Saint Basil the Great – Feast Day – January 2

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Saint Basil the Great was Born in 329 at Caesarea, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Europe. He worked in Turkey and died on January 1 379 in Turkey. His feast Day is celebrated on January 2 every year.

Saint Basil the Great Biography
Date of Birth Saint Basil the Great
Country of Birth Turkey of Europe
Profession Priest, Bishop, Archbishop
Place of Work Turkey
Date of Death January 1 379
Place of Death Turkey
Feast Day January 2
Beatification Pre congregation
Canonization Pre congregation
Patron Saint of
  • Cappadocia
  • Hospital
  • Administrators
  • Monks
  • Reformers
  • Russia

Saint Basil the Great Life History

Saint Basil the Great was born around 330 in Caesarea in Asia Minor (modern Turkey). Basil had nine siblings and his family was well known. His mother Saint Emmelia, father Saint Basil the Elder, and four of his nine siblings canonized, including Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Basil’s family had been Christian since the persecution of Christians.

In  Caesarea, Constantinople and Athens Basil studied in these regions and developed his friendship with Saint Gregory of Nanzianzus. On returning home, he started a profane career, but Basil was influenced to the ascetic life through his sister Macrina. Basil was so successful, so sought after as a speaker, that he was tempted by pride. Fearful that it would overtake his piety, he sold all that he had, gave away the money, and became a priest and monk

Basil Founded monasteries and drew up rules for monks living in the desert; he is considered as key to the founding of eastern monasticism as Saint Benedict of Nursia was to the west.

Basil left Athens in 356, and after traveling to Egypt and Syria, he returned to Caesarea, where he made rules and teaching rhetoric for about a year. Basil founded monasteries and drew up rules for monks living in the desert. He was the bishop and Archbishop of Caesarea, conducted Mass, and preached to the crowds twice each day. Additionally, he fought Arianism. As a bishop, he founded charitable institutions to help others such as the sick.Basil died on January 1 379 at Caesarea, Asia Minor (modern Turkey) of natural causes.

Saint Basil the Great’s birth

St Basil the Great was Born in 329 at Caesarea, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Europe.

Saint Basil the Great’s Death

Basil died on January 1 379 at Caesarea, Asia Minor (modern Turkey) of natural causes.

Saint Basil the Great Feast Day

St Basil the Great is among the famous saints who celebrate there feast Day on January 2 every year.


He was beatified by Pre congregation.


St Basil the Great was canonized by Pre congregation.

Patron Saint of

He is the Patron Saint of Cappadocia, hospital administrators, monks, reformers and Russia.

Saint’s Attributes

St Basil the Great is being attribute with carrying a scroll or book, referring to his influential writings and supernatural fire, often with a dove nearby.

Major works and Legacies

Basil presented sermons such as “Address to young people” dealing with ethical and social problems. Several of his Canonical Epistles, decisions on points of discipline, have become part of the canon law of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

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