This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 13 2024.
Saint Giustina of Arzano
Blessed Carlos Manuel Cecilio Rodriguez Santiago
Blessed Mariano de Jesus Eues Hoyos
Blessed Ferdinando Maria Baccilieri
Blessed James of Voragine
Saint Mildred of Thanet
Esdras the Prophet
Saint Clelia Barbieri
Blessed Berthold of Scheide
Blessed Thomas Tunstal
Saint Eugene of Carthage
Saint Paulus Liu Jinde
Saint Iosephus Wang Kuiju
Blessed Thérèse-Henriette Faurie
Blessed Élisabeth Verchière
Blessed Marie-Anastasie de Roquard
Blessed Anne-Andrée Minutte
lessed Marie-Anne Lambert
Blessed Marie-Anne Depeyre
Blessed Barthélemy Jarrige de La Morelie de Biars
Blessed Louis-Armand-Joseph Adam
Saint Emanuele Lê Van Phung
Saint Serapion of Alexandria
St Serapion of Alexandria was also known as Serapione. He was burned alive in 248 AD in Alexandria, Egypt, and died as a martyr in the persecutions of emperor Septimius Severus and governor Aquila.
Saint Myrope
St Myrope was born in Chios, Greece. She was noted for her many pilgrimages to the graves of martyrs.
She hid the relics of Saint Isidore from persecutors, and for this reason, she was imprisoned and scourged. Afterwards, she died in 251 AD in prison from the effects of that torture.
Saint Arno of Wurzburg
St Arno was born in the 9th century and was the Bishop of Würzburg, Germany in 855 AD. He helped organize Crusaders from Normandy, Moravi, and Bohemia.
On July 13 892 AD at Chemnitz, Saxony in modern-day Germany, while celebrating Mass, he was Killed by pagan Slavs and died a martyr.
Saint Turiaf of Dol
St Turiaf of Dol was also known as Thivisiau, Tuien, Turiav, Turiave, Turiavus, Turien, Turiano and Turiavo.
He was born in Brittany, France in the 8th-century French nobility. He became a monk and then later an Abbot. He was ordained by Saint Sampson and became a priest. Later on, he became the Bishop of Dol, Brittany, France.
He died in 750 AD of natural causes.
Blessed Jean of France
Blessed Jean of France was a Mercedarian friar. He travelled through Algiers and North Africa from 1398 to 1401 where he freed 128 Christians who had been enslaved by Muslims. As a result of this, he was repeatedly abused and tortured.
He died in 1401 AD of natural causes.
Saint Serapion of Macedonia
St Serapion of Macedonia was a zealous evangelist who preached to many and converted them to Christianity.
In 195 AD, he was burned alive probably in Macedonia, and died as a martyr during the persecutions of Septimus Severus.
Saint Salutaris of Carthage
St Salutaris was exiled from Carthage, North Africa to the desert of Tripoli by Arian Vandals and died as a martyr in 505 AD.
Saint Muritta of Carthage
Saint Muritta was exiled from Carthage, North Africa to the desert of Tripoli by Arian Vandals and died as a martyr in 505 AD.
Saint Dogfan
St Dogfan was also known as Doewan. He was the son of the chieftain Saint Brychan of Brycheiniog. In the 5th century in Dyfed, Wales he died as a martyr.
Saint Sarra of Egypt
St Sarra of Egypt was a desert hermitess in Egypt in the 5th century. She was known for her discipline, piety, and extremely ascetic life.
Martyrs of Cyprus
The Martyrs of Cyprus were a group of 300 Christians who retired to Cyprus to live as cave hermits, devoting themselves to prayer and an ascetic life devoted to God.
In the 12th century, they were tortured, beheaded, and died as martyrs for their faith. Their bodies were dumped in the various caves in which they had lived and only discovered later on.
Five of their names are
- Ammon
- Choulélaios
- Epaphroditus
- Eusthénios
- Héliophotos
Martyrs of Philomelio
Martyrs of Philomelio are a group of 31 soldiers who were killed in Philomelio, Phrygia in modern-day Turkey. They died as martyrs for their faith during the persecutions of Prefect Magno.
Other Saints of the Day for July 13 2024
- Our Lady of Grace of Valsorda
- Our Lady of Soccorso
- Martyrs of Alexandria
- Britta of Balagny
- Cruimther Fionntain of Cill-Airthir
- Ernin of Inis-Caoin
- Ernst of Neresheim
- Fintan of Killerr
- Francesco da Casale
- Golindouch
- Maura of Balagny
- Silas
- Siree of Kurdistan
- Stephen the Hymnographer

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