Saint of the Day for March 29 2025

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Today is Saturday, October 5, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is March 29 2025.

👉Saint Ludolf of Ratzeburg

Saint Jonas of Hubaham

Blessed Bertold of Mount Carmel

Saint Armogastes of Africa

Saint Saturus of Africa

Saint Gwynllyw

Saint Barachisius

Saint Gladys

Blessed Agnes of Chatillon

Blessed John Hambley

Saint William Tempier

Saint Mark of Arethusa

St Mark of Arethusa was martyred in 362 AD during the persecution of Julian the Apostate. He was a bishop of Arethusa, Mount Lebanon.

Additionally, he attended the 351 AD synod at Sirmium where he produced a creed that got him falsely labelled an Arian.

He was struck from the Roman Martyrology for years, but research by the Bollandists vindicated him and restored his name to the roles.

Saint Simplicius of Monte Cassino

St Simplicius of Monte Cassino died of natural causes in 570 AD. He was a Benedictine monk, a spiritual student of St Benedict of Nursia and a third abbot of Monte Cassino.

Saint Constantine of Monte Cassino

St Constantine of Monte Cassino died in 560 AD. He was a monk, a spiritual student of St Benedict of Nursia, and also succeeded him as abbot of Monte Cassino in Italy.

Blessed Hugh of Vaucelles

Blessed Hugh of Vaucelles died of natural causes in 1239 AD. He was a dean of the church in Cambrai, France, and also a Cistercian monk at Vaucelles, France.

Saint Acacia of Antioch

St Acacia of Antioch was also known as Acatia, Achatia, Achatio, or Achartio. He was one among a group of 250 Christians martyred together in Antioch.

Saint Masculas of Africa

St Masculas of Africa was beheaded in 464 AD in North Africa. He was a high-born noble in the court of Arian Vandal King Genseric and also a martyr.

Saint Archmimus of Africa

St Archmimus of Africa was martyred in the persecutions of the Vandal king Genseric and died in North Africa.

Saint Eustachio of Naples

St Eustachio of Naples, also known as Eustatius, was a third-century bishop of Naples, Italy.

Saint Lasar

St Lasar was also known as Lassar, Lassera or Lassara. She was a sixth-century nun in Ireland and also a niece of St Forchera.

Saint Firminus of Viviers

St Firminus of Viviers was a sixth-century bishop of Viviers, France.

Other Saints of the Day for March 29 2025

  • Martyrs of Nicomedia
  • Emmanuel de Alburquerque
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 29 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 29 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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