St Rita Prayer and Novena

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Today is Tuesday, December 31, 2024

St. Rita Prayer and Novena are special moments of devotion in the Catholic faith, dedicated to St. Rita of Cascia, known as the “Patron Saint of Impossible Causes.”

Born in Italy in the 14th century, St. Rita’s life is marked by her unwavering faith and miraculous acts.

The prayer and novena seek her intercession for help in challenging and seemingly hopeless situations.

Believers turn to St. Rita with requests for assistance in areas like healing, reconciliation, and resolving difficult circumstances.

The prayer and novena provide a spiritual connection to seek St. Rita’s guidance, offering solace and hope to those facing life’s toughest challenges.

We pray the St Rita Prayer and Novena for her to intercede for us to God in times of impossible cases and special needs.

While praying in front of the Crucifix of Jesus, St Rita of Cascia received a wound on her forehead which was perceived to be from Jesus’ crown of thorns. This was her partial stigmata.

St Rita Prayer

O dear St Rita of Cascia, you are truly our patron Saint of the Impossible cases and special needs. I confidently come to you now at my greatest moment of need.

Dear St Rita, you so well know my trials, tribulations, and the agony I am going through right now, for you also faced them too. Come to my aid, speak on my behalf, pray and intercede for me to God the Almighty Father.

I know very well that our Father in Heaven is a merciful, generous, and loving God. Please, join my prayers and yours and take them before the Almighty Father to help me with my need [mention your need].

St Rita, you were very pleasing to God while you were here on earth and still you are in heaven. I promise to use this favour that you will grant me to make my life better, to proclaim the mercy of God, and to make you renowned all over the world. Amen.

Prayer to St Rita

Dear St Rita, you who found happiness during your entire life on earth by following Our Heavenly Father’s will. Help me to trust all the plans that God has for me. Help me, without counting the cost, without fear and without limits, to offer myself, as you did, to his service.

Help me, St Rita, to be generous, as you were, to others. Help me to embrace patience in all times of difficulties and to forgive all those who are injurious to me.

Help me to understand in detail the Great Mystery of the Cross of Jesus so that I may experience deep in my heart its healing and saving power. Amen.

St Rita Prayer and Novena
St Rita Prayer and Novena

St Rita Novena

Glorious St Rita, Holy Patroness of those in need, you who are so pure, humble and patient, you whose intercessions with the lord are so powerful.

You have been called the Advocate of the Hopeless and even of the Impossible cases through the favours obtained by your prayers.

St Rita, you who are a compassionate lover of Christ Crucified, we have confidence that anyone who comes to you for intercession will find relief and comfort. Kindly listen to our petitions and take them to God on our behalf.

Obtain our petitions for us, if they are for the greater glory of God, and for our good. We promise to make known your favour and glorify the name of the Lord when we are granted our petitions.

Relying on your merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we ask of you [Share your request].

👉 By the singular merits of your childhood, obtain for us our request.
👉 By your perfect union with the Divine Will, obtain for us our request.
👉 By your acceptance of troubles in your married life, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the consolation you experienced at the conversion of your husband, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the anguish you felt at the murder of your husband, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the sacrifice of your children rather than see them grievously offend God, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the severe penances and daily fasting, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the suffering caused by the wound you received from the thorn of our Crucified Savior, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the divine love which consumed your heart, obtain for us our request.
👉 By that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, on which alone you survived for four years, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the happiness with which you parted from your trials to join your Divine Spouse, obtain for us our request.
👉 By the perfect example you gave to people of every state of life, obtain for us our request.

Leader: Pray for us, O Holy St Rita,

All: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray:

👉 Heavenly Father, in Your infinite love and mercy,
👉 you heed the prayer of Your beloved servant, St Rita.
👉 You graciously grant favours through her intercession,
👉 which are considered impossible to human foresight, skill and efforts.
👉 Relying on her compassionate love,
👉 we ask You to assist us in our trials and difficulties.
👉 Let unbelievers know that you are the helper of the humble,
👉 the defence of the helpless,
👉 and the strength of those who trust in You.
👉 We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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