The Good Morning God Prayer

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Today is Saturday, December 28, 2024

Good Morning, O my God, I love you with all my heart, receive my prayer today. Father I give thanks to you for having created me, made me a Christian and preserved me this night.

Good Morning God! Thank You for ushering in another beautiful, untouched, and freshly new day for me to serve You. Dear Lord, renew me too so that I can get the strength, courage and passion to do everything according to Your plan.

I bring to Your able hands my actions of this day; I pray that all of them may be according to your Holy Will, and for the greater glory of Your Name.

Dear Lord, forgive me for the many sins that I committed yesterday and save me from my transgressions and from all evil. Shower me with Your Graces and draw me closer to You for You are my provider, protector, and my refuge.

Dear Jesus, I know that I cannot make it on my own, so grab my arm tightly and don’t let it go for alone I cannot walk. Let me depend on You just the way the branches depend on the vine tree for providence. Amen

Good Morning God Prayer
Good Morning God Prayer

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The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day