This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 10 2025.
Saint Francisca Salesia
Saint Paul the Hermit
Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon
Pope Blessed Gregory X
Blessed MarÃa Dolores RodrÃguez Sopeña
Saint Peter Orseolo
Saint William of Bourges
Blessed Anna of the Angels Monteagudo
Pope Saint Agatho
Saint Marcian of Constantinople
Saint Thecla of Lentini
Blessed Giles of Laurenzana
Saint Domitian of Melitene
Blessed Peter of Zeliv
Blessed Fulk of Montdidier
Blessed Benincasa of Cava
Saint Arcontius of Viviers
St Arcontius of Viviers was also known as Arconzio and Arconce. He was the Bishop of Viviers, France. He was killed and died as a martyr in 745 AD in Viviers, France by beheading by a mob for defending the rights of the Church in a local matter.
His remains were interred in the church of San Vincenzo in Viviers. Years later his relics were burned by Calvinists in 1568. The Diocese of Viviers, France celebrates him with an additional Memorial on January 19
Saint Dermot of Inis Clothrann
St. Dermot of Inis Clothrann was also known as Dermot of Clothrann, Dermot the Just, Diarmis, Diarmaid or Diermit.
He was an abbot and he founded a monastery in Innis-Closran, Ireland. He was a noted teacher, writer, and preacher.
A spiritual director of St. Kiernan of Clonracnois. He built seven churches on Quaker Island. He died in 542 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Aldo of Carbonari
St. Aldo of Carbonari was an eighth-century hermit charcoal burner in northern Italy known for his holiness.
He died and was buried in the chapel of Saint Colombano. His relics were later transferred to the Basilica of San Michele.
Blessed Raymond de Fosso
Blessed Raymond de Fosso was a Mercedarian friar. A redeemer who ransomed Christians who had been enslaved by Muslims in North Africa, working in Algeria and Mauritania.
Saint Thomian of Armagh
St. Thomian of Armagh was also known as Thomas, Toiman, Toimen, Tomianus or Thomianus. He was a bishop of Armagh, Ireland, from 623 AD.
He was involved in the controversy over the proper date for celebrating Easter. He died in 660 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Saethryth
St. Saethryth was also known as Sethrida or Séthride. She was the stepdaughter of the king of the Angles.
St. Ethelburga and St. Ethelfreda were her half-sisters. She was a benedictine nun in a convent in Gaul and an abbess. She died in 660 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Petronius of Die
St. Petronius of Die was the son of an imperial Roman senator from the area around modern Avignon, France.
He was a monk at Lerins Abbey and a bishop of Die, France in 456 AD. He died in 463 AD due to natural causes.
Saint John of Jerusalem
St. John of Jerusalem was a bishop of Jerusalem who worked to maintain orthodox Christian doctrine and keep peace within the disputing factions within the Church. He died in 417 AD.
Saint Maurilius of Cahors
St. Maurilius of Cahors was also known as Maurille. He was a bishop of Cahors, France. He was known for knowing the entire Bible by heart. He died in 580 AD.
Saint Valerius of Limoges
St. Valerius of Limoges was also known as Valerio or Vaulry. He was a hermit near Limoges, France.
Saint Florida of Dijon
St. Florida of Dijon was a young Christian martyr. He died in 180 AD in Dijon, Burgundy, France.
Other Saints of the Day for January 10 2025
- Justina Lentini
- Marchioness Luzi

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