Saint of the Day for March 2 2025

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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 2 2025.

👉Saint Chad of Mercia

Saint Angela of the Cross Guerrero

Saint Agnes of Prague

Saint John Maron

Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig

Blessed Charles the Good

Saint Luke Casali

Saint Joavan of Brittany

Saint Quintus the Thaumaturge

Blessed Girolamo Carmelo di Savoia

Saint Cynibild of Laestingaeu

Saint Fergna the White

St Fergna the White was also known as Fergna of Iona, Ferona, or Virgno. He was born in the 6th century AD in an area in modern northern England or southern Scotland.

He was a relative and spiritual student of St Columba and the Abbot at the monastery of Iona. He died in 630 AD of natural causes.

Saint CuĂĄn of Ahascragh

St. Cuån of Ahascragh was also known as Cuån of Áth Eascrach, Cavan, Cuana, Dochua Oiléin, Dochuailéan or Mochua.

He was listed in the early saint lists no further details about him are known. He died in 770 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Felix of Treves

St. Felix of Treves was a bishop of Treves, France in the late 4th century AD. He was a zealous opponent of the Priscillianist heresy.

Late in life, he retired to live as a monk. Most early records of his diocese were destroyed in the 9th century AD, and no other information about him has survived.

Saint Prosperus of Como

St. Prosperus of Como was also known as Prospero. He was a bishop of Como, Italy in the latter 6th century AD.

In 600 AD he died of natural causes and was buried in the Basilica of Sant’Abbondio in Como, Italy. His relics were re-discovered in 1687.

Saint Willeic

St. Willeic was born in England and was also known as Velleicus, Willaik or Willeicus. He was a Benedictine monk and a spiritual student of St. Swithbert.

He was a Prior and then an abbot of the abbey of Kaiserwerth, Germany. In 726 AD he died of natural causes.

Saint Basileus the Martyr

St. Basileus the Martyr was martyred in the persecution of Valerian. He died in 258 AD in Rome, Italy and was buried beside the Latin Way.

Saint Troas

St. Troas was also known as Troade. He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius. St. Gregory the Wonderworker wrote about him. He died at Neo-Caesarea, Pontus (modern Turkiye).

Saint Jovinus the Martyr

St. Jovinus the Martyr was martyred in the persecution of Valerian. He died in 258 AD in Rome, Italy, and was buried beside the Latin Way.

Saint Lorgius of Caesarea

St. Lorgius of Caesarea was also known as Lorgio. He died as a martyr at Caesarea, Cappadocia at an unknown date.

Saint Absolon of Caesarea

St. Absolon of Caesarea was also known as Absala of Caesarea. He was martyred at Caesarea, Cappadocia at an unknown date.

Saint Slebhene

St. Slebhene was born in Ireland and was also known as Slebhine. He was a monk and an abbot of Iona, Scotland from 752 AD to 767 AD when he died.

Saint Gistilian

St. Gistilian was also known as Gistlian. He was a fifth-sixth-century monk at Menevia, Wales. St. David of Wales was his nephew.

Saint Lucius of Caesarea

St. Lucius of Caesarea died as a martyr at Caesarea, Cappadocia at an unknown date.

Martyrs of Campania

The Martyrs of Campania were also known as Martyrs under the Lombards. They were approximately 400 Northern Italian Christians martyred for their faith by pagan Lombards.

Their story was recorded by Pope Saint Gregory the Great, who reports that the people spent their final days supporting each other with prayer. In Campania, Italy 579 AD is where they died.

Martyrs of Porto Romano

The Martyrs of Porto-Romano were a group of Christians martyred in the persecution of Diocletian. They died in 305 AD at Porto Romano at the mouth of the River Tiber, Rome, Italy.

Their names are;

  • Heraclius
  • Januaria
  • Paul
  • Secondilla
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 2 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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