Saint of the Day for February 28 2025

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Today is Saturday, March 15, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 28 2025.

Saint Auguste Chapdelaine

Blessed Villana de’Botti

Blessed Daniel Brottier

Blessed Stanislaw Antoni Trojanowski

Pope Saint Hilary

Blessed Carlo Gnocchi

Saint Romanus of Condat

Saint Oswald of Worcester

Blessed Antonia of Florence

Blessed Bosone of Chiaravalle

Saint Caerealis

St Caerealis was also known as Cerulus, Celerius. He was an Egyptian-born Imperial Roman soldier married to St Sallustia.

He converted to Christianity and was instructed in the faith by Pope Saint Cornelius. He was killed in 251 AD in Rome, Italy and died as a martyr during the persecutions of Decius.

Saint Marana of Beroea

Saint Marana of Beroea was a pious woman who lived a life of extreme asceticism walled up in a small house just outside of Beroea, Syria. She died in 455 AD in Beroea, Syria of natural causes.

Saint Ruellinus of Treguier

Saint Ruellinus of Treguier also known as Ruellin of Treguier was a bishop of Tréguier, Brittany, France. He died in the 6th century AD of natural causes.

Saint Caerealis of Alexandria

Saint Caerealis of Alexandria also known as Cerulus was born Egyptian and died as a martyr in Alexandria, Egypt at an unknown date.

Saint Sillan of Bangor

Saint Sillan of Bangor also known as Sillian or Silvanus was a spiritual student of Saint Comgall of Bangor. He became abbot of Bangor Abbey and died in 610 AD.

Saint Gaius of Alexandria

Saint Gaius of Alexandria also known as Caius born Egyptian died in Alexandria, Egypt as a martyr at an unknown date.

Saint Serapion of Alexandria

Saint Serapion of Alexandria born Egyptian was martyred in Alexandria, Egypt, unknown date.

Saint Cyra of Beroea

Saint Cyra of Beroea was a pious woman who lived a life of extreme asceticism walled up in a small house just outside of Beroea, Syria. She died in 455 AD.

Saint Pupulus of Alexandria

Saint Pupulus of Alexandria born Egyptian was martyred in Alexandria, Egypt, at an unknown date.

Saint Theophilus the Potter

Saint Theophilus the Potter was a potter. He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD.

Saint Llibio

Saint Llibio was also known as Libio. No information has survived but he died in the 6th century. He was the patron of Llanlibio, Wales.

Saint Macarius the Potter

Saint Macarius the Potter was a potter. He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD.

Saint Rufinus the Potter

Saint Rufinus the Potter was a potter. He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD.

Saint Justus the Potter

Saint Justus the Potter was a potter. He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 250 AD.

Saint Maidoc

Saint Maidoc also known as Madoc was a sixth-century bishop. Llanmadog, Wales is named in his honour.

Saint Abercius

Saint Abercius was stabbed with a sword and died a martyr.

Saint Ermine

Saint Ermine also known as Ermina or Febaria was a sixth-century nun. She was honoured in Ireland.

Anonymous Martyrs of Alexandria

Anonymous Martyrs of Alexandria is a number of clerics and laymen who died as martyrs of charity for ministering to the sick during a plague that ravaged Alexandria, Egypt in 261 AD.

Martyrs of Unzen

Anonymous Martyrs of Alexandria is a group of 16 lay people martyred together in one of the periodic anti-Christian persecutions in imperial Japan.

Their names are Alexius Sugi Shohachi, Amianus Ichiyata, Dionisius Saeki Zenka, Gaspar Kizaemon, Gaspar Nagai Sohan, Ioannes Araki Kanshichi, Ioannes Heisaku, Ioannes Kisaki Kyuhachi, Leo Nakajima Sokan ,Ludovicus Saeki Kizo, Ludovicus Shinzaburo, Maria Mine, Paulus Nakajima, Paulus Uchibori Sakuemon ,Thomas Kondo Hyoemon and Thomas Uzumi Shingoro.

They died on February 28 1627 in Unzen, Japan and were beatified on November 24 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI.

Martyrs of Antwerp

Martyrs of Antwerp was a group of 14 Christians who were martyred together.

Their names are Alexander, Anicetus, Cyriacus, Eulalia, Faustus, Genesius, Hirena, Macarius, Mauritius, Modestus, Placidus, Rochus, Symforian and Victorinus.

They died in Rome, Italy, at an unknown date and their relics were transferred and enshrined in Antwerp, Belgium.

Martyrs of Corinth

Martyrs of Corinth is a group of Christians martyred together in Corinth, Greece.

Their names are Victorinus, Victor, Veneria, Tella, Stercola, Silvana, Servilia, Serapion, Rufunia, Quinquianus ,Papias, Nicophorus, Mansuetus, Maninlia, Maccaris, Januarius, Januaria, Hermes, Felix, Enuclus, Donatus, Diodorus, Claudius, Caius, Betha and Basilia.

Other Saints of the Day for February 28 2025

  • Abba the Great of Selevkia-Ktesiphon
  • Elisabeth of Pomerania
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 28 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 28 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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