born in 380 AD in Imola, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, North-Central Italy

Saint Peter Chrysologus Death

He died on July 31 450 in his birthplace Imola, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, North-Central Italy.

St Peter Chrysologus Feast Day

Saint Peter Chrysologus feast day is celebrated on July 30 every year in the Catholic Church. Before 1969, his feast day in the General Roman Calendar was celebrated on December 4.

Today’s Catholic Quote:

“Anyone who wishes to frolic with the devil,” he remarked, “cannot rejoice with Christ.”

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