This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 12 2024.
👉 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Blessed Pope Innocent XI
Blessed Vittoria Diaz y Bustos de Molina
Blessed Buenaventura García-Paredes Pallasá
Blessed Karl Leisner
Blessed Józef Stepniak
Blessed Manuel Basulto Jiménez
Blessed Enrique María Gómez Jiménez
Blessed Félix Pérez Portela
Saint Euplus of Catania
Saint Antôn Nguyen Dích
Blessed Pierre Jarrige de la Morelie de Puyredon
Blessed Pedro del Barco
Saint Giacôbê Do Mai Nam
Blessed Józef Straszewski
Saint Porcarius of Lérins
Saint Cecilia of Remiremont
Blessed Charles Meehan
Saint Micae Nguyen Huy My
Saint Anicetus of Marmora
St Anicetus of Marmora was tortured, burned at the stake, and martyred in 304 AD during the persecutions of Diocletian at Nicomedia on the shores of the Sea of Marmora.
His relics are preserved in a church on the island of Daphnos in the Agean Sea.
Saint Simplicio of Vercelli
St Simplicio of Vercelli was also known as Simplicius. He was the eighth Bishop of Vercelli, Italy.
He served during a period of barbarian invasion and died in 470 AD.
Saint Photinus of Marmora
St Photinus of Marmora was also known as Fotinus or Fozio. He was tortured, burned at the stake and martyred in 304 AD during the persecutions of Diocletian at Nicomedia on the shores of the Sea of Marmora.
His relics are preserved in a church on the island of Daphnos in the Agean Sea.
Saint Murtagh of Killala
St Murtagh of Killala was also known as Muredach or Muiredach. He was a disciple of Saint Patrick and may have been a relative.
He was consecrated by Patrick in 443 AD and became the first bishop of Killala, Ireland,
In his later years, he became a hermit on the island of Innesmurray.
He is the patron saint of the diocese of Killala, Ireland.
Saint Hilaria of Augsburg
St Hilaria of Augsburg was the mother of Saint Afra of Augsburg. As she was visiting Saint Afra’s tomb with some friends, she was captured by the authorities and was burned alive in 304 AD. She died a martyr.
Saint Gracilian
St Gracilian was also known as Gratiliano. He was born in Faleria, Italy.
He was imprisoned for his faith. While still in prison he restored the sight of Saint Felicissima, a blind girl, and converted her to the faith.
In 304 AD, he was beheaded and died as a martyr.
He is the patron saint of Bassano Romano, Italy.
Saint Lelia
St Lelia was an Irish daughter of Prince Cairthenn. She lived in the Irish cities of Limerick and Kerry.
She became a nun and a Superior of a convent in Munster, Ireland.
Several Irish place names keep her memory alive, and her house was renamed Saint Lelias’s in honour of her holiness. She died in the 5th century in Ireland.
Saint Jambert of Canterbury
St Jambert of Canterbury was also known as Jaenbert or Janbert. He was an Abbot of Saint Augustine’s monastery, in Canterbury, England, and later, in 765 AD, the Archbishop of Canterbury, England. He died of natural causes in 792 AD.
Saint Herculanus of Brescia
St Herculanus was also known as Ercolano. He was the Bishop of Brescia, Italy, and died in 550 AD.
Saint Discolio of Vercelli
Saint Discolio was the fourth bishop of Vercelli, Italy.
Saint Felicissima the Blind
Saint Felicissima was the blind girl whose sight was restored by Saint Gracilian when he was imprisoned for his faith.
Saint Gracilian converted her to Christianity but in 304 AD, she was beheaded and died as a martyr.
Saint Macarius of Syria
St Macarius of Syria was a monk. He was martyred in Syria for trying to spread the faith to pagans.
Saint Julian of Syria
St Julian of Syria was a monk. He was martyred in Syria for trying to spread the faith to pagans.
Saint Ust
Saint Ust was also known as Just or Justus. He was a hermit for whom the town of Saint-Just near Penzance, Cornwall, England is named after him.
Saint Merewenna
St Merewenna is venerated in Marhamchurch near Bude, Cornwall, England.
Martyrs of Augsburg
The Martyrs of Augsburg are the mother, Hilaria, and three friends of Saint Afra of Augsburg.
As they were visiting Saint Afra’s tomb, they were captured by the authorities and burned alive in 304 AD. They died martyrs.
The martyrs are
- Digna
- Eunomia
- Euprepia
- Hilaria
Martyrs of Barbastro
The Martyrs of Barbastro are six Claretian brothers and priests who were martyred together on August 12 1936, in Barbastro, Huesca, Spain during the persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.
On October 25 1992, they were beatified by Pope John Paul II.
Their names are
• Wenceslau Clarís Vilaregut
• Sebastián Calvo Martínez
• Pere Cunill Padrós
• Nicasio Sierra Ucar
• José Pavón Bueno
• Gregorio Chirivas Lacamba
Martyrs of La Torre de Fontaubella
The Martyrs of La Torre de Fontaubella were four parish priests who were murdered together on August 12 1936, in La Torre de Fontaubella, Tarragona, Spain during the persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.
On October 13 2013, they were beatified by Pope Francis in Tarragona, Spain
The names are
- Antoni Nogués Martí
- Joan Rofes Sancho
- Josep Maria Sancho Toda
- Ramon Martí Amenós
Martyrs of Puerta de Hierro
The Martyrs of Puerta de Hierro are five nuns in the Archdiocese of Madrid, Spain who on August 12 1936, in Puerta de Hierro, Aravaca, Madrid, Spain were all martyred together during the Spanish Civil War. They were all members of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
On October 27 2013, they were beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.
Their names are
- Melchora Adoración Cortés Bueno
- María Severina Díaz-Pardo Gauna
- María Dolores Barroso Villaseñor
- María Asunción Mayoral Peña
- Estefanía Saldaña Mayoral
Martyrs of Rome
The Martyrs of Rome were a group of Christians who were martyred together in 304 AD in Rome, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.
They were buried on the Ostian Way outside Rome.
Their names are
- Crescentian
- Juliana
- Largio
- Nimmia
- Quiriacus
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War
These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.
Their names are;
- Ramona Cao Fernández
- Perfecto Del Río Páramo
- Pedro José Cano Cebrían
- Pau Figuerola Rovira
- Manuel Borràs Ferré
- Manuel Basulto Jiménez
- Juana Pérez Abascal
- Josep Nadal Guiu
- José Jordán Blecua
- Gabriel Albiol Plou
- Félix Pérez Portela
- Domingo Sánchez Lázaro
- Carles Barrufet Tost
- Carles Barrufet Tost
- Buenaventura García-Paredes Pallasá
- Atilano Dionisio Argüeso González
- Antoni Perulles Estivill

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