Saint of the Day for May 7 2024

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Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 7 2024.

Saint Rose Venerini

Saint Agostino Roscelli

Blessed Albert of Bergamo

Saint John of Beverley

Saint Domitian of Huy

Blessed Jan Eugeniusz Bajewski

Saint Maurelius of Voghenza-Ferrara

Saint Flavia Domitilla of Terracina

Saint Duje

Blessed Francesco Paleari

Blessed Gisela of Hungary

Apparition of the Holy Cross over Jerusalem

Saint Cerenico of Spoleto

Blessed Michael of Ulompo

Saint Quadratus of Herbipolis

Saint Quadratus of Herbipolis was believed to have been murdered as a martyr after being imprisoned for several years during the persecutions of Valerian in the year 257 AD at Herbipolis, Asia Minor in modern Turkey.

Blessed Antonio de Agramunt

Blessed Antonio de Agramunt was said to have lived as a Mercedarian who freed by ransom, 530 Christian slaves from Moorish-occupied Spain in the year 1428 AD.

Saint Serenicus of Hyesmes

Saint Serenicus of Hyesmes was born in Spoleto, Italy, to the Italian nobility and lived as a monk and also as a hermit near the River Sarthe in France. He became the Abbott of a local monastery.

He died in the year 669 AD due to natural causes.

Blessed Villanus of Gubbio

Blessed Villanus of Gubbio was born in Gunnio, Italy and was said to have been a Benedictine monk at the monastery of Fonte-Avellana, Italy. He also was a priest and later a bishop of Gubbio, Italy in 1206.

He died due to natural causes in the year 1237 AD.

Saint Placid of Autun

Saint Placid of Autun, also known as Placidus of Autun or Plait of Autun lived as a benedictine monk and was an Abbott in the basilica of Saint Symohorian at Autun, France.

Saint Flavius of Nicomedia

Saint Flavius of Nicomedia was brother to Saint Augustine of Nicomedia. He was also bishop of NIcomedia and was believed to have been murdered as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Augustine of Nicomedia

Saint Augustine of Nicomedia was brother to Saint Flavius of Nicomedia and Saint Augustus of Nicomedia and was also believed to have been martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Quadratus of Nicomedia

Saint Quadratus of Nicomedia was murdered as a martyr after being tortured and beheaded in Nicomedia, modern Turkey during the persecutions of Decius.

Saint Augustus of Nicomedia

Saint Augustus of Nicomedia was brother of Saint Flavius of Nicomedia and Saint Augustine of Nicomedia and was murdered as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Serenus of Hyesmas

Saint Serenus of Hyesmas was born in Spoleto, Italy to the Italian nobility. He lived as a monk and a hermit near the river Sarthe in France.

Saint Juvenal of Benevento

Saint Juvenal of Benevento was believed to have lived in Narmi, Italy and passed away in the year 132 AD.

A shrine was set up in his honour in Benevento, Italy.

Saint Peter of Pavia

Saint Peter of Pavia was born in Lombardy, modern Italy and lived as a bishop of Pavia, Italy. He died in the year 735 AD.

Saint Abba

Saint Abba, also referred to as Alla, was a member of a large group of martyrs in Africa.

Other Saint of the Day for May 7 2024

  • Berchan of Daire Eachdroma
  • Antonio Pecierskij
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 7 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 7 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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