Saint of the Day for December 13 2024

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Today is Friday, February 21, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 13 2024.

👉 Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr

Blessed Antonio Grassi

Saint Odilia of Alsace

Blessed Costanza Starace

Saint Jodocus

Saint Antiochus of Sulci

Saint Aubert of Arras

Blessed John Marinoni

Saint Tassio of Bavaria

St Tassio of Bavaria was also known as Tassio of Jumièges. He was born to nobility and was a duke of Bavaria (in modern Germany).

He founded and endowed many monasteries and churches. Retired to live his later days as a monk at Jumièges Abbey in France.

He died of natural causes in 794 AD in Lorsch, Germany.

Blessed Elizabeth Rose

Blessed Elizabeth Rose was a Benedictine nun in Chelles, France. She founded the convent of Sainte-Marie-du-Rozoy, near Courtenay, Loiret, France, and served as its first abbess.

Eventually retired to live as an anchoress in a hollow oak tree. She later died of natural causes in 1130 AD.

Saint Arsenius of Latro

St Arsenius of Latro was an admiral in the imperial fleet. From the shipwreck in a violent storm experience, he learned that he benefitted from living as a hermit.

After being rescued, he returned to life as a mountain hermit.

Additionally, he was a monk near Miletus, Caria (in modern Turkey), and also a miracle worker.

Blessed Bartholomew of Tuscany

Blessed Bartholomew of Tuscany was also known as Job of Tuscany. He died of natural causes in 1300 AD. He was a Franciscan tertiary and also a priest.

In the final 20 years of his life, he suffered from leprosy

Blessed Martino de Pomar

Blessed Martino de Pomar was a Mercedarian friar and then commander of the Santa Maria convent in Bilbao, Spain.

Saint Einhildis of Hohenburg

St Einhildis of Hohenburg was also known as Einhild. She was a Benedictine nun at Hohenburg, Alsace, France, and also an abbess of nearby Niedermunster.

She later died in the 8th century of natural causes.

Saint Edburgh of Lyminge

St Edburgh of Lyminge was also known as Edburga of Lyminge. She was a seventh-century nun at Lyminge in Kent, England.

Saint Roswinda

St Roswinda was a sister of Saint Ottilia and also a Benedictine nun at Hohenburg, Alsace, France. She died in the 8th century of natural causes

Saint Wifred

St Wifred was a monk and then abbot of Saint Victor Abbey in Marseilles, France. He died of natural causes in 1021 AD.

Saint Aristone

St Aristone died in Porto Romano, Italy as a martyr.

Blessed Mercedarian Knights

Blessed Mercedarian Knights was a group of Mercedarian knights who fought the enemies of the Catholic faith in the first century of the Order.

Their names are;

  • Blessed Pietro Ricart
  • Blessed Pietro Boguer
  • Blessed Guglielmo de Sa
  • Blessed Giovanni de Bruquera
  • Blessed Giacomo de Copons
  • Blessed Bernardo de Podio

Martyrs of Jeongju

Martyrs of Jeongju were six Christian laymen who were imprisoned, tortured, and martyred together in the persecutions in Korea.

They were beheaded on December 13 1866 in Supjeong-i, Jeongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea, and canonized on May 6 1984 by Pope John Paul II.

Their names are;

  • Petrus Yi Myong-So
  • Petrus Son Son-Ji
  • Petrus Chong Won-Ji
  • Peter Cho Hwa-so
  • Iosephus Han Won-So
  • Bartholomaeus Chong Mun-Ho

Martyrs of Sebaste

Martyrs of Sebaste was a group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian.

They died in 302 AD at Sebaste, Armenia (in modern Turkey). Their relics were enshrined at the church of Saint Apollinaris in Rome, Italy

Their names are;

  • Auxentius
  • Eustratius
  • Eugene
  • Mardarius
  • Orestes

Other Saints of the Day for December 13 2024

  • Cormac of Killala

Catholic Saint Feast Days in December

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 13 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 13 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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