This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 18 2025.
Saint Simon Also known as Simeon
Saint Jean-François-Régis Clet
Saint Theotonius of Coimbra
Blessed Jerzy Kaszyra
Saint Tarasius of Constantinople
Blessed Fra Angelico
Saint Angilbert of Centula
Saint Colman of Lindisfarne
Blessed John Pibush
Saint Sadoth of Seleucia
Saint Gertrude Caterina Comensoli
Blessed William Harrington
Saint Jean-Pierre Néel
Saint Helladius of Toledo
Saint Ioannes Zhang Tianshen
Saint Martinus Wu Xuesheng
Saint Ioannes Chen Xianheng
St Ioannes Chen Xianheng was also known as John Chen Xianheng or Ruowang. He was a layman in the apostolic vicariate of Guizhou, China, born around 1820 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. He converted to Christianity and became a catechist.
He was beheaded on February 18 1862 and died as a martyr in Kaiyang, Guizhou, China. He was canonized on October 1 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Saint Constance of Vercelli
St. Constance of Vercelli was a nun and a sister of St. Costanzo, bishop of Piedmont, Italy. Very few details of her life is known.
She died in the early 6th century AD and her relics were re-discovered in the 16th century at the reconstruction of the basilica of Eusebius of Vercelli and interred in the foundations with a plaque naming and praising her.
Blessed Matthew Malaventino
Blessed Matthew Malaventino was a Mercedarian friar assigned to ransom Christians from slavery in Muslim North Africa.
Along the way, he preached Christianity until he was seized and murdered. He died as a martyr after being thrown off a mountain.
Saint Esuperia of Vercelli
St. Esuperia of Vercelli was a nun and a sister of St. Costanzo, bishop of Piedmont, Italy. Very few details of her life are known.
She died in the early 6th century and her relics were re-discovered in the 16th century at the reconstruction of the basilica of Eusebius of Vercelli and interred in the foundations with a plaque naming and praising her.
Saint Leo of Patera
St. Leo of Patera was martyred for protesting a pagan festival being held near the grave of St. Paregorius. He died in 260 AD at Patara, Lycia.
Saint Paregorius of Patara
St. Paregorius of Patara was a martyr. He died in 260 AD at Patara, Lycia.
Saint Ethelina
St. Ethelina was also known as Eudelme. Aside from being the patron for Little Sodbury in England no other information about her is known.
Martyrs in North Africa
The Martyrs in North Africa were born in Africa. They were a group of Christians who were martyred together at an unknown date. They died in North Africa.
Their names are;
- Classicus
- Fructulus
- Lucius
- Maximus
- Rutulus
- Secundinus
- Silvanus
Martyrs of Rome
The Martyrs of Rome were a group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. They died in 295 AD in Rome, Italy.
Their names are;
- Alexander
- Claudius
- Cutias
- Maximus
- Praepedigna

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