This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 25 2024.
👉 Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi (Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, Virgin)
Blessed Bartolomeo Magi di Anghiari
Saint Matthêô Nguyen Van Dac Phuong
Saint Dionysius of Milan
St Dionysius of Milan was a bishop of Milan, Italy in 351 AD. He was exiled to Cappadocia in 355 AD by the Arian Emperor Constantius for defending St Athanasius of Alexandria.
After his death in 359 AD in Cappadocia (in modern Turkey) of natural causes, his relics were brought to Milan, Italy in 375 AD by St Ambrose of Milan.
Blessed Pedro Malasanch
Blessed Pedro Malasanch was born to the Catalan nobility in Lerida, Spain and was shot to death with arrows in 1428 AD in Granada, Spain.
In his early life, he joined the Mercedarians at age 18 and made redemption trips to Africa in 1415 AD and 1427 AD to ransom Christians who had been enslaved by Muslims.
During the latter trip, he was imprisoned, tortured and executed by the Moors for refusing to deny Christianity and died as a martyr.
Saint Canio
St Canio, also known as Canion or Canione, was an African born. After being converted to Christianity, he became a Bishop of a region of the North African coast.
Additionally, he was a patron saint of the archdiocese of Acerenza, Italy, Acerenza, Italy, or Calitri, Italy.
Saint Maximus of Evreux
St Maximus of Evreux, also known as Mauxe, died as a martyr in 384 AD at Bear Evreaux, France. He was a brother of St Victorinus of Evreux and also a missionary to Gaul, sent by Pope Damasus I.
Saint Dunchadh of Iona
St Dunchadh of Iona was also known as Donatus, Dumhade, Dumhaid, Duncad, Dunchad or Dunichad. He was born in Ireland and died in 717 AD.
Additionally, he was a monk and an abbot in Ireland and also an abbot of Iona Abbey. He was known for his personal piety and as a miracle worker.
Saint Scholastica of Auvergne
St Scholastica of Auvergne was married to St Injuriosus of Auvergne and died in 550 AD. The two, known as the Les Deux Amants, lived their lives together as holy and chaste lay people.
Saint Injuriosus of Auvergne
St Injuriosus of Auvergne was married to St Scholastica of Auvergne and died in 550 AD. The two, known as the Les Deux Amants, lived their lives together as holy and chaste lay people.
Saint Leo of Troyes
St Leo of Troyes, also known as Leo of Mantenay or Leone of Troyes, died in 550 AD. He was a monk, a spiritual student of St Romanus and also an abbot of Mantenay Abbey near Troyes, France.
Saint Egilhard of Cornelimünster
St Egilhard of Cornelimünster died in 881 at Bercheim, Germany. He was an abbot of Cornelimünster Abbey near Aachen, Germany and was Killed by Viking raiders.
Saint Pasicrates of Dorostorum
St Pasicrates of Dorostorum died on Dorostorum, Mysia, Asia Minor. He was in one of a group of four martyrs executed together. No details about them have survived.
Saint Valentio of Dorostorum
St Valentio of Dorostorumdied on Dorostorum, Mysia, Asia Minor. He was in one of a group of four martyrs executed together. No details about them have survived.
Saint Victorinus of Evreux
St Victorinus of Evreux died in 384 AD and as a bear Evreaux, France. He was a brother of St Maximus of Evreux and a missionary to Gaul, sent by Pope Damasus I. He died as a martyr.
Saint Senzio of Bieda
St Senzio of Bieda was also known as Sensia, Sentias, Sentius, Senzi or Senzius. He was a fifth-century hermit and a patron saint of Blera, Italy.
Saint Winebald of Saint Bertin
St Winebald of St Bertin died as a martyr in 862 AD. He was a deacon at St Bertin Abbey and was murdered by invading Danes.
Saint Gerbald of Saint Bertin
St Gerbald of St Bertin died as a martyr in 862 AD. He was a monk of St Bertin Abbey and was murdered by invading Danes.
Saint Worad of Saint Bertin
St Worad of St Bertin died as a martyr in 862 AD. He was a deacon at St Bertin Abbey and was murdered by invading Danes.

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