Saint of the Day for May 30 2024

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Today is Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 30 2024.

Saint Dymphna

Saint Ferdinand III of Castille

Saint Joan of Arc

Blessed Otto Neururer

Blessed Carlo Liviero

Saint Joseph Marello

Blessed Marie-Céline of the Presentation

Blessed Thomas Cottam

Saint Luke Kirby

Saint Walstan of Bawburgh

Blessed Lawrence Richardson

Blessed William Scott

Blessed William Filby

Blessed Elisabeth Stagel

Blessed Richard Newport

Saint Matiya Mulumba – St Matthias Kalemba Mulumba

Saint Basil the Elder

Saint Exuperantius of Ravenna

Saint Isaac of Constantinople

Also known as

Saint Emmelia

Saint Gavino of Sardinia

St Gavino of Sardinia, also known as Gabinus or Gavinus, died in 130 AD at Porto Torres, Sardinia, Italy.

He was a missionary in Sardinia, Italy, and was martyred in the persecution of Hadrian. He also has an additional memorial on 25th October in Sardinia.

Saint Madelgisilus

St Madelgisilus, also known as Maguil, Mauguille, was born in Ireland and died in 655 AD. He was a spiritual student of St Fursey and also a monk at St Riquier Abbey in France. He later retired to live as a hermit with St Pulgan near Monstrelet, France.

Saint Restitutus of Cagliari

St Restitutus of Cagliari was an early bishop of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. He died as a martyr in the early 2nd century in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. His relics are enshrined in the crypt under the cathedral of Cagliari.

Saint Venantius of Lérins

St. Venantius of Lérins died in the year 400 AD. He was the elder sibling of St. Honoratus of Arles. Furthermore, he led a hermitic life on an island close to Cannes, France, and sought profound knowledge and understanding of monasticism through his experiences in Greece, Egypt, and Palestine.

Saint Anastasius II of Pavia

St Anastasius II of Pavia died in 680 AD. He was a follower of the Arian heresy. He converted to Orthodox Christianity and eventually became bishop of Pavia, Italy in 668 AD where he served for 12 years.

Saint Reinhildis of Riesenbeck

St Reinhildis of Riesenbeck died as a martyr on an unknown date but a gravestone in Riesenbeck, Germany dates from the early 12th century. Some of his relics are in Riesenbeck.

Saint Crispulus of Sardinia

St Crispulus of Sardinia died in 130 AD at Porto Torres, Sardinia, Italy. He was a missionary in Sardinia, Italy and was martyred in the persecution of Hadrian.

Saint Gamo of Brittany

St Gamo of Brittany was an eighth-century Benedictine monk and also an abbot near Noyon, France. He worked for the expansion of the monastic movement and was a noted patron of the arts.

Saint Euplius

St Euplius died as a martyr by being rolled in a cowhide and laid out in the sun to be crushed as it shrank.

Martyrs of Aquileia

Martyrs of Aquileia were three Christians martyred together and died in Aquileia, Italy.

Their name are;

  • Cantianus
  • Euthymius
  • Eutychius

Other Saints of the Day for May 30 2024

  • Marta Maria Wiecka
  • Sycus
  • Palatinus
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 30 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 30 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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