Novena Prayer to St Lawrence

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Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Novena Prayer to St. Lawrence (Patron of Cooks, Food Businesses, Restaurant Owners, and Chefs)

O glorious St Lawrence, the radiant beacon of Christian fortitude, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your powerful intercession.

You who, through unwavering faith and steadfast courage, triumphed over earthly trials, now stand in the presence of God, where your prayers are heard. In your loving kindness, I implore you to pray for me before the throne of the Almighty.

I turn to you, dear St. Lawrence because I am beset by challenges and difficulties that surround me daily. Like you, I desire to face them with grace, strength, and unwavering faith. Help me to navigate the complexities of life with a heart that is ever mindful of God’s presence.

Shield me, I pray, from the temptations of selfishness, from the apathy that distances me from God and my neighbour, and from any thoughts or actions that stray from love.

Inspire me, O holy martyr, to imitate your Christian virtues. As you gave your life in service to the poor and the suffering, so too, I ask for the grace to serve others with a heart full of compassion and humility.

Whether I find myself in the kitchen, the workplace, or among my family and friends, may I always strive to see Christ in those I meet and serve.

May your blessing be upon me always, dear St. Lawrence, guiding me to love more fully and serve more generously, working diligently for the glory of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Grant me the courage to persevere, even when faced with hardship, and the wisdom to discern God’s will in my daily life. When I am weary, strengthen me.

When I am uncertain, illuminate my path. Let your life be a reminder that no trial is too great when faced with love and faith.

Graciously obtain for me, from the infinite mercy of God, those favours and graces I need so much during this time of trial, especially (here, mention your intention).

I trust in the generosity of God’s love and your powerful intercession, dear St. Lawrence, knowing that He hears and answers the prayers of His faithful ones.

Help me, dear St. Lawrence, to live each day as a true and faithful child of God. May I run joyfully in the sweetness of His loving will, fulfilling my duties with integrity, gratitude, and devotion.

And when the time comes, grant that I may face my final days with the same courage that you showed in your martyrdom, so that I, too, may attain the eternal happiness of Heaven, where you now rejoice. Amen.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

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