Saint of the Day for December 19 2024

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Today is Thursday, February 27, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 19 2024.

👉 Pope Blessed Urban V

Saint Bernard Valeara of Teramo

Blessed William of Fenoli

Blessed Kazimiera Wolowska

Blessed Bogumila Noiszewska

Saint StĂȘphanĂŽ Nguyen Van Vinh

Saint PhanxicĂŽ XaviĂȘ HĂ  Trong Mau

Saint Augustine Moi Van Nguyen

Saint TÎma Nguyen Van Ðe

St StĂȘphanĂŽ Nguyen Van Vinh, also known as Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh, was a layman and farmer in the apostolic vicariate of East Tonkin, now modern-day Vietnam.

A convert to Christianity and a member of the Dominican Third Order, he remained steadfast in his faith despite severe persecution.

During the reign of Emperor Minh Mang, he was imprisoned, tortured, and ultimately martyred for his beliefs.

Born around 1813 in PhĂș Trang, Nam Ðanh, Vietnam, he was strangled to death on December 19, 1839, in Co Me, Bac Ninh, Vietnam.

Saint Stephen was canonized on June 19, 1988, by Pope John Paul II, and is also commemorated on November 24 as one of the Martyrs of Vietnam.

Pope Saint Anastasius I

Pope St Anastasius I was born in the 4th century in Rome, Italy. All that is known of his early life is that he was considered pious as a youth and cared for nothing material as an adult.

He became a Pope. He was immediately involved in the turmoil resulting from the heretical writings of Origen.

He convened a synod to condemn the works. He fought against the heresy of Donatism.

He was a friend of St Augustine of Hippo, St Jerome and St Paulinus of Nola. His Papal ascension was on November 27 399 AD. He died in 402 AD due to natural causes.

Blessed Konrad Liechtenau

Blessed Konrad Liechtenau was born in the late 12th century AD to the nobility in Germany. A member of the family of the Count of Liechtenau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.

He was a canon of the cathedral of Konstanz, Germany, and a Premonstratensian monk. He was also a canon of the Ursberg monastery at Augsburg, Germany.

In addition, he served as a priest and an abbot of Ursberg in 1226. He renovated the abbey and greatly expanded the library making it a center for learning; he devoted his free time to historical research.

He was a friend and advisor to Emperor Frederick II. He wrote 12 volumes on the Saints. He died in 1240 AD.

Blessed Cecilia of Ferrara

Blessed Cecilia of Ferrara was born in the 15th century in Italy and was also known as Caecilia. She was married to a pious young man, each was devoted to the Church and spiritual growth.

After eight years together they each entered religious life, joining the Dominicans, Cecilia at the monastery of St. Catherine the Martyr in Ferrara, Italy where she was known for her personal piety, ascetic life, and devotion to the Dominican life.

She was chosen prioress three times. She died in late December of 1511 and miracles were reported at her grave.

Blessed Berengar de Banares

Blessed Berengar de Banares was a soldier and a knight. He was Mercedarin and was received into the Order by St Peter Nolasco.

He was sent to Algiers in 1240 where he ransomed 87 Christian slaves and brought them back to Barcelona, Spain.

He later retired to live as a Mercedarian monk at the convent of Sant Antonio Abate, Tarragona, Spain.

He died in the 13th century in Tarragona, Spain due to natural causes.

Saint Dominic Uy Van Bui

St Dominic Uy Van Bui was born in 1813 in Vietnam. He has an additional Memorial on November 24 as one of the Martyrs of Vietnam.

He was a catechist who was arrested for his faith and when he was ordered to repudiate Christianity, he refused.

He died as a martyr after being strangled to death in 1839 in Vietnam. Pope John Paul II canonized him on June 19 1988.

Blessed John Gogniat

Blessed John Gogniat was born in the late 15th century AD and was also known as John of Bellelay.

He was a Premonstratensian monk and a canon of the Bellelay monastery in the Jura Bernois area of Bern, Switzerland.

He was an abbot of the house in 1530 where he served for 23 years, defending his house and his faith during a period when Calvinists displaced Catholic clergy and institutions.

He died due to natural causes on December 19 1553.

Saint Manirus of Scotland

St Manirus of Scotland was born in 700 AD in Scotland. He was also known as Manire, Monire, Miniar or Niniar.

He was a missionary bishop to the Highlanders of northern Scotland.

He had an ongoing battle of words and ideas with the local pagans but there was apparently little violence from either side during his work. He died in 824 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Fausta of Sirmium

St Fausta of Sirmium was born to the nobility. She was married and she was the mother of St Anastasia of Sirmium.

Her personal piety helped form her own faith. She became a widow. She died in the late 3rd century AD in Rome, Italy due to natural causes.

Saint Meuris of Alexandria

St Meuris of Alexandria was born in Gaza, Palestine. She was a virgin who dedicated herself to God.

She was arrested, tortured, and martyred for her faith in the persecution of Maximinus II. She died in 307 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Thea of Alexandria

St Thea of Alexandria was born in Gaza, Palestine. She was a virgin who dedicated herself to God.

She was arrested, tortured, and martyred for her faith in the persecution of Maximinus II. She died in 307 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Boniface of Cilicia

St. Boniface of Cilicia was a slave and servant to the imperial Roman noblewoman Aglaia at Tarsus, Cilicia. She was martyred in the persecution of Diocletian. She died in 290AD in Tarsus, Cilicia (modern Turkey).

Saint Timothy the Deacon

St Timothy the Deacon was also known as Timothy of Africa or Timoteus. He was a deacon and was martyred in the persecution of Decius.

He died in 250 AD after being burned alive in North Africa.

Saint Ribert of Saint-Oyend

St Ribert of Saint-Oyend was also known as Ribarius. He was a monk and an abbot of the monastery of Saint Oyend, France.

He died in 790 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Avitus of Micy

St Avitus of Micy was also known as Adjutus, Avit or Avy.

He was an abbot of Saint-Mesmin de Micy Abbey near Orleans, France. He had the gift of prophecy.

Saint Gregory of Auxerre

St Gregory of Auxerre was born in 455 AD. He was a bishop of Auxerre, France for 13 years.

He died in 540 AD due to natural causes.

Blessed Mercedarian Fathers

The Blessed Mercedarian Fathers were a group of Mercedarian monks noted for their dedication to the Order’s rule, their continuous prayer life, and their personal piety.

Their names are;

  • Blessed Pietro of Gualba
  • Blessed Pietro of Benevento
  • Blessed Guglielmo of Prunera
  • Blessed Guglielmo de Gallinaris
  • Blessed Giovanni of Verdera
  • Blessed Bartolomeo of Podio

Martyrs of Nicaea

The martyrs of Nicaea were a group of Christians martyred together. They died at Nicaea, Bithynia (modern Izmit, Turkey)

Their names are;

  • Darius
  • Paul
  • Secundus
  • Zosimus

Martyrs of Nicomedia

The martyrs of Nicodemia were a group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. They died in 303 AD at Nicomedia, Asia Minor.

Their names are;

  • Anastasius
  • Cyriacus
  • Paulillus
  • Secundus
  • Syndimius

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

The martyrs of the Spanish Civil War were thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939 during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Jordi SampĂ© TarragĂł
  • Blessed Jaume Boguñå Casanovas
  • Blessed Josep Albareda Ramoneda

Other Saints of the Day for December 19 2024

  • Adelaide of Susa

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 19 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 19 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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