Saint of the Day for May 23 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 23 2024.

Saint Giovanni Battista Rossi

Saint William of Rochester

Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk

Saint Michael of Synnada

Saint Guibertus of Gorze

Saint Desiderius of Langres

Blessed Wincenty Matuszewski

Blessed Józef Kurzawa

Saint Eutychius of Valcastoria

St Eutychius of Valcastoria was also known as Eutychius of Norvia or Eutizio of Valcastoria. He was a sixth-century hermit and monk whose piety led many to God.

Additionally, He was a miracle worker and also an abbot of a monastery in Valcastoria, Italy. Pope Gregory the Great wrote about him.

Saint Florentius of Valcastoria

St Florentius of Valcastoria was also known as Florentius of Norcia. He was a sixth-century hermit and monk whose piety led many to God.

Additionally, he was a miracle worker and also an abbot of a monastery in Valcastoria, Italy. Pope Gregory the Great wrote about him.

Blessed Leontius of Rostov

Blessed Leontius of Rostov was born in Greek and died of natural causes in 1077 AD. He was a missionary to Russia, a monk at the Caves of Kiev and bishop of Rostov in 1051 where he served for over 25 years.

Saint Epitacius of Tuy

St Epitacius of Tuy, also known as Epictetus, Epictritus, was the first bishop of Tuy, Galatia (in modern Spain).

Saint Syagrius of Nice

St Syagrius of Nice, also known as Siacre or Siagrio, died in 787 AD. He was a monk at Lerins, France, a founder of St Pons Monastery at Cimiez, France and also a bishop of Nice, France in 777 AD.

Saint Onorato of Subiaco

St Onorato of Subiaco was also known as Honoratus or Honore. He was a Benedictine monk in the early 6th century and also an abbot at Subiaco, Italy, leading a community formed by Saint Benedict.

Saint Spes of Campi

St Spes of Campi died in 515 AD. He was a monk and also an abbot in Campi, Italy. Totally blind for 40 years, and his eyesight was suddenly restored for the last 15 days of his life.

Saint Euphebius of Naples

St Euphebius of Naples, also known as Efébo, was a 4th-century bishop of Naples, Italy.

Saint Goban Gobhnena

St Goban Gobhnena was a sixth-seventh-century abbot at Old-Leighlin, County Limerick, Ireland.

Saint Basileus of Braga

St Basileus of Braga was the first bishop of Braga, Portugal.

Martyrs of Béziers

Martyrs of Béziers were 20 Mercedarian friars murdered by Huguenots for being Catholic. They died as martyrs in 1562 he was at the Mercedarian convent in Béziers, France.

Martyrs of Cappadocia

Martyrs of Cappadocia was a group of Christians tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian and Galerius. They died in 303 AD by having their bones crushed in Cappadocia (in modern Turkey).

Martyrs of Carthage

Martyrs of Carthage were born in Africa and they were beaded to death in 259 AD at Carthage (modern Tunis, Tunisia).

When a civil revolt erupted in Carthage in 259 during a period of persecution by Valerian, the procurator Solon blamed it on the Christians, and began a persecution of them. We know the names and a few details about 8 of these martyrs.

Their Names are;

  • Donatian
  • Flavian
  • Julian
  • Lucius
  • Montanus
  • Primolus
  • Rhenus
  • Victorius

Martyrs of Mesopotamia

Martyrs of Mesopotamia was a group of Christians martyred in Mesopotamia in persecutions by imperial Roman authorities. During their death they were suffocated over a slow fire in Mesopotamia.

Martyrs of North Africa

Martyrs of North Africa died in 430 AD. They were a group of 19 Christians martyred together in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal King Hunneric for refusing to deny the Trinity.

Their Names are;

  • Quintian
  • Paul
  • Lucius
  • Julian
  • Dionysius

Other Saints of the Day for May 23 2024

  • Strofan of Cluan-Mor
  • Raymond Folch
  • Pontius of Condat
  • Giulio of Porto
  • Garcia of Cardenas
  • Christopher Soler
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 23 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 23 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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