Saint of the Day for April 29 2024

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Today is Friday, September 27, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is April 29 2024.

👉 Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Saint Peter Verona

Blessed Hanna Helena Chrzanowska

Blessed Itala Mela

Saint Hugh of Cluny

Blessed Acardo of Avranches

Saint Torpes of Pisa

Saint Tychicus

Saint Antonius Kim Song-u

Saint Endellion of Tregony

Saint Gundebert of Gumber

St. Gundebert of Gumber, an eighth-century Frankish courtier, was born in France. He was the sibling of St. Nivard and wedded to St. Bertha of Avenay.

With Bertha’s blessing, he chose to leave her and become a monk. He traveled to Ireland where he was martyred by pagans who attacked his monastery.

Blessed Robert Gruthuysen

Blessed Robert Gruthuysen, also known as Robert of Bruges, was born in Bruges, Belgium. He became a Benedictine Cistercian monk in 1131 and was a spiritual disciple of St Bernard of Clairvaux.

In 1139, he was appointed as the first abbot of Dunes Abbey and later became an abbot of Clairvaux Abbey in 1153. He died in 1157 of natural causes.

Saint Ava of Denain

St. Ava of Denain, also referred to as Ava of Dinant or Avia, was a relative of King Pepin the Short who suffered from blindness during her childhood. However, Saint Rainfredis performed a miracle that cured her blindness.

She became a nun in Denain, Hainault, which is now located in modern-day Belgium, and later became its abbess. Her death occurred in 845 AD.

Saint Dichu

St. Dichu, also referred to as Dictinus, was born in Ireland during the 4th century. He was the son of an Ulster chieftain and worked as a swineherd in his youth.

He became the first Irish convert of St. Patrick and gifted him the land at Saul for his inaugural Irish church. St. Dichu died of natural causes in Saul, Ireland in the 5th century.

Saint Wilfrid the Younger

St. Wilfrid the Younger, also called Wilfrith, was a monk at Beverley Abbey and learned under St. John of Beverley. He served as an abbot of Beverley before retiring to live as a monk at Ripon Abbey in his later years. He died in 744 AD.

Saint Fiachan of Lismore

Saint Fiachan of Lismore was a native of Munster, Ireland, who also went by the names Fiachna, Fianchine, Fiachina or Fianchne.

He spent his monastic life at Lismore in Ireland, where he studied under Saint Carthage the Younger. He died in the 7th century.

Saint Theoger

St. Theoger was a Benedictine monk who played a significant role in the monastic reform at Hirsau Abbey and supported the Cluniac reform movement.

He served as the abbot of Saint George’s Abbey located in the Black Forest around 1100 AD. He died in 1120 at Cluny Abbey due to natural causes.

Saint Paulinus of Brescia

St. Paulinus of Brescia served as the bishop of Brescia in Italy during the year 524 AD. Following his death in 545 AD, his remains were entombed in the San Pietro in Oliveto church located in Italy.

Saint Daniel of Gerona

St. Daniel of Gerona originated from Asia Minor and lived as a hermit. He met a martyr’s death in 9th century Spain.

Saint Senan of Wales

St. Senan of Wales was a seventh-century hermit in north Wales.

Abbots of Cluny

The abbots of Cluny have a feast that recognizes the great and saintly early abbots of Cluny Abbey.

Their names are;

  • Saint Peter the Venerable
  • Saint Odo of Cluny
  • Saint Odilo of Cluny
  • Saint Mayeul
  • Saint Hugh of Cluny
  • Saint Berno of Cluny
  • Saint Aymardus of Cluny

Martyrs of Corfu

The group of individuals known as the martyrs of Corfu, were called by other names such as the Seven Holy Thieves, Seven Holy Robbers, or Seven Robber Saints.

This group originally consisted of a band of robbers who converted to Christianity while in prison. Their conversion was due to the efforts of St. Jason and St. Sosipater, who had also been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.

The group publicly declared their newfound faith, which led to their martyrdom. In the 2nd century, they were boiled in oil and pitch on the Island of Corcyra, currently known as Corfu in Greece.

Their names are;

  • Saturninus
  • Marsalius
  • Mammius
  • Januarius
  • Insischolus
  • Faustianus
  • Euphrasius

Other Saints of the Day for April 29 2024

  • Madonna del sangue
  • Ludovico of Casoria
  • John Vargas
  • Cristino
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 29 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 29 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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