Saint of the Day for March 15 2025

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is March 15 2025.

👉Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer

Blessed Jan Adalbert Balicki

Blessed Artemide Zatti

Saint Louise de Marillac

Blessed Anthony of Milan

Blessed Francis of Fermo

Blessed Monaldus of Ancona

Pope Saint Zachary

Blessed William Hart

Saint Aristobulus of Britannia

Blessed Pío Conde y Conde

Saint Menignus of Parium

Saint Leocritia of Cordoba

Blessed Walter of Quesnoy

Saint Nicander of Alexandria

St. Nicander of Alexandria was an Egyptian-born physician known for his charitable work, particularly for ministering to and treating individuals imprisoned for their religious beliefs.

He was also known for providing Christian burials to those who died as martyrs during the persecutions under Diocletian.

Sadly, he was imprisoned, tortured, and ultimately martyred for his faith and good deeds. In the 4th century, he was beheaded in Alexandria, Egypt.

Blessed Arnold of Siena

Blessed Arnold of Siena, also known as Arnaldo, was a scholar of law who studied in Toulouse, France. He later became an Augustinian hermit and took his vows on July 11, 1494.

Known for his strict adherence to the rules of his order, he passed away from natural causes on May 20, 1507. While he was never officially beatified, popular devotion to him began shortly after his death.

Blessed Ludovico de la Pena

Blessed Ludovico de la Pena was a Mercedarian monk who resided at the convent of Santa Eulalia in Seville, Spain.

He was known for performing miracles, including restoring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and even raising the dead to life. According to tradition, he died during a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Blessed Peter Pasquale

Blessed Peter Pasquale was a member of the Mercedarian order, and he received his habit from St. Peter Nolasco.

He served as the first abbot of the San Martino monastery located in Perpignan, France, and was known for his ability to perform miracles.

Saint Mancius of Evora

St. Mancius of Evora, who was a Christian slave, was born in Rome, Italy during the 5th century.

He was purchased by Jewish traders in Rome and brought to Evora, Portugal where he was later martyred by his new owners. He died in Evora, Portugal during the 5th century.

Saint Eusebio

Eusebio II, also known as Eusebius II of Vercelli, served as the bishop of Vercelli, Italy starting from the year 501 AD. He passed away in the year 520 AD.

Saint Speciosus

St. Speciosus, who was originally a wealthy landowner in Campania, Italy, and his brother Gregory decided to become monks and received their religious habit from St. Benedict at Monte Cassino.

Speciosus later lived as a monk in Terracina. He died in Capua, Italy in 555 AD of natural causes.

Saint Bodian of Hanvec

St. Bodian of Hanvec was born in the 6th century in Wales. He was also known as Bodianus of Hanvec or Bozian of Hanvec. No other information about him is known.

Saint Sisebuto

St. Sisebuto was also known as Sisebut. He was a monk and an abbot of the Spanish monastery of Cardena. In 1086, he died of natural causes near Burgos, Castile, Spain.

Saint Eoghan of Concullen

St. Eoghan of Concullen was born in the County Tipperary, Ireland, and was the son of Saran of Concullen. He was a monk.

Three Daughters of Eltin

The three daughters of Eltin were listed in several Irish martyrologues, but no details about them are known.

Saint Vicenta of Coria

St. Vicenta of Coria was a nun and a martyr. She died in 424 AD in Coria, Hispania Lusitana (in modern Portugal).

Saint Matrona of Capua

St. Matrona of Capua was a nun in Capua, Italy.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 15 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 15 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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