Saint of the Day for March 31 2025

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Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 31 2025.

👉Saint Machabeo of Armagh

Saint Renovatus of Merida

Saint Guy of Pomposa

Blessed Bonaventure Tornielli

Saint Benjamin the Deacon

Saint Agigulf

Blessed Christopher Robinson

Blessed Natalia Tulasiewicz

Blessed Jane of Toulouse

Saint Acacius Agathangelos of Melitene

Saint Balbina of Rome

St Balbina of Rome was also known as Balbina the Virgin. She was the daughter of St Quirinus the Jailer. Pope Saint Alexander I baptised her.

She remained a virgin and a recluse. She was killed together with her father and died as a martyr in 130 AD in Rome, Italy.

She was buried along the Appian Way in Rome near her father. Her relics were moved to the Cathedral of Cologne, Germany. Three ancient memorials to her are found in Rome.

She is the patron saint of scrofulous diseases and struma. In art, she is represented with chains, and fetters, as a young woman holding a chain, and as a young woman kissing the chains of captive Christians.

Saint Daniel of Venice

St Daniel of Venice was born in Germany and was strangled to death by thieves on March 31 1411 AD at San Mattia di Murano, Venice, Italy.

He was a 15th-century Camaldolese monk at Venice, Italy and mostly known for giving away everything he had to care for the poor, and for living in continuous prayer. Furthermore, he has an additional memorial on March 20 (Camaldolese).

Blessed Guy of Vicogne

Blessed Guy of Vicogne, also known as Guido of Vicogne, died of natural causes in 1147 AD. He founded the Premonstratensian abbey of Vicogne in the diocese of Arras, France.

However, he retired there as a Premonstratensian monk, and then served as superior of the community.

Saint Mella of Doire-Melle

St Mella of Doire-Melle was born at Connaught, Ireland, and died of natural causes in 780 AD. She was married and also a mother of St Cannech and St Tigernach.

Later, she became a widow, a nun, and also an abbess of Doire-Melle in County Leitrim, Ireland.

Saint Machabeo of Armagh

St Machabeo of Armagh, also known as Gilda-Marchaibeo, was Irish-born and died of natural causes in 1174 AD.

He was an abbot of the monastery of St Peter and St Paul in Armagh, Ireland for over 30 years.

Saint Renovatus of Merida

St Renovatus of Merida died in 633 AD. He was converted to Orthodox Christianity by Arian heretics.

Additionally, he was a monk and then abbot of the Cauliana monastery in Lusitania (in modern Portugal). Bishop of Merida, Spain for 22 years.

Blessed Mary Mamala

Blessed Mary Mamala was a Spanish born and died of natural causes in 1453 AD. She was a member of the family of the dukes of Medina-Sidonia.

Additionally, she was a wife of Henry de Guzmán and later became a widow. Furthermore, she joined the Poor Clares in Seville, Spain.

Saint Aldo of Hasnon

St Aldo of Hasnon died in the late 8th century. He was a count of Ostrevant, an area of modern northern France. Additionally, he was a monk and then an abbot of the monastery in Hasnon, France.

Saint Abda

St Abda was martyred in Africa.

Martyrs of Africa

Martyrs of Africa was a group of Christians martyred together for their faith. They died as a Roman pro-consular of Africa.

Their names are;

  • Anesius
  • Cornelia
  • Felix
  • Theodulus

Other Saints of the Day for March 31 2025

  • Maurilio of Milan
  • Bartolomeo Blanco
  • Stephen of Mar Saba
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 31 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 31 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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