Saint Peter the Apostle Biography

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Today is Sunday, March 2, 2025

Saint Peter was also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, Cephas, or Kepha. He was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome. He was born in Bethsaida around 1 BC and died as a martyr in 64 AD in Rome, Italy.

St Peter the Apostle Biography
St Peter the Apostle
St Peter the Apostle
Date of Birth 1st-century
Place of Birth Bethsaida
Profession Apostle of Jesus
Place of Work Israel, Palestine, Rome Antioch, Corinth and many other places
Date of Death 64 AD
Place of Death Rome, Italy
Feast Day
  1. Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles on June 29
  2. Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter on February 22
  3. Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles on November 18.
Canonization Pre-Congregation

We celebrate his feast day on June 29 during the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, February 22 during the feast of the Chair of Peter and November 18 during the feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles.

He is venerated as a saint in all Christian Churches that venerate saints and he is mentioned in all the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles and the New Testament epistles.

St Peter claimed he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus Christ, and was therefore crucified with his head facing down, in Rome during the persecutions of Emperor Nero in 64 AD. He is recognised as the first pope and bishop of Rome‍.

St Peter’s original Jewish name was “Simon son of Jonah or John”. Jesus later gave him the name Kepha as illustrated in John 1:42 “Then he (Andrew, Peter’s brother) brought him (Simon) to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Cephas” (which is translated, Peter)

St Andrew the Apostle was the brother of Simon Peter and before meeting Jesus they were fishermen in Bethsaida. In the Gospels of Matthew 4:18-19 and Mark 1:16-17, Jesus called Andrew and Simon and told them he will make them ‘fishers of men’.

From the scriptures, it is captured that Peter was married. In Matthew 8:14–17, Mark 1:29–31 and Luke 4:38, we read of how Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever at their home in Capernaum. Also in 1 Corinthians 9:5, we see St Paul talking about Peter’s wife whom Peter went with on some of his missionary journeys.

The following are the salient instances where Peter is mentioned in the Bible:

Peter as a fisherman at the Lake of Gennesaret, he had a boat. Jesus entered the boat and asked Simon to move offshore a bit for the crowd was pressing. This is the time that Jesus called Simon and James and John, the sons of Zebedee to become his apostles

3 Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
4 After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
5 Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.”
6 When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.
7 They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come to help them. They came and filled both boats so that they were in danger of sinking.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
9 For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him and all those with him,
10 and likewise James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners of Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”
11 When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him.

Luke 5:3-11

Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist. Here John the Baptist in troduces Andrew to Jesus by saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew leaves John the Baptist and follows Jesus and later introduces his brother Simon Peter to Jesus.

40 Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John [the Baptist] and followed Jesus.
41 He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Anointed).
42 Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Cephas” (which is translated Peter).

John 1:40-42

Peter had deep faith in Jesus but as a human being, his faith would waver due to worldly challenges. This is well illustrated by the incident when he saw Jesus walking on the water. At first, he walked but as the winds got stronger he began to sink until Jesus rescued him.

26 When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear.
27 At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”
28 Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
29 He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus.
30 But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:28-31

Jesus washed his disciples’ feet
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Master, are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later.”
8 Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”
9 Simon Peter said to him, “Master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.”
10 Jesus said to him, “Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed, for he is clean all over; so you are clean, but not all.”

John 13:6-10

Peter told Jesus that he will will lay his life for Him but Jesus tells Peter that instead of laying his life, he will deny Him three times.

36 Simon Peter said to him, “Master, where are you going?” Jesus answered him, “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.”
37 Peter said to him, “Master, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
38 Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for me? Amen, amen, I say to you, the cock will not crow before you deny me three times.”

John 13:36-38

Peter cuts the ear of a soldier and Jesus reminds him that He must suffer because that is what God had prepared for Him.

10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it, struck the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear. The slave’s name was Malchus.
11 Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its scabbard. Shall I not drink the cup that the Father gave me?”

John 18:10-11

Peter is told by Jesus to feed his sheep. This is another instance where we see Jesus confering authority to Peter to become the leader of the apostles. In verse 21 we see Jesus reminding Peter that his work is to follow Him and stop worrying about issues Peter has no control of.

15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”
21 When Peter saw him [Judas Iscariot], he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”
22 Jesus said to him, “What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me.”

John 21:15-22

Peter Before the Sanhedrin for preaching about Jesus

8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, answered them, “Leaders of the people and elders:
9 If we are being examined today about a good deed done to a cripple, namely, by what means he was saved,
10 then all of you and all the people of Israel should know that it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead; in his name, this man stands before you healed.
11 He is ‘the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.’
12 There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”

Acts 4:7-22

The Authority of Peter

Peter is portrayed as the most prominent apostle by the scriptures. Together with James the Elder and John, they were present at incidents where the other apostles were not, such as at the Transfiguration of the Lord, the raising of the daughter of Jairus, and during the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

St Peter is often portrayed as spokesman of the Apostles. He displayed an authority that was greater than that of the other apostles. This is testified when he was the spokesman during the election of Matthias and of his superior opinion in the debate of Jews versus Gentiles.

St Paul acertains that Peter was the apostle to the Jews, and he, Paul, was the apostle to the Gentiles. Peter was more of a missionary, travelling from place to place spreading the Gospel. This meant that he was most of the time out of Jerusalem and therefore, James the brother of Jesus became the bishop of Jerusalem. Peter then became the bishop of Rome.

Church of Antioch

Peter founded the Church of Antioch and served as bishop of Antioch for seven years. This is the place where there were disagreements between Paul and him regarding association with the gentiles. One time, while at Antioch, St Peter came and freely mingled with the Gentiles and ate with them, until he was told that was against Mosaic law by some disciples of James.

Peter gave in to their criticism and stopped eating with the Gentiles. This displeased St Paul until he scolded Peter and the rest of them before the whole church for “not walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel”.

Church of Corinth

Dionysius, The Bishop of Corinth in the late 2nd century, wrote a letter to in his Epistle to Pope Soter in Rome and said that indeed it was Peter and Paul who founded the Church of Corinth as well as the Church of Rome. He further says that they lived in Corinth for some time before going to Rome, Italy.

Bishop of Rome

Peter together with Paul founded the Church in Rome. Peter became the first pope and bishop of Rome where he wrote his books First and second Peter.

St Irenaeus of Lyons in the 2nd century wrote that Peter and Paul founded of the Church in Rome and before their martyrdom had appointed Linus as succeeding bishop.

St Peter’s Death

Jesus had predicted the death of Peter saying,

18 Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”
19 He said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.”

John 21:18-19

July 64 AD, a fire broke out in the city of Rome and destroyed more than half of it. It is believed that Nero might have caused the fire but unfortunately, Nero blamed it on the Christians in Rome. Consequently, persecution of Christians begun.

Apostles Peter and Paul were among these persecuted victims. They were martyred at that site of Nero’s Circus which is now in the Vatican next to Basilica of Saint Peter. It is marked by the Square of the Roman Protomartyrs (Piazza dei Protomartiri Romani). Peter was crucified with his head downwards, because he said he was not worthy to die the same way as his Saviour.

Peter was buried near their execution place which is now where St. Peter’s Basilica was built, directly beneath the Basilica’s high altar.

St Peter’s Relics

In the 1960s, there was an excavation beneath St Peter’s Basilica. Among the items found were bones of a male person, who after forensic examination, were found to be about 61 years of age from the 1st century.

As a result of this, in 1968, Pope Paul VI announced that they are most likely the relics of St Peter the Apostle. Pope Francis, on November 24 2013, put, for the first time, part of those relics on public display during a mass in St. Peter’s Square.

On 2 July 2 2019, Pope Francis gave Bartholomew of Constantinople, the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch, nine bone fragments put in a bronze reliquary. Pope Francis has said his decision was intended to strengthen the ongoing efforts towards communion between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. However, the majority of Saint Peter’s remains, are still preserved under the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Feast Days of St Peter

We celebrate St Peter in several feast days namely;

  1. Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles on June 29
  2. Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter on February 22
  3. Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles on November 18.

St Peter is the Patron Saint of


  • Stationers
  • Shipwrights
  • Net makers
  • Locksmiths
  • Horologists
  • Harvesters
  • Fishermen
  • Cordwainers
  • Cobblers
  • Butchers
  • Bridge builders
  • Bakers

Called for aid in of

  • Longevity
  • Frenzy
  • Foot problems
  • Fever


  • Universalist Church
  • The Patriarchate of Antioch
  • The Papacy
  • St Peter’s School, York, UK
  • St Peter’s College, Radley, UK
  • St Peter’s College, Oxford, UK
  • St Peter’s College, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Saint Peter’s University, New Jersey, US
  • Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK
  • Exeter College, Oxford
  • Bishop Cotton Boys’ School, Bangalore
  • Berchtesgaden Provostry

Churches, Cathedrals and Basilicas

The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, Vatican City

United States

  • St. Peter’s Kierch, Middletown, Pennsylvania
  • St. Peter’s in the Loop, Chicago, Illinois
  • St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • St. Peter’s Church, Chapel and Cemetery Complex, The Bronx, New York
  • St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
  • St. Peter’s Church and Mount St. Joseph Convent Complex, Rutland, Vermont
  • St. Peters Church and Buildings, Spotswood, New Jersey
  • St. Peter’s Church (West Bend, Wisconsin)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Washington, D.C.)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Talleysville, Virginia)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Staten Island, New York)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Sitka, Alaska)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Richmond, Virginia)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Queenstown, Maryland)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Mansfield, Ohio)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Kansas City, Missouri)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Hyde Park, New York)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Brownsville, Pennsylvania)
  • St. Peter’s Church (Albany, New York)
  • St. Peters Catholic Church (Worcester, Massachusetts)
  • St. Peter’s Catholic Church (Rensselaer, Missouri)
  • St. Peter’s Catholic Church (Manhattan), New York
  • St. Peter’s Catholic Church (Council Bluffs, Iowa)
  • St. Peter’s and St. Joseph’s Catholic Churches, Oconto, Wisconsin
  • St. Peter’s AME Church, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
  • St. Peter-In-Chains Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • St. Peter Church (Keokuk, Iowa)
  • St. Peter Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
  • St. Peter Church (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
  • Saint Peters Churchyard, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
  • Saint Peter’s Church (Mendota, Minnesota)
  • Old St. Peter’s Church (Van Cortlandtville, New York)
  • Church of St. Peter (Danbury, Connecticut)
  • Cathedral of Saint Peter (Kansas City, Kansas)

United Kingdom


  • St Peter’s Church, Wentlooge
  • St Peter’s Church, Peterston-super-Ely, Vale of Glamorgan
  • St Peter’s Church, Newborough, Anglesey
  • St Peter’s Church, Llanbedrgoch
  • St Peter’s Church, Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd, Denbighshire
  • St Peter’s Church, Dixton
  • St Peter’s Church, Carmarthen, South Wales
  • St Peter’s Church, Bryngwyn, Monmouthshire, Wales
  • Old St. Peter’s Church, Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd, North Wales
  • Collegiate and Parochial Church of St Peter, Ruthin, North Wales


St Peter’s Church, Sandwick, Orkney
St Peter’s Church, Edinburgh
St Peter’s Church, Aberdeen
Old St Peter’s Church, Thurso
Old St Peter’s Church, Peterhead

Northern Ireland

St Peter’s Church, Antrim Road, Belfast


  • St Peter’s Church, Bishopsworth
  • St Peter’s Church, Castle Park, Bristol
  • St Peter’s Church, Caversham
  • St Peter’s Church, Bedford
  • St Peter’s Church, Prickwillow
  • St Peter’s Church, Offord D’Arcy
  • St Peter’s Church, Ely, by architect James Piers St Aubyn
  • St Peter’s Church, Duxford
  • St Peter’s Church, Cambridge
  • St Peter’s Church, Waverton
  • St Peter’s Church, Tabley,
  • St Peter’s Church, Swettenham
  • St Peter’s Church, Prestbury
  • St Peter’s Church, Plemstall
  • St Peter’s Church, Oughtrington
  • St Peter’s Church, Minshull Vernon
  • St Peter’s Church, Macclesfield,
  • St Peter’s Church, Little Budworth
  • St Peter’s Church, Hargrave
  • St Peter’s Church, Delamere
  • St Peter’s Church, Crewe
  • St Peter’s Church, Congleton
  • St Peter’s Church, Chester
  • St Peter’s Church, Aston-by-Sutton
  • St Peter’s Church, Martindale
  • St Peter’s Church, Mansergh
  • St Peter’s Church, Kirkbampton
  • St Peter’s Church, Heversham
  • St Peter’s Church, Finsthwaite
  • St Peter’s Church, Field Broughton
  • St Peter’s Church, Camerton
  • St Peter’s Church, Stonebroom
  • St Peter’s Church, Snelston
  • St Peter’s Church, Parwich,
  • St Peter’s Church, Netherseal
  • St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • St Peter’s Church, Edensor
  • St Peter’s Church, Derby
  • St Peter’s Church, Belper
  • St Peter’s Church, Rose Ash, by architect James Piers St Aubyn
  • St Peter’s Church, Barnstaple
  • St Peter’s Church, Tiverton
  • St Peter’s Church, Winterborne Came
  • St Peter’s Church, Bournemouth
County Durham
  • St Peter’s Church, Stockton-on-Tees
  • St Peter’s Church, Bishopton
East Sussex
  • St Peter’s Church, West Blatchington
  • St Peter’s Church, St Leonards-on-Sea
  • St Peter’s Church, Rodmell
  • St Peter’s Church, Preston Village, Brighton
  • St Peter’s Church, Brighton
  • St Peter’s Church, Aldrington
  • St Mary and St Peter’s Church, Wilmington
  • St Peter’s Church, Roydon
  • Church of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea
  • St Peter’s Church, Wickham Bishops
  • St Peter’s Church, Leckhampton
  • St Peter’s Church, Gloucester
  • St Peter’s Church, Southrop
Greater Manchester
  • St Peter’s Church, Westleigh, Greater Manchester
  • St Peter’s Church, Stockport
  • St Peter’s Church, Hindley
  • St Peter’s Church, Bolton
  • St Peter’s Church, Ashton-under-Lyne
  • St Peter’s Church, Petersfield
  • St Peter’s Church, Winchester
  • St Peter’s Church, Chesil, Winchester
  • St. Peter’s Church, St. Albans
  • Church of St Peter, Great Berkhamsted
Isle of Wight
  • St Peter’s Church, Seaview
  • St Peter’s Church, Havenstreet
  • St Peter’s Church, Shorwell
  • St Peter’s Church, Swingfield
  • St Peter’s Church, Sandwich
  • St Peter’s Church, Scorton
  • St Peter’s Church, Preston, Lancashire
  • St Peter’s Church, Mawdesley
  • St Peter’s Church, Leck
  • St Peter’s Church, Heysham
  • St Peter’s Church, Fleetwood
  • St Peter’s Church, Darwen
  • St Peter’s Church, Burnley
  • St Peter’s Church, Leicester
  • St Peter’s Church, Allexton
  • St Peter’s Church, South Somercotes
  • St Peter’s Church, Saltfleetby
  • St Peter’s Church, Ropsley
  • St Peter’s Church, Normanby by Spital
  • St Peter’s Church, Kingerby
  • St Peter’s Church, Barton-upon-Humber
  • Westminster Abbey or The Collegiate Church of St Peter
  • St Peter’s, London Docks
  • St Peter’s, Bethnal Green
  • St Peter’s Italian Church
  • St Peter’s Church, Walworth
  • St Peter’s Church, Vauxhall
  • St Peter’s Church, Upton Cross
  • St Peter’s Church, Streatham
  • St Peter’s Church, Petersham
  • St Peter’s Church, Hammersmith
  • St Peter’s Church, Eaton Square
  • St Peter’s Church, Ealing
  • St Peter’s Church, Belsize Park, by architect James Piers St Aubyn
  • St Peter’s Church, Arkley
  • St Peter-in-the-Forest
  • St Peter upon Cornhill
  • St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool
  • St Peter’s Church, Woolton, Liverpool
  • St Peter’s Church, Rock Ferry
  • St Peter’s Church, Parr
  • St Peter’s Church, Liverpool
  • St Peter’s Church, Heswall
  • St Peter’s Church, Formby
  • St Peter’s Church, Birkdale
  • Saint Peter’s Church, North Barningham
  • St Peter’s Church, Hockwold
North Yorkshire
  • St Peter’s Church, Wintringham
  • St Peter’s Church, Walpole St Peter
  • St Peter’s Church, Stainforth
  • St Peter’s Church, Rylstone
  • St Peter’s Church, Harrogate
  • St Peter’s Church, Croft-on-Tees
  • St Peter’s Church, Raunds
  • St Peter’s Church, Northampton
  • St Peter’s Church, Lowick
  • St Peter’s Church, Deene
  • St Peter’s Church, Ruddington
  • St Peter’s Church, Radford
  • St Peter’s Church, Nottingham
  • St Peter’s Church, Laneham
  • St Peter’s Church, Headon-cum-Upton
  • St Peter’s Church, Hayton
  • St Peter’s Church, Gamston
  • St Peter’s Church, Flawford
  • St Peter’s Church, Farndon
  • St Peter’s Church, East Bridgford
  • St Peter’s Church, Clayworth
  • St Peter’s Church, Wallingford
  • St Peter-in-the-East, Oxford
  • St Peter’s Church, Edgmond
  • St Peter’s Church, Cound
  • St Peter’s Church, Chelmarsh
  • St Peter’s Church, Adderley
  • Church of St Peter, Marksbury
  • St Peter’s Church, Exton
  • St Peter’s Church, Treborough
South Yorkshire
  • St Peter’s Church, Letwell
  • St Peter’s Church, Barnburgh
  • St Peter’s Church, Marchington
  • St Peter’s Church, Elford
  • St Peter’s Church, Alstonefield
  • Church of St Peter, Yoxhall
  • St Peter’s Church, Sudbury
  • St Peter’s Church, Ipswich
  • St Peter’s Church, Henley
  • St Peter’s Church, Claydon
  • St Peter’s Church, Carlton Colville
  • St Peter’s Church, Wrecclesham
  • St Peter’s Church, Old Woking
Tyne and Wear
  • St Peter’s Church, Wallsend
  • St Peter’s Church, Monkwearmouth
  • St Peter’s Church, Wolfhampcote
  • St Peter’s Church, Binton
West Midlands
  • St. Peter’s Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton
  • St Peter’s Church, Spring Hill
  • St Peter’s Church, Harborne
  • St Peter’s Church, Handsworth
  • St Peter’s Church, Hall Green
  • St Peter’s Church, Dale End
West Sussex
  • St Peter’s Church, Twineham
  • St Peter’s Church, Shoreham-by-Sea
  • St Peter’s Church, Selsey
  • St Peter’s Church, Ardingly
West Yorkshire
  • St Peter’s Church, Walton, Leeds
  • St Peter’s Church, Thorner
  • St Peter’s Church, Huddersfield
  • St Peter’s Church, Birstall
  • St Peter’s Church, Addingham
  • Leeds Minster, Minster and Parish Church of Saint Peter-at-Leeds
  • St Peter’s Church, Everleigh
  • St Peter’s Church, Devizes


  • Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Ormoc City, Leyte
  • Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Makati
  • Saints Peter and Paul Parish Church, Siniloan, Laguna
  • Archdiocesan Shrine of Saints Peter and Paul, Bantayan, Cebu

New Zealand

  • St. Peter’s Church, Wellington, registered as Category I by Heritage New Zealand


  • St. Peter’s Church, Laragh, Co.Monaghan.
  • St. Peter’s Church, Ennisnag, Kilkenny
  • St. Peter’s Church, Drogheda, Co.Louth.
  • St. Peter’s Church, Aungier Street, Dublin
  • St Peter’s Church, Phibsborough, Dublin


  • St. Peter’s Church, Toronto


  • St Peter’s, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • St Peters Church, St Peters, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Peter the Apostle Biography - Saint of the Day

Saint Peter Prayer

O glorious Saint Peter, who, in return for thy strong and generous faith, 
thy profound and sincere humility, 
and thy burning love, 
wast rewarded by Jesus Christ with singular privileges, 
and, in particular,
with the leadership of the other Apostles and the primacy of the whole Church, 
of which thou wast made the foundation stone, 
do thou obtain for us the grace of a lively faith, 
that shall not fear to profess itself openly, 
in its entirety and in all of its manifestations,
even to the shedding of blood, 
if occasion should demand it, 
and to sacrifice of life itself rather than surrender.

Obtain for us likewise, 
a sincere loyalty to our holy mother, the Church; 
grant that we may ever remain most closely and sincerely united to the Roman Pontiff, 
who is the heir of thy faith and of thy authority, 
the one, true, visible Head of the Catholic Church, 
that mystic ark outside of which there is no salvation.

Grant, moreover, that we may follow, 
in all humility and meekness, 
her teaching and her advice, 
and may be obedient to all her precepts, 
in order to be able here on earth to enjoy a peace that is sure and undisturbed, 
and to attain one day in heaven to everlasting happiness.


Saint Peter Quotes

  • As quoted in Gospel of Matthew 26:33 – thirty- five. Jesus responds: “Verily I say unto thee, That this day, before the cock crow, chiliad shalt deny Pine Tree State thrice.” once this Peter protests: “Though I ought to die with thee, yet can I not deny thee.” These square measurea number of the anecdotes of the Denial of Peter.

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About Laban Thua Gachie 10960 Articles
The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day