Saint of the Day for April 12 2025

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Today is Monday, March 10, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 12 2025.

Saint Teresa of the Andes

Saint Joseph Moscati

Saint David Uribe-Velasco

Saint Zeno of Verona

Saint Alferius of La Cava

Blessed Andrew of Montereale

Saint Sabas the Lector

Pope Saint Julius I

Saint Basil of Parion

Saint Erkemboden of Thérouanne

Saint Damian of Pavia

St Damian of Pavia was born in Lombardy to the Italian nobility. He was known for both his learning and his piety.

He became the Bishop of Pavia, Italy in 680 AD and an outspoken opponent of Monothelitism. He was also known for his ministry to the poor and sick and was reported to have healed a leper with a kiss.

He acted as a peacemaker between the Byzantine Emperor and the Lombards. He died in 710 AD and his body was interred in the cathedral of Pavia, Italy.

Saint Artemón of Caesarea

St. Artemón of Caesarea, an aged Christian, was instructed to offer sacrifices to the Roman gods, but he declined.

As a consequence, he was taken to the temple of Asclepius and instructed to offer sacrifices again. After he was let go, he demolished various statues before being caught.

He underwent torture and was ultimately martyred in Caesarea, Asia Minor.

Blessed Peter of Montepiano

Blessed Peter of Montepiano was a member of the Vallombrosan monastic order and served as the abbot of San Virgilio Abbey in Brescia, Italy.

Later in his life, he chose to live as a hermit in Montepiano, Tuscany, Italy. He died in the year 1098 in Montepiano, Tuscany, Italy, due to natural causes.

Saint Constantine of Gap

St. Constantine of Gap, also referred to as Constantius, served as the initial bishop of Gap, France, and participated in the Council of Orange in 519 AD.

He battled against the Arian heresy and died in 529 AD of natural causes.

Blessed Lorenzo of Belem

Blessed Lorenzo of Belem was a priest who belonged to the Order of St. Jerome in the 14th century.

He served as a monk at the Belem monastery in Lisbon, Portugal, and was well-known for his personal devotion, which made him a highly sought-after confessor.

Saint Tetricus of Auxerre

St. Tetricus of Auxerre served as the abbot of St. Germanus Abbey in Auxerre, France, and was acclaimed by the public to be the bishop of Auxerre. Unfortunately, he was murdered in his sleep in the year 707 AD.

Saint Vissia of Fermo

St. Vissia of Fermo was a virgin who had been consecrated and was martyred during the persecutions under Decius in Fermo, Italy, in 250 AD. She is regarded as the patron saint of Fermo, Italy.

Saint Wigbert

St. Wigbert was an English native who studied under St. Egbert in Ireland, where he developed his spiritual knowledge.

He worked as a missionary in Friesland (which is now part of the Netherlands) for two years before passing away in 690 AD in Ireland.

Saint Florentin of Arles

St. Florentin of Arles, who was also called Florentine, served as the initial abbot of the Holy Apostles Abbey located in Arles, France.

Saint Victor of Braga

St. Victor of Braga was a catechumen undergoing religious instruction when he was martyred during the persecutions under Diocletian. He died in Braga, Portugal, in the year 300 AD.

Saint Acutina

St. Acutina, also called Agutina, was one of the 79 Christians who were martyred together.

Other Saints of the Day for April 12 2025

  • Ailell of Cologne
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 12 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 12 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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