Saint of the Day for April 4 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is April 4 2024.

👉 Saint Isidore of Seville, Bishop

Saint Plato

Saint Gaetano Catanoso

Saint Benedict the Black

Blessed Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet

Blessed Ndue Serreqi

Saint Francisco Marto

Blessed Abraham of Strelna

Saint Tigernach of Clogher

Saint Aleth of Dijon

Saint Zosimus of Palestine

Blessed Thomas of Naples

Blessed Thomas of Naples was a Mercedarian friar who was highly educated and knowledgeable about the Bible.

He was sent from Naples, Italy to France to combat the growing influence of Protestantism. His preaching was powerful and effective, which led to his martyrdom at the hands of the Huguenots.

In 1540 at the Saint Eulalia convent in Montpellier, France, they murdered him by stabbing him to death. Blessed Thomas of Naples died a martyr for his faith.

Saint Gonval of Scotland

Saint Gonval of Scotland, also known as Conval or Conwall, was born in the late 8th century and ruled over an area of Scotland as a king.

He was known for his personal piety and for promoting the Christian faith, but he refused to use his civil power to interfere in Church affairs.

Saint Columba recognized his piety, and he was even mentioned in the ancient Dunkeld Litany. Saint Gonval passed away in 824 AD of natural causes.

Saint Theonas of Egypt

Saint Theonas of Egypt was a monk who lived in Theibaid and el-Bahnasa, Egypt. He passed away in the year 395 AD.

He is often depicted in artwork as standing next to a well with a pitcher and bucket nearby, while various wild animals look on from a distance.

This representation refers to a story about Saint Theonas caring for and watering wild animals.

Saint Agathopus the Deacon

Saint Agathopus the Deacon, also known as Agathopus of Thessalonica, Agathopedes, or Agatopodo, was a deacon who lived during the time of the persecutions of Emperor Maximian Herculeus.

He and Saint Theodulus were martyred for their refusal to surrender holy books. In 303 AD in Thessalonica, he was drowned in the sea with a stone tied around his neck.

Saint Theodulus the Lector

Saint Theodulus the Lector, also known as Theodolus of Thessalonica or Teodulo, was a lector who lived during the time of the persecutions of Emperor Maximian Herculeus.

He, along with Saint Agathopus, was martyred for his refusal to surrender holy books. In 303 AD in Thessalonica, he was drowned in the sea with a stone tied around his neck.

Saint Peter of Poitiers

Saint Peter of Poitiers served as the bishop of Poitiers, France from 1087 until his death in 1115.

During his time as bishop, he openly criticized the sacrilegious actions of King Philip I and William VI, who was the count of Poitiers and the duke of Aquitaine.

Additionally, he played a role in the founding of the abbey of Fontrevault and assisted Blessed Robert d’Arbriselle. Saint Peter of Poitiers died in 1115 of natural causes.

Saint Gwerir of Liskeard

Saint Guier, also known as Gwerir of Liskeard, lived in Liskeard, Cornwall, England during the ninth century. He was a monk and hermit at that time.

According to legend, King Alfred was healed from a grave sickness after visiting Guier’s grave. After Guier’s passing, his monastery cell was occupied by another saint named Neot.

Blessed François de la Terre de Labour

Blessed François of Cairo, who was also called Blessed François de la Terre de Labour, was a member of the Franciscan order known as Friar Minor.

He was killed in 1358 in Cairo, Egypt for his attempt to bring those who had abandoned their faith back to it.

Blessed Nicolas of Montecorpino

Blessed Nicolas of Montecorpino, also known as Nicolas of Cairo, was a Franciscan Friar Minor who was martyred in the year 1358 in Cairo, Egypt.

He was put to death for his efforts to bring apostates back to the Christian faith.

Saint Hildebert of Ghent

Hildebert of Ghent, also known as Emebert, was a Benedictine monk and served as the abbot of Saint Peter’s in Ghent.

He was martyred in the year 752 AD, after being killed for his staunch defense of icons.

Saint Victor of Barcelona

Saint Victor of Barcelona also known as Vittore was a priest and became bishop of Barcelona, Spain. Martyr.

Saint Henry of Gheest

Saint Henry of Gheest was cistercian monk who died in 1190 of natural causes.

Martyrs of Thessalonica

The Martyrs of Thessalonica refers to a collection of fourteen Christians who were martyred at some point, and whose exact date of martyrdom is unknown.

These individuals are identified by their names: Victor, Successus, Saturninus, Quinilianus, Publius, Paulus, Palatinus, Orbanus, Matutinus, Julius, Julianus, and Ingenuus.

They were put to death in Thessalonica, Greece.

Other Saint of the Day for April 4 2024

  • Pherbutha
  • Merryn
  • Maurus Xaverius Herbst
  • Guglielmo of Noto
  • George Solitarius
  • Conrad of Weissenau
  • Coine of Kilkine
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 4 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saint of the Day for April 4 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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