Saint of the Day for February 1 2025

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 1 2025.

👉 Saint Brigid of Ireland

Saint Tryphon of Lampsacus

Blessed Luigi Variara

Blessed Reginald of Orléans

Blessed Benedict Daswa

Blessed Andrew of Segni

Saint Sigebert III of Austrasia

Saint Ursus of Aosta

Blessed Anna Michelotti

Saint Henry Morse

Blessed John of the Grating

Saint Veridiana

Saint Raymond of Fitero

Saint Severus of Avranches

Blessed Anthony Manzi

Blessed Conor O’Devany

Saint Asclepiades

St Asclepiades was a martyr burned to death at the stake on 12 March 250 AD. During the persecutions of Decius, Asclepiades and fifteen fellow parishioners, hearing they were about to be arrested, spent the night of 22-23 February 250 AD in prayer however, they were arrested in the morning at the end of Mass.

They had put on their own chains and shackles to make it obvious that they were prisoners, and not going to apostatize.

Asclepiades was racked and torn with hooks to make him sacrifice to pagan gods were he refused.

Saint Sabinus

St Sabinus was a martyr burned to death at the stake on March 12 250 AD. During the persecutions of Decius, Sabinus and fifteen fellow parishioners, hearing they were about to be arrested, spent the night of 22-23 February 250 in prayer however, they were arrested in the morning at the end of Mass.

They had put on their own chains and shackles to make it obvious that they were prisoners, and not going to apostatize. Racked and torn with hooks to make him sacrifice to pagan gods; he refused.

Saint Cinnia of Ulster

St Cinnia of Ulster, also known as Kinnia, was born in Irish and died in the 5th century. She was a princess of Ulster, Ireland.

St Patrick not only converted her to Christianity but also gave her the veil when she became a nun. She was greatly honoured in County Louth, Ireland.

Saint Paul of Trois Châteaux

St Paul of Trois Châteaux was born in Rheims, Gaul and died of natural causes in 405 AD. Paul fled his home to escape the Germanic tribes invading the northern provinces of the Roman empire.

He became a hermit near Arles, France. Reluctant bishop of the former diocese of Augusta Tricastinorum (modern Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux), Dauphine (in modern France).

Saint Brigid of Fiesole

St Brigid of Fiesole, also known as Brigid the Younger, died of natural causes in the 9th century. She was a sister of St Andrew of Fiesole and a hermitess in the Apennines mountains of Italy.

Legend says that when her brother was dying, angels carried her to his deathbed for a final visit.

Saint Cecilius of Granada

St Cecilius of Granada, also known as Cecilio of Granada, was a Patronage of Granada, Spain. He was the first bishop of Granada, Spain.

One tradition says that he was a disciple of St James the Greater, and was consecrated as bishop by Saint Peter the Apostle.

Blessed Patrick O’Lougham

Blessed Patrick O’Lougham was born in 1530 AD in Ulster, Armagh, Ireland and died by being hanged on February 1 1611 in Dublin, Ireland. He was a martyr and a bishop in Ireland.

He was beatified on September 27 1992 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy. He has an additional memorial on 20th June as one of the Irish Martyrs

Saint Severus of Ravenna

St Severus of Ravenna was born in Ravenna, Italy and died in 348 AD. He was a bishop of Ravenna, Italy in 283 AD. He attended the Council of Sardica in 344 AD.

His relics at some point were taken to Pavio but in 836 AD the relics were transferred to Erfurt, Germany. He was a Patronage of hatters.

Saint Darlaugdach of Kildare

St Darlaugdach of Kildare was also known as Dardulacha, Darlugdach, Darulagdach or Derlugdach. She was a spiritual student of St Brigid at her convent in Kildare, Ireland.

She succeeded St Brigid as abbess of the house. She later died of natural causes in 524 AD.

Saint Agrepe

St Agrepe was also known as Agreve, Agrippano or Agripanus. He was a seventh-century bishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France and also a Pilgrim to Rome, Italy.

On his way home he was murdered by being beheaded at Chiniac, Vivarais, Aquintaine (modern Saint-Agrève, France) by idol worshippers.

Saint Jarlath

St Jarlath, also known as Hierlath, was born in Irish and died of natural causes in 480 AD. He was a spiritual student of St Patrick and also a bishop of Armagh, Ireland. he was involved in the monastic expansion and general missionary work in the British Isles.

Saint Autbert of Landevennec

St Autbert of Landevennec died of natural causes in 1129 AD. He was a Benedictine monk at Landevennec, Brittany, France and also a chaplain to the nuns of St Sulpice, Rheims, France.

Saint Crewanna

St Crewanna, also known as Crewenna, died in the 5th century. He was assisted with St Breaca’s missionary work in Cornwall, England. The town of Crowan was named for him.

Saint Clarus of Seligenstadt

St Clarus of Seligenstadt died in 1048 AD. He was an ascetic hermit in Seligenstadt, Germany.

Martyrs of Avrillé

Martyrs of Avrillé died in1 February 1794 in Avrillé, Maine-et-Loire, France. They were forty-seven Christians executed together for their faith in the anti-Catholic persecution of the French Revolution.

They were beatified on February 19 1984 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy.

  • Victoire Bauduceau epouse Réveillère
  • Suzanne Androuin
  • Simone Chauvigné veuve Charbonneau
  • Rose Quenion
  • Renée Valin
  • Renée Martin épouse Martin
  • Renée Grillard
  • Renée Cailleau épouse Girault
  • Perrine-Charlotte Phelippeaux épouse Sailland d’Epinatz
  • Perrine Sailland d’Epinatz
  • Perrine Ledoyen
  • Perrine Grille
  • Perrine Besson
  • Perrine Androuin
  • Odilia Baumgarten
  • Marie-Jeanne Chauvigné épouse Rorteau
  • Marie-Anne Vaillot
  • Marie Roualt épouse Bouju
  • Marie Leroy épouse Brevet
  • Marie Leroy
  • Marie Lenée épouse Lepage de Varancé
  • Marie Grillard
  • Marie Gasnier épouse Mercier
  • Marie Gallard épouse Quesson
  • Marie Fausseuse épouse Banchereau
  • Marie Cassin épouse Moreau
  • Marie Anne Pichery épouse Delahaye
  • Marguerite Rivière epouse Huau
  • Madeleine Sailland d’Epinatz
  • Madeleine Perrotin veuve Rousseau
  • Madeleine Blond
  • Louise-Olympe Rallier de la Tertinière veuve Déan de Luigné
  • Louise-Aimée Dean de Luigné
  • Jeanne-Marie Sailland d’Epinatz
  • Jeanne Gruget veuve Doly
  • Jeanne Fouchard épouse Chalonneau
  • Jeanne Bourigault
  • Jacquine Monnier
  • Gabrielle Androuin
  • François Pagis epouse Railleau
  • François Michau
  • François Bonneau
  • François Bellanger
  • Charlotte Davy
  • Catherine Cottenceau
  • Anne-François de Villeneuve
  • Anne Hamard

Martyrs of Korea

Martyrs of Korea were thousands of people were murdered in the anti-Catholic persecutions in Korea.

Their names are;

  • Saint Barbara Ch’oe Yong-i
  • Saint Paulus Hong Yong-ju
  • Saint Ioannes Yi Mun-u
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 1 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 1 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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