Saint of the Day for June 12 2024

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Today is Tuesday, October 8, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 12 2024.

Pope Saint Leo III

Saint Gaspare Bertoni

Blessed Maria Candida of the Eucharist

Blessed Lorenzo Salvi

Saint Onuphrius

Blessed Antonia Maria Verna

Saint Cunera

Blessed Guy Vignotelli

Saint Odulph of Utrecht

Blessed Mercedes Molina Ayala

108 Martyrs of World War II

Blessed Conrad of Maleville

Saint Amphion of Nicomedia

Saint Amphion of Nicomedia was a priest during the reign of Valerius Maximianus Galerius. He was the earliest known bishop of Epiphania, Cilicia now modern Turkey in 325 AD.

He attended the Council of Nicaea and became bishop of Nicomedia. He opposed the Arians who were just starting to spread in the area and was a writer whose works were recommended by Saint Athanasius of Alexandria for their defense of the faith.

He suffered in the persecution of Diocletian and died in the early 4th century of natural causes.

Saint Peter of Mount Athos

Saint Peter of Mount Athos was the first hermit on Mount Athos in 8th century Greece. A legend says that he was a soldier captured by Muslims, but freed through the intercession of Saint Simeon.

He made a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy and was given a monastic habit by the (unnamed) pope.

Moved by a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he became a hermit for 50 years on Mount Athos, fighting off assaults of the devil and starting a tradition for other hermits to follow.

Saint Eskil

Saint Eskil also known as Aeschilus, Aeschylus, Eskill, Eskillo or Eschillo born in England was a missionary, working in Sweden with Saint Ansgar.

He became a bishop and converted so many pagan Swedes to Christianity that he was condemned to death by King Swerker the Bloody. He was stoned to death on Good Friday 1131. His representation is a bishop with three stones.

Saint Arsenius of Konev

Saint Arsenius of Konev was born in Novgorod, Russia and became a monk on Mount Athos in Greece for three years.

He was a monk at the Valaam monastery in northern Russia and founded a monastery on the island of Konev, putting it under the Rule he had learned on Mount Athos. He died in 1447 of natural causes.

Saint Chrodobald of Marchiennes

Saint Chrodobald of Marchiennes also known as Chlodobald, Chrodobalde, Ludbald or Rodebald born in Gaul now modern France was a spiritual student of Saint Amandus of Belgium.

He became a benedictine monk at the monastery of Elnone now modern Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in Tournai, Flanders in modern Belgium.

He was the provost of the abbey of Marchiennes near Douai, France, and died in the 7th century.

Saint Lochinia of Ireland

Saint Lochinia of Ireland also known as Lochin or Lochein was born a princess, the daughter of Briga and King Conall Derg of Oriel in Northern Ireland.

She was the sister of Saint Fanchea of Rossory, Saint Carecha of Clonburren, Saint Darenia of Cashel and Saint Enda of Arran.

No details of her life have survived. She was born in the 5th century in Oriel, Ireland.

Saint Placid of Ocre

Saint Placid of Ocre was born in Rodi, Italy to a working-class family. He became a Cistercian monk at Saint Nicholas, Corno, Italy and lived as a hermit at Ocre in the Abruzzi region of Italy.

He was the founder and abbot of Santo Spirit monastery near Val d’Ocre. As a self-imposed penance, he slept standing for the last 37 years of his life. He died in 1248 of natural causes.

Blessed Stefan Kielman

Blessed Stefan Kielman born in 1622 in the area that is modern Czech Republic was a Premonstratensian monk in 1641.

He became canon of the Strahov monastery outside Prague, Bohemia (modern Czech Republic), and was ordained in 1647.

He was prior of his monastery, spiritual director, and confessor to the sisters in the Doksany convent. He died in 1678 of natural causes.

Blessed Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo

Blessed Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo born in the 16th century in Milazzo, Italy was the daughter of Domenico Leonti and Bernarda Maiolino and sister of Blessed Angelica of Milazzo.

She became a Franciscan Minim tertiary laywoman. Her Guardian Angel was sometimes visible to other people. She died in 1591 of natural causes.

Blessed Antonio de Pietra

Blessed Antonio de Pietra was a Mercedarian friar. He ransomed 80 Christians from Muslim slavery in North Africa and died of natural causes in 1490 at the San Martino convent, Oran, Algeria.

Saint Ternan of Culross

Saint Ternan of Culross also known as Torannan was a fifth-century missionary bishop to the Picts in Scotland, consecrated by Saint Palladius of Ireland.

He used Abernethy, Scotland as his base of operations. He founded the monastery of Culross in Fifeshire, Scotland.

Saint Cyrinus of Antwerp

Saint Cyrinus of Antwerp also known as Cirino died in Rome, Italy and is buried in the Callistus catacombs in Rome. His relics transferred to the Jesuit college in Antwerp, Belgium in 1606.

Saint Christian O’Morgair of Clogher

Saint Christian O’Morgair of Clogher also known as Christianus or Croistan O’Morgair was the brother of Saint Malachy of Armagh. He was an influential bishop of Clogher, Ireland in 1126. He died in 1138.

Saint Valerius of Armenia

Saint Valerius of Armenia, born Armenian, was martyred in the persecution of emperor Hadrian. He was crucified in the early 2nd century and his relics are enshrined in Gueldre, Limburg, the Netherlands.

Saint Olympus of Aenos

Saint Olympus of Aenos was the bishop of Aenos, Rumelia (modern Enez, Turkey). He became the contemporary of Saint Athanasius.

He strongly opposed Arianism and was driven from his diocese by the Arian emperor Constantius. He died in 343 AD of natural causes.

Saint Galen of Armenia

Saint Galen of Armenia born Armenian was martyred in the persecutions of emperor Hadrian. He was crucified in the early 2nd century and his relics are enshrined in Gueldre, Limburg, the Netherlands

Saint Gerebald of Chalons

Saint Gerebald of Chalons was the bishop of Chalons-sur-Seine, France in 864 AD. He served the last 21 years of his life and died in 885 AD of natural causes.

Saint Cuniald

Saint Cuniald was a seventh-century confessor of the faith. No details about him have survived.

Saint Cominus

Saint Cominus was a fifth-century monk and abbot. He was the patron of Ardcavan, Ireland.

Saint Geslar

Saint Geslar was a seventh-century confessor of the faith. No details about him have survived.

Martyrs of Bologna

Martyrs of Bologna were three Christians who were martyred at different times and places, but whose relics have been collected and enshrined together in churches in Bologna and Rome in Italy. Their names are Celsus, Dionysius and Marcellinus.

Martyrs of Rome

Martyrs of Rome were four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian in 304 AD outside Rome, Italy.

They were buried along the Aurelian Way. Their names are Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.

Three Holy Exiles

Three Holy Exiles were three Christian men who became Benedictine monks at Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then became hermits at Griestatten. Their lives and piety are celebrated together. their names are Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.

Other Saints of the Day for June 12 2024

  • Rychwyn ap Helig
  • Philip of Palermo
  • Our Lady of Montalto
  • Hildegard Burjan
  • Florida Cevoli
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 12 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 12 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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