St Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs – Feast Day – October 9 2024

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St Denis was the bishop of Paris. He was killed together with his companions Rusticus and Eleutherius for their faith in the 3rd century during the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius.

There is a Christian legend that claims that after Saint Denis was decapitated, he picked up his head and walked for a distance while preaching the importance of repentance.

We celebrate his feast day together with his companions on October 9 every year in the Catholic Church.

Saint Denis is the patron saint of France and Paris and is accounted as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs Biography
Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs - Feast Day - October 9
Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs
Date of Birth 3rd-century
Place of Birth France of Europe
Profession Bishop of Paris
Place of Work France
Date of Death 258 AD
Place of Death France
Feast Day October 9
Canonization Precongregation
Patron Saint of
  • Against frenzy
  • Against headaches
  • Against hydrophobia,
  • Against strife
  • France
  • Paris
  • Possessed people
  • San Dionisio, Manila, Philippines (Parañaque)

Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions History

The name Denis is derived from the Latin name Dionysius and from Greek Dionysios.

St Denis was sent by Pope Fabian from Italia to convert Gaul in the third century. Together with six other missionaries, they went to a city called Lutetia which in the modern world became Paris. St Denis was appointed as the Bishop of Paris. They settled near the River Seine.

He and his companions began their work of converting people back to the Christian faith and they did this so effectively that many people became Christians.

The pagan priests became jealous and instigated bad accusations against St Genevieve, St Denis, and his two clergymen priest Rusticus and deacon Eleutherius.

The Roman Governor had the three missionaries arrested and imprisoned. Later they were taken to Montmartre, the highest hill in Paris, and were beheaded.

Immediately his head was cut off, St Denis picked his head, walked downhill, and continued walking for several miles preaching about forgiveness and repentance.

At the point where he stopped preaching and died, a shrine was constructed which later was developed and became the Basilica of Saint-Denis. This Basilica became the burial place of the kings of France.

St Denis is usually depicted in art as a man dressed as a bishop, holding in his hands a mitred head.


The bodies of St Denis, Eleutherius, and Rusticus were buried in the Basilica of Saint-Denis. The construction of the Basilica was started in 475 AD by St Genevieve, assisted by the people of Paris.

Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs Feast Day

We celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs on October 9 every year in the Catholic Church

Saint Denis is the Patron Saint of

  • Against frenzy
  • Against headaches
  • Against hydrophobia,
  • Against strife
  • France
  • Paris
  • Possessed people
  • San Dionisio, Manila, Philippines (Parañaque)

Other Catholic Saints whose Feast Days are in October

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