This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 7 2024.
👉 Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Saint Sabino of Spoleto
Saint Burgundofara
Saint Charles Garnier
Saint Athenodorus of Mesopotamia
Saint Antonius of Siya
St. Antonius of Siya, born in Archangel (Arkhangelsk or Archangelsk), Russia, in 1556 AD, entered matrimony with the daughter of a prosperous merchant who employed him.
Relocating to Novgorod for business, he became a widower. Subsequently, he assumed the roles of a monk in Kensk and a hermit in the forest near the White Sea.
His esteemed piety attracted followers, leading the Prince of Moscow to establish a monastery for them.
Despite attempting to retire and live as a hermit in his later years, Antonius found that his fellow monks continued to follow him.
Blessed Humbert of Clairvaux
Blessed Humbert of Clairvaux died in 1148 AD. He served as a Benedictine monk at Chaise-Deux and later became a monk at Clairvaux Abbey in 1117.
Appointed as the prior at Clairvaux by St. Bernard, he subsequently became the abbot at Igny, France, in 1127.
Despite his attempts to return to Clairvaux, Bernard, with the threat of monastic excommunication, directed him back to Igny. At Humbert’s funeral Mass, Bernard delivered a poignant homily.
Saint Agatho of Alexandria
St Agatho of Alexandria was martyred in 250 AD in Alexandria, Egypt. He was a soldier in Alexandria, Egypt, and also a martyr.
When he prevented a mob of pagans from desecrating the bodies of Christian martyrs killed in the persecutions of Decius, the mob dragged him to court where he confessed to being a Christian himself.
Saint Servus the Martyr
St Servus the Martyr was an African born to the nobility. A layman, he was tortured and murdered in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal King Hunneric for adhering to orthodox Christianity. He was beaten and then dragged over stones until dead in 484 AD in North Africa.
Saint Buithe of Monasterboice
St Buithe of Monasterboice was also known as Buithe mac Bronach or Boethius, Buite. He was born in Scotland and died in 521 AD.
He was a pilgrim to Rome who studied in Italy, then returned to Scotland to work as a missionary to the Picts.
Saint Nilus of Stolbensk
St Nilus of Stolbensk died in 1554 AD. He was a spiritual student of St Sabas of Pskov and also a hermit in the forests in the Tver region. He attracted so many would-be students that he moved to a deserted island in Lake Seliguer.
Saint Victor of Piacenza
St Victor of Piacenza died in 375 AD. He was the first bishop of Piacenza, Italy, a flock he served for over 50 years. Additionally, he was a staunch opponent of Arianism and also attended the Council of Sardica.
Saint Geretrannus of Bayeux
St Geretrannus of Bayeux was a sixth-century bishop of Bayeux, France.
Saint Diuma
St Diuma was born in Ireland and died in 658 AD. He was a missionary and evangelizing bishop in Mercia, England. The modern town of Peterborough, England, grew up around a monastery he founded.
Saint Martin of Saujon
St Martin of Saujon died in 400 AD. He was a spiritual student of St Martin of Tours and a founder of the monastery of Saujon, France.
Saint Anianas of Chartres
St Anianas of Chartres was also known as Agnan of Chartres. He was a fifth-century bishop of Chartres, France.
Saint Urban of Teano
St Urban of Teano died in 356 AD as bishop of Teano, Campania, Italy.
Saint Polycarp of Antioch
St Polycarp of Antioch was martyred in Antioch.
Saint Theodore of Antioch
St Theodore of Antioch was martyred in Antioch.

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