Saint of the Day for December 23 2024

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Today is Friday, February 7, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 23 2024.

👉 Saint John of Kanty, Priest

Saint Marguerite d’Youville

Saint Antonio of Saint Anne

Saint Dagobert II

Blessed Ivo of Chartres

Saint Servulus of Rome

Saint Thorlac Thorhallsson

Saint Nicolás Factor-Estaña

Blessed Hartmann of Brixen

Saint John Stone

Saint Joseph Cho Yun-ho

St Joseph Cho Yun-ho, also known as Iosephus Cho Yun-ho or Yosep Jo Yun-ho, was a young layman born in 1848 in Sinchang, Chungcheong-do, South Korea.

He grew up on a farm within the apostolic vicariate of Korea and was the son of Saint Peter Cho Hwa-so.

A devoted catechist, Joseph became one of the Korean martyrs after being beaten to death on December 23, 1866, in Supjeong-i, Jeongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea.

His memory is also honoured on September 20 as one of the Martyrs of Korea. Saint Joseph Cho Yun-ho was canonized on May 6, 1984, by Pope John Paul II.

Blessed James Aymerich

Blessed James Aymerich was born in Barcelona, Spain. He was a Mercedarian friar and was elected Master General of the Mercedarians on April 8 1419.

He improved convents in several cities, straightened out some financial and debt problems, and redeemed many slaves.

He was an advisor to King Alfonso V, especially on spiritual matters. He died on December 23 1428 due to natural causes.

Saint Migdonius of Rome

St Migdonius of Rome has an additional Memorial on December 28, as one of the 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia.

He was a Christian imperial official in Rome, Italy. He refused to renounce his faith during the persecutions of Diocletian.

He died as a martyr after drowning in Nicomedia, Bithynia (modern Izmit, Turkey) in 303 AD.

Saint Mardonius of Rome

St Mardonius of Rome has an additional memorial on December 28 as one of the 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia.

He was a Christian imperial official in Rome, Italy. He refused to renounce his faith during the persecutions of Diocletian.

He died as a martyr after drowning in Nicomedia, Bithynia (modern Izmit, Turkey) in 303 AD.

Saint Frithbert of Hexham

St Frithbert of Hexham was also known as Fridebert or Frithubeorht. He was a bishop of Hexham in England for 34 years.

While Bishop Cynewulf was in prison, he administered the diocese of Lindisfarne.

He died in 766 AD due to natural causes and his relics were re-discovered at Hexham in England in 1154 AD.

Saint John Cirita

St John Cirita was born in Spain. He was a benedictine monk and a hermit in Galacia, Spain. He was also a monk at Toronca, Portugal, which he helped turn into a Cistercian monastery.

He authored the Rule of the Knights of Avis. He died in 1164 AD due to natural causes.

Blessed Herman of Scheda

Blessed Herman of Scheda was born in Cologne in Germany. He converted from Jewish to Christianity. He was a Premonstratensian monk and an abbot of Scheda at the Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany.

He died in 1200 AD of natural causes.

Saint Mazota of Abernethy

St Mazota of Abernethy was the leader of a group of 19 women who in the 8th century AD migrated from Ireland to Scotland to found a convent at Abernethy, Perthshire, Scotland on the Tay.

Saint Vintila of Orensee

St Vintila of Orensee was a benedictine monk and a hermit at Pugino, near Orense, in Spanish Galicia.

He died in 890 AD at Pugino, Spanish Galacia.

Saint Besa of Egypt

St Besa of Egypt was also known as Wissa. He was a fifth-century AD abbot in Egypt.

Saint Bincema

St Bincema was a nun. She died as a martyr in the 3rd century AD in Sardinia in Italy.

Ten Martyrs of Crete

The ten martyrs of Crete were a group of ten Christians who died in 250 AD in the persecutions of Decius.

Their names are;

  • Zeticus
  • Theodulus
  • Saturninus
  • Gelasius
  • Evaristus
  • Euporus
  • Eunician
  • Cleomenes
  • Basilides
  • Agathopus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

The martyrs of the Spanish Civil War were thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Pedro Luís y Luís
  • Blessed Miguel Rodríguez González
  • Blessed Manuel Gutiérrez Ceballos
  • Blessed José María García Tabar
  • Blessed Epifanio Gómez Alvaro
  • Blessed Enrique Izquierdo Palacios
  • Blessed Enrique Cañal Gómez
  • Blessed Eliseo Miguel Lagro
  • Blessed Eleuterio Marne Mansilla
  • Blessed Bernardino Irurzun Otermín

Other Saints of the Day for December 23 2024

  • Paolo Melendez Gonzalo
  • Abashade of Ethiopia
  • John of Novgorod

Catholic Saint Feast Days in December

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 23 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 23 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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