Saint of the Day for May 2 2024

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Today is Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 2 2024.

👉 Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Saint Antoninus of Florence

Saint José María Rubio y Peralta

Blessed Alessandra Sabattini

Saint Wiborada of St Gall

Saint Alpin de Chalons

Blessed Boleslas Strzelecki

Saint Fiorenzo of Algeria

Blessed William Tirry

Saint Zoe of Pamphylia

Saint Exuperius of Pamphylia

Saint Theodulus of Pamphylia

Saint Cyriacus of Pamphylia

Saint Joseph Luu

Saint Gennys of Cornwall

Blessed Conrad of Seldenburen

Saint Vindemialis of Africa

Saint Ultan of Péronne

Saint Waldebert of Luxeuil

Saint Waldebert of Luxeuil, also called Gaubert, Valbert, Valdeberto, Vaubert, Walbert, or Waldebertus, was a monk and an Abbot of Luxeuil Abbey in 628 AD.

Along with Saint Salaberga, he founded the Convent of Saint John the Baptist in Laon, France. He died in 668 AD.

Saint Germanus of Normandy

Saint Germanus of Normandy, also called Germaine of Normandy or Germanus the Scot, was introduced to Christianity by Saint Germanus of Auxerre, and as a tribute to him, he adopted the name Germanus.

He was ordained a bishop and eventually met a martyr’s death in the year 460 AD in Normandy, France.

Saint Gluvias

Saint Gluvias, also called Clivis or Glywys, was the sibling of Saint Cadoc of Llancarfan, and he may have been a nephew of Saint Petroc.

Gluvias was a monk who was dispatched to Cornwall by his brother Cadoc, where he established a monastery and a parish that is currently recognized as Saint Glywys.

It is uncertain where Gluvias died, but there are suggestions that he may have been martyred.

Saint Eugenius of Africa

Saint Eugenius of Africa, who was also referred to as Eugenia, was a bishop in North Africa and strongly supported orthodox Christianity while opposing Arianism.

He was martyred in the year 485 AD as he was persecuted on the order of Arian Vandal King Hunneric.

Saint Guisitano of Sardinia

Little is known about the life of Saint Guisitano of Sardinia, except that he died as a martyr.

He was beheaded on Sardinia and buried in the Church of San Sperate. His remains were later transferred to the cathedral in Cagliari, Sardinia in 1616 AD.

Saint Longinus of Africa

Saint Longinus of Africa, who served as bishop of Tlemcen in Mauritania, was devoted to the principles of orthodox Christianity and rejected Arianism.

He was subjected to torture and then martyred on the orders of the Arian Vandal King Hunneric in 485 AD.

Saint Neachtain of Cill-Uinche

Saint Neachtain of Cill-Uinche, also referred to as Neachtain of Frnnor or Nectan of Cill-Uinche, was a kinsman of Saint Patrick and was present at his death. His demise is assumed to have occurred in the 5th century.

Saint Bertinus the Younger

Saint Bertinus of Younger lived as a Benedictine monk at the abbey of Sithiu, France. He was a spiritual apprentice to Saint Bertin the Great and believed to have died in the year 699 AD of natural causes.

Blessed Juan de Verdegallo

Blessed Juan de Verdegallo was a Mercedarian who was said to have freed 99 christians form captivity and slavery in Muslim Numidia.

It is believed that he died in the 15th century due to natural causes.

Blessed Bernard of Seville

Blessed Bernard of Seville was a commander of the Mercedarian Convent of Saint Eulalia in Seville, Spain and it is said that he died in the year 1440 AD.

Saint Felix of Seville

Saint Felix of Seville was believed to be living as a deacon and martyred in Seville, Spain.

Martyrs of Alexandria

The group of Christians known as the Martyrs of Alexandria, including Celestine, Germanus, Neopolus, and Saturninus, were killed together in Alexandria, Egypt, in the year 304 AD, during the Diocletian persecutions.

Other Saints of the Day for May 2 2024

  • Nicholas Hermansson
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 2 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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