Saint of the Day for April 19 2025

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Today is Thursday, February 27, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 19 2025.

Pope Saint Leo IX

Saint Alphege of Winchester

Saint Expeditus of Melitene

Blessed Bernard of Sithiu

Saint Gerold of Saxony

Blessed James Duckett

Blessed Ramon Llach-Candell

Blessed Jaume Llach-Candell

Blessed Jaume Llach-Candell was a priest born on October 1 1878 in Torelló, Barcelona, Spain. He was a member of the Sons of the Holy Family.

He died as a martyr on April 19 1937 in Montcada, Barcelona, Spain and is one of the Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. His remains were never located.

He was beatified on October 13 2013 by Pope Francis.

Saint Apollonius the Priest

St. Apollonius, a priest who lived during the fourth century, was one of six Christians martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian.

The group, whose five other members are unknown, perished in Alexandria, Egypt, by drowning.

Saint George of Antioch

St. George of Antioch, a bishop of Antioch, Pisidia, was a monk who took part in the Second Council of Nicea in 787 AD.

He was against the iconoclasts and for this, he was banished by Emperor Leo V, the Armenian. He died in the year 815 AD of natural causes.

Saint Martha of Persia

St. Martha of Persia, who was the offspring of St. Pusicio, was a member of a religious community, and she died as a result of the oppression led by Shapur II. She died during the Easter period in 341 AD in Persia.

Saint Crescentius of Florence

St. Crescentius of Florence served as a sub-deacon in Florence, Italy and was under the tutelage of St. Zenobius and St. Ambrose. His passing occurred in 396 AD.

Saint Vincent of Collioure

St. Vincent of Collioure died as a martyr in Collioure, Languedoc (now in modern France) during the persecution of Diocletian in 304 AD.

Saint Aristonicus of Melitene

St. Aristonicus of Melitene, who lived in the 4th century in Armenia, died as a martyr in Melitene, Armenia.

Saint Galata of Melitene

St. Galata of Melitene was an Armenian who was born in the 4th century. He died in Melitene, Armenia, as a martyr.

Saint Gaius of Melitene

St. Gaius of Melitene was born in Armenia in the 4th century. He suffered martyrdom and died in Melitene, Armenia.

Saint Rufus of Melitene

St. Rufus was born in Armenia in the 4th century. He suffered martyrdom and died in Melitene, Armenia.

Martyrs of Carthage

A group of Christians were martyred in the persecutions of Decius in Carthage, North Africa (modern Tunis, Tunisia). They died in the year 250 AD while in prison.

Their Names are;

  • Victorinus
  • Victor
  • Venusto
  • Paul
  • Martial
  • Mappalicus
  • Julia
  • Frutto
  • Fortunio
  • Fortunata
  • Fermo
  • Eremio
  • Ereda
  • Donato
  • Credula
  • Basso
  • Aristo

Other Saints of the Day for April 19 2025

  • Timon the Deacon
  • Paphnutius of Jerusalem
  • Loubouer
  • Killian
  • Emma of Saxony
  • Conrad of Ascoli
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 19 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 19 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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