Saint Raymond of Penyafort – Saint of the Day – January 7

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Saint Raymond of Penyafort Biography

Saint Raymond of Penyafort was born in the year 1175 AD in Spain, Europe, and was said to have lived working in his country of birth. On the 6th of January, he passed away in the year 1275 AD in Spain due to natural causes. He was canonized as a saint by Pope Clement VIII on the 29th of April, the year 1601 AD. His feast day is celebrated on the 7th of January.


The Memorial of Saint Raymond of Penyafort – Saint of the Day

Saint Raymond of Penyafort Biography

Date of Birth


Country of Birth

Spain in Europe

Matrimony/Holy Orders

Blesseds who were Priests



Place of Work


Date of Death

6 January 1275

Place of Death


Feast Day

January 7


Beatified by N/A


Canonized by Pope Clement VIII on 29 April 1601

Patron Saint of

Canonists and lawyers

Saint Raymond of Penyafort Life History

St. Raymond was born in the year 1175 AD to a noble Spanish family in Penyafort, Catalonia, Spain, where he lived and gained his education. It was also said that he worked there as a Philosophy teacher in a University in the city of Barcelona.

Saint Raymond’s religious life began when he renounced all his titles as a doctor and joined the Dominican order in the year 1218 AD. It was said that he was instructed in a vision to work with St. Peter Nolasco and James, King of Aragon in founding the order of Our Lady of Ransom for the redemption of captives. He became a priest in the year 1219 AD.

He was appointed theologian and penitentiary to Cardinal bishop of Sabina, John of Abbeville in the year 1229 AD. A year later, He was summoned by Pope Gregory IX to be a chaplain and grand penitentiary.

In the year 1235 AD, he rejected an appointment made to him by the Pope to be Archbishop of Tarragona and a year later returned to Spain to carry out the work he was said to have loved, parish work. He brought about the founding of a school to teach languages and the culture of evangelicals.

One time, the saint and King James visited the island of Majorca. The king was told by the Saint that he must get rid of what causes his sin and when he delayed, Saint Raymond wanted to leave the island, the reason being that he could not live amid sin. The king refused and under pain of death, forbade his conveyance by any ship. The Saint replied to the sailors, If a mortal king has given such a command, we will see that the Eternal King, God the Father, has commanded otherwise. Full of faith, he went out on a rock extending into the sea and spread his cloak upon the waters. Tying one end of it to his staff as a sail, he made the sign of the cross and fearlessly stepped upon and to Barcelona, he sailed. After six hours he arrived, gathering his cloak, which was dry, he made his way to his monastery.

The king, astonished by this miracle, to which many were witness, became a penitent and faithful disciple of the Saint until his passing.

Saint Raymond of Penyafort Birth

He was born in the year 1175 AD to a noble Spanish family in Penyafort, Catalonia, Spain.

Saint Raymond’s Death

He passed away at the age of 100 in the year 1275 AD on the 6th of January due to natural causes.

Saint Raymond’s Nationality

He is of Spanish nationality.

Saint Raymond’s Ethnicity

Saint Raymond’s ethnic background is Spanish.


Saint Raymond acquired his education from a cathedral school in Barcelona and then graduated from Premier Law University in Bologna, Italy, with a doctorate in civil and canon law in the year 1210 AD. He was also said to have taught philosophy in a university in Barcelona while he was at the age of 20.

Saint Raymond’s Canonization

He was canonized by Pope Clement VIII on the 29th of April, the year 1601 AD.

Major Works

Well-known Saint Raymond’s works are; he provided services to carry out the organization of a huge collection of Church law which served as a basic reference for canon lawyers until the 20th century. The collection of the laws are what are known as the Decretals of Gregory IX. 

He was also the second successor of St. Dominic as the Master General of the Dominican Order and was also instrumental in founding the Mercedarian friars. 

He set up a school for the study of oriental languages at Tunis and he brought about the conversion of many Jews and Muslims.

Together with St. Thomas Aquinas, Saint Raymond wrote a book to explain the truths of the Christian faith in a way that non-believers could understand.

Saint Raymond’s Attributes

He is represented in the following ways;

  1. As a Mercedarian friar, wearing a cardinal’s mozzetta holding a monstrance.
  2. As a man on a self-made sail on water.


Saint Raymond was responsible for the compilation of the Decretals of Gregory IX which were used for centuries. He set up a school for the study of oriental languages and also a refuge center for rescued captives as instructed by Our Mother of Mercy.

He also brought about the conversion of many Jews and Muslims.

Saint Raymond is the Patron Saint of

He is known to be the patron saint of canonists and lawyers.


One of Saint Raymond’s Prayers is;

Glorious St. Raymond, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer heavily leaden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take the present affair which I recommend to thee under thy special protection. Vouchsafe to recommend it to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lay it before the Throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face and with thee and Mary and the saints praising and blessing to all eternity. Amen.

Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.

Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.

Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.

Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


One of St. Raymond’s quotes is;

Look then on Jesus,
the author and preserver of faith –
incomplete sinlessness, He suffered
and at the hands of those who were His own
and was numbered among the wicked.
As you drink the cup of the Lord Jesus
(how glorious it is!),
give thanks to the Lord,
the Giver of all blessings.”

Saint Raymond of Penyafort
St. Raymond of Penyafort

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