Saint of the Day for March 30 2025

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Today is Monday, September 30, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is March 30 2025.

šŸ‘‰Saint Marie-Nicolas-Antoine Daveluy

Saint Pierre AumaƮtre

Blessed Mary Restituta Kafka

Saint Ludovico of Casoria

Blessed Joachim of Fiore

Saint Iosephus Chang Chu-gi

Saint Secundus of Asti

Saint John Climacus

Saint Leonard Murialdo

Saint Martin-Luc Huin

Saint Peter Regalatus

Saint Julio Ɓlvarez Mendoza

Saint Zosimus of Syracuse

Saint Lucas Hwang Sok-tu

Blessed Amadeus of Savoy

Saint Cronan Mochua

Saint Regulus of Scotland

Saint Irene of Rome

St Irene of Rome was the wife of St Castulus of Rome. Later she became a widow and healed the arrow wounds of St Sebastian, and tried unsuccessfully to talk him into leaving Rome. Her representation is tending to St Sebastian.

Saint Clinius of Pontecorvo

St Clinius of Pontecorvo also known as Clino or Clinio, was a Greek and his relics are at Pontecorvo, Italy.

He was a Benedictine monk at Monte Cassino Abbey and also an abbot of St Peterā€™s abbey near Pontecorvo, Italy.

Saint Mamertinus of Auxerre

St Mamertinus of Auxerre died in 462 AD. He was a monk and then abbot at the Saints Cosmas and Damian Abbey in Auxerre, France.

Saint Regulus of Senlis

St Regulus of Senlis, also known as Rieul or Rule was born in Greece and died in 260 AD. He was the first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium, Gaul (modern Senlis, France). Furthermore, he was a patron of Senlis, France.

Saint Quirinus the Jailer

St Quirinus the Jailer was martyred 117 AD in Rome, Italy. He was the father of St Balbina of Rome. Was the Jailer of Pope St Alexander who brought Quirinus to the faith. He was later martyred in the persecution of Hadrian.

Saint Domnino of Thessalonica

St Domnino of Thessalonica was also known as Donate, Donino, or Donnino. He died as a martyr in 4th century Thessalonica, Macedonia (in modern Greece).

Saint Fergus of Downpatrick

St Fergus of Downpatrick, also known as Ferguisius or Fergustus, died of natural causes in 583 AD. He was the sixth-century bishop of Downpatrick, Ireland.

Saint Osburga of Coventry

St Osburga of Coventry, also known as Osburgh of Coventry, died in 1018 AD. He was the first abbess of a convent founded by King Canute in Coventry, England.

Saint Patto of Werden

St Patto of Werden, also known as Pacificus, died in 788 AD. He was an abbot of a monastery in Saxony and a bishop of Werden, Germany.

Saint Pastor of Orleans

St Pastor of Orleans was a sixth-century bishop of OrlƩans, France.

Saint Tola

St Tola died in 733 AD. He was an abbot and Bishop of Disert Tola in Meath, Ireland.

Martyrs of Constantinople

Martyrs of Constantinople were fourth-century Christians who were exiled, branded on the forehead, imprisoned, tortured, impoverished and murdered during the multi-year persecutions of the Arian Emperor Constantius. They died between 351 AD and 359 AD in Constantinople.

Martyrs of Thessalonica

Martyrs of Thessalonica was a group of Christians martyred and died together in 304 AD in Thessalonica, Greece.

Their names are;

  • Achaicus
  • Domninus
  • Palotinus
  • Philocalus
  • Victor

Other Saints of the Day for March 30 2025

  • Verono of Lembeek
  • Martin de Salvitierra
  • John Gbecā€™i
  • Gregory Ascissio
  • Dodone of Haske
  • Damian
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 30 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 30 2025 ā€“ Catholic Saint of the Day

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