St Blaise Prayer

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Today is Monday, March 3, 2025

St. Blaise Prayer is a special prayer devoted to Saint Blaise, who is recognized as the patron saint of throat ailments.

People often turn to this prayer seeking the saint’s intercession for protection and healing from throat-related issues.

Saint Blaise, a bishop and martyr, is believed to have miraculously cured a child who was choking on a fishbone, leading to his association with throat problems.

The St. Blaise Prayer is a heartfelt plea for his intervention, asking for the saint’s blessings to safeguard one’s throat and promote overall well-being.

It is a simple yet powerful expression of faith, invoking Saint Blaise’s aid in times of vulnerability and health concerns related to the throat.

A Prayer to St Blaise

St Blaise Prayer
St Blaise Prayer

O Glorious St Blaise,
who by your martyrdom
has left to the Church a precious witness to the faith,
obtain for us the grace to
preserve within ourselves this divine gift,
and to defend, without human respect,
both by word and example,
the truth of that same faith,
which is so wickedly attacked
and slandered in these our times.

St Blaise, You who miraculously cured
a little child when it was at the point of death
by reason of an affliction of the throat,
grant us your mighty protection in like misfortunes;
and, above all, obtain for us
the grace of repentance,
together with a faithful observance of our Church precepts,
and avoidance from offending Almighty God. Amen.

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