This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 11 2024.
👉 Saint Benedict of Nursia, Abbot
Saint Berthevin of Lisieux
Saint Olga of Kiev
Saint Drostan of Dier
Blessed Bertrand of Grand-Selve
Blessed Thomas Hunt
Blessed Valeriu Traian Frentiu
Pope Saint Pius I
Saint Marciana of Caesarea
Blessed Kjeld of Viborg
Blessed Nectaire of Sainte-Anne
Saint Anna An Jiaoshi
Saint Anna An Xingshi
Blessed Marie-Elisabeth Pélissier
Blessed Marie-Marguerite de Barbégie d’Albrède
Blessed Rosalie-Clotilde Bes
Blessed Marie-Clotilde Blanc
Blessed Thomas Sprott
Saint Placid of Dissentis
St Placid of Dissentis was also known as Placido. He was a wealthy landowner in Switzerland in the 7th Century.Â
He was a very good friend of St Sigisbert of Dissentis. St Placid donated his land and the Dissentis Abbey in Switzerland was founded there. He joined there as a monk.
St Placid was killed for defending the ecclesiastical rights of the abbey and he died as a martyr.
In 1905 he was canonized through a cultus confirmation.
Saint Hidulf of Moyenmoutier
St Hidulf of Moyenmoutier was also known as Hidulphus, Hildulph, Hydulphe, Idulfo, Idolfo or Idyll. He was born in Regensburg, Germany and died in 707 AD.
He was a Benedictine monk at the monastery of Maximinus in Trier, Germany.
He founded the monastery of Moyenmourier in Eastern France where, in 676 AD, he retired to live as a monk.
Later on, he served as abbot of the house, and then of the monastery of Bonmoutier.
Saint Leontius the Younger
St Leontius the Younger was also known as Leontius II, Leoncio, or Leonzio. He was born in 510 AD and died in 565 AD.
As a soldier, he fought against the Visigoths. After his retirement from military life, he married and moved to Bordeaux, France.
He, later on, became the Bishop of Bordeaux where he built a number of churches in the region and was known for his charity to the poor.
Saint Marcian of Lycaonia
St Marcian of Lycaonia was also known as Marcian of Iconium or Marciano. He was a young Christian man who publicly proclaimed his faith during persecutions led by Governor Perennio.
This led to his arrest. In 243 AD in Iconium, Lycaonia, Asia Minor, he was tortured by having his tongue cut out to stop him from praying. He died as a martyr.
Saint Abundius of Ananelos
St Abundius of Ananelos was also known as Abundius of Cordoba or Abbondio.
During the Moorish occupation, he was a priest at Ananelos, Spain. He was beheaded and died as a martyr in 854 AD at Cordoba, Spain for preaching against Islam.
He was dragged before the caliph at Cordoba and was ordered to abandon Christianity but he refused.
Saint Cyriacus the Executioner
St Cyriacus the Executioner is the one who executed St Antiochus of Sebaste by order of Governor Hadrian.
After executing St Antiochus of Sebaste, a miracle happened that instead of blood flowing out of his body, it was milk. After this, he converted to Christianity but was later beheaded and died as a martyr.
Saint Sigisbert of Dissentis
St Sigisbert of Dissentis was also known as Sigebert. He was a good friend of Saint Placid of Dissentis. He founded Dissentis Abbey in Switzerland.Â
In 1905 he was canonized through a cultus confirmation.
Saint John of Bergamo
St John was the Bishop of Bergamo, Italy in 657 AD where he served for 24 years.
He eliminated the last of the Arian heresy in his diocese and finally participated in the Council of Rome in 680 AD. He died in 681 AD.
Saint Cindeus
St Cindeus was also known as Cindée. He was a priest in Pamphylia, Asia Minor.
In 300 AD, during the persecutions of Diocletian, he was tortured by being burned at the stake and died as a martyr while praying.
Saint Thurketyl
St Thurketyl was also known as Turketil. He was born in 887 AD. He restored the Croyland Abbey, which had been destroyed by pagan Danes. He was an Abbot of the monastery at Bedford, England. He died in 975 AD.
Blessed Antonio Muller
Blessed Antonio Muller was a Mercedarian friar, a Scripture scholar and a Professor of Eastern languages.
Saint Sabinus of Poitiers
St Sabinus of Poitiers was a spiritual student of Saint Germanus of Auxerre. He died as a martyr in the 5th century near Poitiers, France.
Saint Amabilis of Rouen
St Amabilis of Rouen was born to the English nobility. She became a nun at Saint-Amand in Rouen, France. She died in 634 AD of natural causes.
Saint Januarius
St Januarius was beheaded in 320 AD at Nicopolis, Lesser Armenia, and died as a martyr during the persecutions of Licinius.
Saint Pelagia
St Pelagia was beheaded in 320 AD at Nicopolis, Lesser Armenia, and died as a martyr during the persecutions of Emperor Licinius.
Saint Cowair
St Cowair was also known as Cywair. He is the patron saint of Llangower, Wales
Saint Sabinus of Brescia
Saint Sabinus of Brescia was also known as Savinus or Savino. She died as a martyr.
Saint Sidronius
St Sidronius was martyred in 270 AD in Rome, Italy during the persecutions of Aurelian.
Saint Cyprian of Brescia
St Cyprian of Brescia died as a martyr.
Other Saints of the Day for July 11 2024
- Madonna del Carmine
- Dedication of the Cathedral of Puy
- Martyrs of Rome
- Chetillo
- Cydroine
- Euphemia of Chalcedon
- Failbe of Disert Mic Conlocha
- Nicodemus of Albania
- Tristan de Villelongue

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