Saint of the Day for December 9 2024

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Today is Monday, March 31, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 9 2024.

👉 Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, Hermit

Saint Peter Fourier

Blessed Liborius Wagner

Blessed Clara Isabella Fornari

Saint Nectarius of Auvergne

Saint Leocadia of Toledo

Saint Budoc of Brittany

Saint Syrus of Pavia

Saint Gorgonia

Saint Valeria of Limoges

Saint Auditor of Saint-Nectaire

Saint Proculus of Verona

St Proculus of Verona died of natural causes in 320 AD in Verona, Italy. He was a bishop of Verona, Italy.

Additionally, he made the public confession of his faith during the persecution of Diocletian, for which he was harassed, beaten, and run out of town.

He eventually returned to resume leadership of his flock.

Saint Ethelgiva of Shaftesbury

St Ethelgiva of Shaftesbury, also known as AEthelgifu of Shaftesbury, died in 896 AD.

She was a princess, the daughter of King Alfred the Great, and also a nun.

With her father’s help, she founded and served as the first abbess of Shaftesbury Abbey in Dorset, England.

Saint Cyprian of PĂ©rigueux

St Cyprian of PĂ©rigueux died of natural causes in 586 AD. He was a sixth-century monk at PĂ©rigueux, France.

In late life, he became a hermit on the banks of the River Dordogne. St Gregory of Tours wrote a biography of him.

Saint Balda of Jouarre

St Balda of Jouarre was a late 7th-century abbess in Jouarre Abbey, diocese of Meaux, France.

His relics are in the abbey church at Nesle-la-Reposte, diocese of Troyes, France.

Saint Caesar of Korone

St Caesar of Korone was a bishop in the first century convert. He was a spiritual student of St Paul the Apostle and also one of the 72 disciples sent out to spread the faith at the beginning of the Church.

Saint Wulfric of Holme

Saint Wulfric of Holme, also known as Wolfeius of Holme, died in 1000 AD.

He was a hermit at Saint Benet Hulme in Norfolk, England.

Saint Cephas

St Cephas was a first-century convert. He was a spiritual student of Saint Paul the Apostle and also one of the 72 disciples sent out to spread the faith at the beginning of the Church.

Saint Julian of Apamea

Saint Julian of Apamea was a third-century bishop of Apamea, Syria.

Additionally, he worked against the Montanist and Kata-Phrygian heresies.

Blessed Mercedarian Fathers

Blessed Mercedarian Fathers are the ten Mercedarian friars celebrated for their holiness

  • Arnaldo de Querol
  • Berengario Pic
  • Bernardo de Collotorto
  • Domenico de Ripparia
  • Giovanni de Mora
  • Guglielmo Pagesi
  • Lorenzo da Lorca
  • Pietro Serra
  • Raimondo Binezes
  • Sancio de Vaillo

Martyrs of North Africa

Martyrs of North Africa were the twenty-four Christians murdered together in North Africa for their faith. The only details to survive are four of their names

  • Bassian
  • Peter
  • Primitivus
  • Successus

Martyrs of Samosata

Martyrs of Samosata were seven martyrs crucified in 297 AD in Samosata (an area of modern Turkey) where they died for refusing to perform a pagan rite in celebration of the victory of Emperor Maximian over the Persians.

They are

  • Abibus
  • Hipparchus
  • James
  • Lollian
  • Paragnus
  • Philotheus
  • Romanus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Recaredo de Los RĂ­os Fabregat
  • Blessed MarĂ­a Pilar Nalda Franco
  • Blessed Julián RodrĂ­guez Sánchez
  • Blessed Josep LluĂ­s Carrera Comas
  • Blessed Josefa Laborra Goyeneche
  • Blessed JosĂ© GimĂ©nez LĂłpez
  • Blessed JosĂ© Ferrer Esteve
  • Blessed Isidora Izquierdo GarcĂ­a
  • Blessed EstefanĂ­a Irisarri Irigaray
  • Blessed Dolores Broseta Bonet
  • Blessed Carmen RodrĂ­guez Banazal

Other Saints of the Day for December 9 2024

  • Bernhard Mariea Silvestrelli
  • Michaela Andrusikiewicz

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 9 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 9 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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