St Radbod of Utrecht – Feast Day – November 29

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St Radbod of Utrecht, also known as Radbodus, Radboud, Ratbod, or Redbad. Born in 850 AD in the Gascony Lomagne region of France.

Worked at Utrecht, Netherlands and died on 917 AD in Deventer, the Netherlands.

Feast Day is celebrated on November 29 every year.

St Radbod of Utrecht is the Patron Saint of Catholic University, Nijmegan, Netherlands

St Radbod of Utrecht Biography
Date of Birth 850 AD
Country/Place of Birth Gascony Lomagne region of France
Profession Benedictine Bishop of Utrecht
Place of Work Utrecht, Netherlands
Date of Death 917 AD
Place of Death Deventer, the Netherlands
St Radboud of Utrecht Feast Day November 29
Canonization By Pre-Congregation
Patron Saint of Catholic University, Nijmegan, Netherlands

St Radbod of Utrecht Short life History

St Radbod of Utrecht was the grandson of the last pagan king of the Frisons of the Netherlands. He was raised by his uncle Gunther, bishop of Cologne, Germany, and educated at the convent school there.

He was part of the court of King Charles the Bald. He became the Benedictine Bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands in 900, joining the Benedictine order after taking his see, and in order to better govern it, for there was a strong Benedictine influence in the religious orders in his diocese.

He was noted for his support of the poor. Writer and poet of great intellect; some of his works have survived.

He was forced to flee his diocese due to invasion by the Danes, and he lived his last years in exile.

Today’s Saint Radboud of Utrecht Feast Day Quote:

He was noted for his support of the poor

Saint Radboud of Utrecht Feast Day

Other Saints Whose Feast Days are in November

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