Saint of the Day for April 10 2025

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Today is Saturday, March 8, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 10 2025.

Saint Miguel de Sanctis

Saint Fulbert of Chartres

Blessed Antoine Neyrot

Blessed Boniface Zukowski

Blessed Pedro María Ramírez Ramos

Blessed Mark Fantucci

Saint Maddalena of Canossa

Saint Macarius of Antioch

Saint Bademus

Blessed Paternus the Scot

Saint Bede the Younger

Blessed Eberwin of Helfenstein

Blessed Eberwin of Helfenstein was an Augustinian canon. In 1121 he and several companions took over the abandoned Benedictine monastery of Springiersbach in Steinfeld, Germany.

He was a friend of St Bernard of Clairvaux.

In 1130 they joined the Premonstratensians, and Eberwin served as provost. He fought heretical teaching throughout the region.

He died on April 10 1152 in Steinfeld, Germany.

Blessed Antonio Vallesio

Antonio Vallesio, a missionary of the Mercedarian order, born in Liguria, Italy, was sent to Tunisia to spread the teachings of Christianity.

He was apprehended by Muslim officials for preaching his faith and was given a punishment of forced labor, but instead, he was taken outside the city of Tunis, Tunisia, stoned to death, and died as a martyr in 1293.

Blessed Marco Mattia

Marco Mattia was a Mercedarian friar residing at the Maleville convent in France, who was originally from a location close to Toulouse in France.

He was dispatched to Tunisia as a missionary to preach Christianity but was detained by Muslim officials for doing so.

He was then brutally dismembered on a hill outside Tunis in 1293 and is considered a martyr for his faith.

Saint Malchus of Waterford

Malchus of Waterford was an Irish Benedictine monk who lived in Winchester in England.

He became the inaugural bishop of Waterford in Ireland and was consecrated to the position by Saint Anselm of Canterbury in 1096. Malchus later became the Preceptor of Saint Malachy O’More.

Saint Ethor of Chertsey

Saint Ethor, also referred to as Hethor, served as a priest and Benedictine monk at Chertsey Abbey located in England.

Along with 90 of his fellow monks, he was martyred in 869 AD at Chertsey by heathen Danish invaders.

Saint Hedda of Peterborough

Saint Hedda was an abbot of Peterborough Abbey who followed the Benedictine order.

He, along with several of his fellow monks, was martyred by pagan Danish raiders at Peterborough in England in the year 869 AD.

Saint Palladius of Auxerre

Saint Palladius, who was also called Palladium, served as the abbot of Saint Germanus in Auxerre, France, before being appointed as the Bishop of Auxerre.

In addition to this, he was instrumental in founding numerous monasteries. Palladius died in the year 661 AD.

Saint Apollonius of Alexandria

Saint Apollonius worked as a priest in Alexandria, Egypt. He, along with five other companions, was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Beocca of Chertsey

Saint Beocca served as a Benedictine abbot at Chertsey Abbey in England. He, along with 90 of his fellow monks, was martyred by heathen Danish invaders at Chertsey in the year 869 AD.

Saint Gajan

Saint Gajan was a deacon who lived during the fourth century. He was martyred in Dacia, which is a region located in present-day Romania.

Martyrs of Carthage

The Martyrs of Carthage were a group of 50 Christians who were imprisoned in an enclosure filled with snakes and scorpions during the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD.

They were later beheaded at Carthage, and only six of their names are known today, namely Africanus, Alessandro, Massimo, Pompeius, Terence, and Teodoro.

Martyrs of Georgia

The Martyrs of Georgia refer to a group of around 6,000 Christian monks and ordinary people who were martyred for their faith in 1616 in Georgia.

They were killed by a Muslim army commanded by Shah Abbas I of Persia.

Martyrs of Ostia

The Martyrs of Ostia are a group of criminals who were imprisoned with Pope Saint Alexander I, and converted to Christianity due to his influence.

These individuals were drowned and died as martyrs by being taken out to sea from Ostia, Italy in a boat that was subsequently sunk in the year 115 AD.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 10 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 10 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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